The Earth’s Crust Earthquakes Sunday, October 14, 2018Sunday, October 14, 2018
An earthquake starts when two plates slide or slip past each other along a fault line. *Fault line – the boundary line between two tectonic plates
Seismologists use special machines called seismographs to record earthquakes. Seismologist – a scientist who studies earthquakes
Seismograph – a machine used to measure the strength of earthquakes
Earthquake Generator
The seismograph (seismometer) must be attached to solid bedrock in order to feel the vibration from a quake.
Seismogram – the piece of paper in the seismograph that records the earthquakes
Seismologists use the Richter Scale to describe the magnitude (the strength) of an earthquake by measuring the seismic waves (earthquake waves) or aftershocks (smaller earthquakes that happen after the first)
Which building was built to better safety codes, A or B?
This railway line used to be straight. Unfortunately, it was built along a fault line and was twisted during a quake.
This fence used to be in a straight line as well. During the earthquake, one plate went one way… …and one plate went the other, ripping this fence in two.
Building to defeat earthquakes Which of these two models is designed to survive an earthquake, A or B? What is the difference between the two? Look carefully
Building to defeat earthquakes Which of these two models is designed to survive an earthquake, A or B? What is the difference between the two?