Welcome to our Nuclear Physics Computing System Software Hardware Servers login and interactive server file transfer server file server online station Batch system Storage 2018/10/14 RCNP, Osaka Univ.
Information is here http://www.rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp/Divisions/CN/cn2015/ English version is available partly. main manual is at wiki (Japanese only) 2018/10/14 RCNP, Osaka Univ.
Software Compilers Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015 Cluster Edition(ifort/icc) GCC (3.4.6, 4.1.2, 4.4.7, 4.9.3) before use, run setup script for each version. Libraries LAPACK, BLAS ROOT CERNLIB others MPI Intel MPI Applications emacs LaTeX 2018/10/14 RCNP, Osaka Univ.
Hardware login server login-1, login-2 access to these servers in order to login miho from outside RCNP interactive server miho-1, miho-2 interactive use except heavy computing and file transfer ftp server ftp-1, ftp-2 file transfer especially for heavy use file server fs-1, fs-2 mainly for CIFS (SMB) server online station aino-1, aino-2 for experiment at the cyclotron (DAQ) batch system 2018/10/14 RCNP, Osaka Univ.
Interactive server (1) interactive use only miho-1, miho-2 interactive login from outside RCNP slogin USERNAME@login-1.rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp slogin USERNAME@login-2.rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp select miho-1 or miho-2 by MENU screen interactive login from inside RCNP slogin USERNAME@miho-1.rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp slogin USERNAME@miho-2.rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp interactive use only DON’T USE long or heavy computing or file transfer emacs may be runaway. please watch. 2018/10/14 RCNP, Osaka Univ.
Interactive server (2) Shell login shell can be selected from tcsh and bash using “user management system”. other shell can be invoked by hand. zsh, mksh, sh, csh, ksh, dash sx2name command get username of miho from username of the super computer. 2018/10/14 RCNP, Osaka Univ.
file transfer server ftp-1, ftp-2 To avoid troubles concerning file transfer, file transfer severs are provided. DON’T transfer files on miho for large files or long time. File transfer scp USERNAME@ftp-1.rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp:FILENAME1 FILENAME2 scp USERNAME@ftp-2.rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp:FILENAME1 FILENAME2 bbftp can be used (client and server) the user computer needs to install bbftp software (free) parallel file transfer supported and fast ( >600Mbps) Please consult us for beginner GridFTP is now prepareing. 2018/10/14 RCNP, Osaka Univ.
File server fs-1, fs-2 have 2 x 10Gbps interfaces to fast access to clients and storage. We achieved total performance of >8Gbps when we copy data from old system to current system using NFS. NFS server for limited use. CIFS (SMB) server to access all files on miho can be accessed from Windows, MAC and linux even if you don’t use miho, it’s convenient to share files between PCs backup data on PCs. can be written by document scanner (Xerox Multifunction Device) 2018/10/14 RCNP, Osaka Univ.
online station aino-1, aino-2 for experiment at the cyclotron (DAQ) current experiment group has a priority. have 10Gbps interface to fast access to clients and storage. We achieved single performance of >1Gbps by scp. have 8TB of local storage for emergency use 2018/10/14 RCNP, Osaka Univ.
batch system (1) hardware total 46 nodes, 1096 cores, 3136GB memory normal nodes E5-2697v2 2.7GHz 12 cores x 2 CPU / node 24 cores x 44 nodes 64GB memory / node (2.6GB/core) large memory nodes E5-2680v2 2.8GHz 10 cores x 2 CPU / node 20 cores x 2 nodes 160GB memory / node (20GB/core) 2018/10/14 RCNP, Osaka Univ.
batch system (2) job scheduler qsub, qdel, qstat,,, default memory size is 1GB, which is intended to small value. default cpu (core) is 1. can use batch nodes interactively. ( qsub –I ) can send mail when start, end and abort. parallel job can be executed using MPI. scheduling by I/O requirement qsub –l highio=1 The jobs which declare “highio” should be assigned only 1 job per node. 2018/10/14 RCNP, Osaka Univ.
storage (1) total capacity is 5PB physically. High performance total 160 Gbps ( 20GB/s ) GPFS High reliability RAID 6 + hot spare All components are redundant. High function snapshot /home 1 snapshot / day other preparing ( How do you need ?? ) backup is now preparing /home 1 backup / 7 days others ?? ( How do you need ?? ) 2018/10/14 RCNP, Osaka Univ.
storage (2) current usage All file systems looks the same. df –a -a is required to show all file systems. quota /home 150GB / user other quota is effective but not set limits. you can see used space easily. current usage ~1300TB/5000TB 2018/10/14 RCNP, Osaka Univ.
storage (3) each file systems home directory /home/USERNAME quota 150GB / user temporary area /tmp don’t use intendedly. not shared /tmp-common 10TB, shared by all machine. /tmp-cifs 2TB. temporary area for cifs user. mail/web /Maildir/USERNAME /HTMLpub/USERNAME operation area /miho common library, etc /cn work area for CN group /archive archived files /compaq old files in compaq era 2018/10/14 RCNP, Osaka Univ.
storage (4) each file systems data area /np1a experiment of the cyclotron (except cagra) /np1a/cagra cagra experiment /np1b LEPS /np1c other /np2 theory group /acc accelerator group /bnpc BNPC 2018/10/14 RCNP, Osaka Univ.
storage (5) each file systems super computer 500TB storage us used for JLDG project miho mounts the disk of the super computer The same directory structure as the super computer /sc/rcnp/home /sc/rcnp/short (/ext/rcnp/short) /sc/rcnp/work (/ext/rcnp/work) /sc/rcnp/work2 (/ext/rcnp/work2) not allocated for new user /sc/rcnp/work3 (/ext/rcnp/work3) not allocated for new user 2018/10/14 RCNP, Osaka Univ.