How to catch those annoying errors Proofreading Tips How to catch those annoying errors
SpellCheck! Watch for the read squiggly line.
Spellcheck! When selecting the replacement word, make sure you know what the correct word is! However, we should defiantly increase our recycling.
Spellcheck! You can’t rely on spellcheck for everything. Cant Wont Defiantly Wrong word form Homonyms (sometimes caught by word choice check – blue squiggly line)
Turn off grammar check You cannot rely on the green squiggly line.
Read your paper out loud Your ear will catch what your eye does not. Read slowly Read backwards (last sentence first, and so on) Have someone else read aloud while you follow along.
Give it time Set your finished draft aside for 24 hours, then read it through.
Catching Fragments “I realize” test. I need to go to the store. I realize I need to go to the store. So I can get some groceries. I realize so I can get some groceries.
Get a beta reader When all else fails, have someone else proofread your paper.