1 1 View from DOE LB DUSEL Meeting February 27, 2008 UC, Davis Jerry Blazey NIU/DOE
2 A Bit of Recent History Since P5 report there has been a number of DUSEL Joint Oversight Group (JOG) meetings Comprised of representatives from NSF/Physics, DOE SC HEP and DOE SC NP Established to keep the agency offices informed on status of DUSEL coordinate planning of possible experiments at DUSEL At December meeting: NSF outlined the status of their planning for DUSEL DOE HEP and NP outlined their plans for possible experiments. HEP discussed plans for pursuing a Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiment (LBNE) which would be a Major Item of Equipment (MIE). OHEP has been invited to participate as observers at NSF reviews: January DUSEL Project Review at LBNL (much appreciated!) S4 reviews and panels
3 HEPAP DUSEL Statement The two agencies are supporting each other to achieve shared scientific goals. DOE and NSF will work together closely to coordinate efforts, avoid duplication, and optimize investments. Model under consideration: NSF will lead the design, construction and operation of DUSEL, with support from DOE for individual experiments therein. DOE will lead the design, construction and operation of the LBNE beam and detector, with support from NSF for elements of both. It is understood that both efforts are subject to approval by their respective agencies, the administration (OMB/OSTP), and Congress.
HEPAP LBNE Statement Each agency will follow its own procedures and project management policies in exercising its roles. The DOE procedure for LBNE is: OHEP is seeking Department approval of Mission Need (CD-0) for the LBNE project. OHEP has identified FNAL, working with BNL, to take responsibility for performing the work needed for approval of CD-1 (Exploration of Alternatives). This includes conceptual design, alternatives analysis, etc. One of the alternatives that will be examined will be with Homestake as the site, where the NSF will take responsibility for the cavity, as part of the DUSEL scope, and DOE will take responsibility of the instrumentation and data handling, with NSF contributions. With the approval of CD-0, DOE R&D funds will be made available to support this work, which is expected to involve participants from laboratories and universities. 4
LBNE: Next Steps Fermilab and Brookhaven have been asked to develop a plan for preparation of CD-1 documentation. (Not just bureaucratic overhead, necessary for OHEP planning.) CD-1 Plan due mid-March CD-1 Plan to include: Management structure Resources required, both personnel and M&S Method to ensure stakeholder coordination Important to avoid duplication and inefficiency and so essential to ensure coordination between the DUSEL Project and SDSTA, Large Collaboration/S4 awardees, and DOE Labs. 5 Bottom Line: Moving towards a project.