Worcester Cathedral Guild of Bellringers Welcomes you to Worcester Teaching Centre Welcome to WCGoB and the Teaching centre. Bell ringing is fun and for all ages being enjoyable and satisfying. Its an easy way to make friends, in a safe environment and will give you skills that will help you in the future. This is a traditional activity going back centuries, which also uses today’s technology to help us teach and you to learn. Bell ringing is a sociable activity with towers to visit, different bells to ring and enjoyment to have. This teaching facility is here for you to learn and enjoy. In return for your teaching session, we would ask for a £5 per session donation to the Teaching Centre upkeep (Gift aid envelopes are available). All of your donation will go directly to the Teaching Centre. Thank you from the WCGoB Web: www.worcesterbells.org.uk Contact Details: Ringing Master: Mark Regan – 07971 573688 Email: ringingmaster@worcesterbells.org.uk Secretary: Jim Clatworthy – 07891 247598 Email: secretary@worcesterbells.org.uk Safeguarding Contact: Val Floy - 01905 732907 Email: ValFloy@worcestercathedral.org.uk http://www.cofe-worcester.org.uk/diocesan-compendium/safeguarding/
Worcester Cathedral Guild of Bellringers Worcester Teaching Centre Health & Safety Information Once you are able to ring proficiently you are able to then go on and ring for Sunday Service, and other services, and with sufficient attendance eventually become a member of The Guild. The following information is also provided with this pack: Information leaflet regarding Worcester Bells Your tuition booklet Your “Yellow” booklet giving a guide to ringing and its terms and methods Information regarding Health and Safety Ringing times and towers Health and safety is taken very seriously in the tower. Please follow all guidelines provided by instructors or members of The Guild. Full health and safety guidelines are provided on the website, and in hard copy in The Teaching Centre and in the Ringing Room.
Ringing Towers and Times Worcester Cathedral Guild of Bellringers Worcester Teaching Centre Ringing Towers and Times Worcester Cathedral: Sunday Service ringing – 0930-1030 Practice Night: Monday 1830-1930 – New ringers and learners Monday 1930-2115 – Practice ringing – all ringers Old St Martins: Saturday Practice: Plain Hunt Practice – 0930-1015 General Practice – 1015-1100 Useful Links: The Central Council Of Church Bellringers – www.cccbr.org.uk Bell Ringing – www.bellringing.org Ringing World – www.ringingworld.co.uk Facebook pages: Worcester Cathedral Guild of Bellringers Bell ringing Useful Apps: Dove’s Guide – Lists all the Towers iAgrams – Gives details of methods Enclosed: Worcester bells Leaflet First Training Log Yellow Book