AIChE Meeting #5
Nerd Bingo!!!!!!!!!!!! Pick up a bingo card! Compete for prizes
Science Demos Next Tuesday, October 24th 6 pm JH 193 (aka Gulino’s lab)
Discovery Festival (Science Demos) In Albuquerque November 3rd and 4th (a Friday and Saturday) CHME/Science demonstrations for students This event benefits Big Brothers Big Sisters Dr. Rockstraw will provide an excusal letter for Friday There will be a quick meeting after this meeting for the Discovery Festival, so stick around if you’ve signed up or would like to go!
Keep State Great This Saturday, October 21st 8:00 am Preciado Park (next to O’Donnell Hall)
Kettle Corn Next Week, WOoooOoo Wednesday, October 25th 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Engineering Clocktower
More Nerd Bingo!!!!!!!
Poker/Card Game Social (WITH KARAOKE!!) Friday, November 3rd JH 259 Time TBD
BMED Tour October 26th 3:00 pm
Aggie Alumni Show-and-Tell Present your research! Friday, October 27th EC Courtyard 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Contact Andrea, E-Council President, for more information Need to know by October 20th, yallll
Regular Meeting Schedule will Resume Next meeting will be November 7th at 4:45 pm
Thanks for coming!