Friends of Earth Founded in 1969
Aims Friends of the Earth U.S.A stated aim is to “defend the environment and champion a healthy and just world,” It lists its three guiding principles as sustainability, connectivity and systemic change Friends of the Earth U.S. campaigns on issues including climate change, pollution, nuclear technology, genetic engineering, deforestation, pesticides, food and agriculture and economic policy. It is a founding member of Friends of the Earth International, the world's largest grassroots environmental network.
tactics Supporting community efforts to protect our oceans from fossil fuel projects, including export terminals and coal plants. Pushing public institutions – both bilateral and multilateral – to improve the lives, livelihoods, and environments of people throughout the world. Rallies and protests Education of the public on the importance of environmental issues
Success’s Keystone XL pipeline - consistently protested the construction of the Pipeline. This campaign, along with the efforts of other protestors and environmental organizations, helped to pressure the Obama administration to order a new review of the potential environmental impacts of the pipeline in 2012, and Obama’s consequent veto of its construction 2013 they successfully campaigned to permanently shut down the San Onofre nuclear power plant in southern California Friends of the Earth also successfully advocated for a ban on the dumping of sewage and other wastewater from cruise ships and large ocean-going vessels in the five west coast National Marine Sanctuaries
Failures The election of Trump highlights the failure of environmental pressure groups to highlight the importance of climate change have set long term, difficult to achieve goals and thus as they haven’t been met they could be described failures e.g. nurturing the earths ecology and transforming into a sustainable society
Influence on US politics Supported Bernie Sanders presidential campaign after previously supporting a bill drafted by Senator Sanders and Representative Keith Ellison which aimed to cut federal subsidies for the oil industry Can be argued that under Donald Trumps presidency Friends of the earth have become less influential as Trump denies climate change. Therefore unlike Obama, Trump does not have similar goals or want to negotiate with environmental pressure groups As an international organisation with over 1million members and 5000 local groups across all 50 states and 2 million members world wide friends of the earth have a significant impact = mass membership