MLO: Why was Religion an issue in Elizabethan England? GOOD GREAT FAB
Religion up until 1532 Catholicism dominated religion in England until Henry VIII created the Church of England in 1532 Now, the Pope was no longer the Head of the Church and instead Protestant ideas, which had originated in Germany, began to influence England. Europe was divided, and so was England, between Catholics and Protestants who both believed there belief was the only way to truly be a Christian
The Bible and church services should be in Latin. Confession of sins and taking part in Mass was vital for keeping your soul from Hell or purgatory. This could cost money. Priests wore highly decorated robes and the churches were decorated lavishly to honour God Key Catholic Beliefs The Pope was the Head of the Church – underneath him were Cardinals and Bishops and then Priests The Bible and church services should be in Latin. CHALLENGE – Why might each of these beliefs cause anger or issues in society?
The Reformation From 1517, protesters (nicknamed Protestants) began to object to Catholics teachings. This was because they were viewed as corrupt, giving too much power to Priests and not following the Bible (which didn’t mention the majority of the special ceremonies). Protestants soon had taken over most of Germany and, by Henry VIII, began to filter into England Examine the table on p.19 Which system of belief do you most agree with? Why? Why might this split cause so much tension and problems?
Elizabeth's Issue Elizabeth, a Protestant, came to the throne following her sister Mary I’s death, who was a staunch Catholic Many Catholics believe that Henry’s divorce of Catherine of Aragon was illegal and therefore Elizabeth, was illegitimate! The country is now in a state of religious turmoil – Catholic or Protestant? What should Elizabeth do?
Religious Divisions North vs. South Puritans The Clergy Which area is the most threatening for Elizabeth? What could cause a Civil War? Add information from p.20 to each these key areas of division Challenge - What should be the response of Elizabeth?
MLO: How did Elizabeth deal with the problem of religion? GOOD GREAT FAB
The Religious Settlement Elizabeth was desperate to find a compromise to solve the divisions. She was always going to establish a form of Protestantism, but one that the Catholics would except i.e. not the Puritan religion. Elizabeth therefore created the religious settlement in an attempt to solve these issues.
The Religious Settlement Impact on the Church and Clergy Acts Key Features Impact on the Church and Clergy Impact on the People Act of Supremacy - Made Elizabeth supreme governor of Church of England. Act of Uniformity – Ensured the appearance and services were Protestant. Royal Injunction – set on instructions to the clergy on a wide range of issues Why was the Act effective? What did Elizabeth manage to do? Give examples Try and predict the impact on the clergy and the people with each act Using pages 21-22 fill in the key features of each act
Reaction and Impact Not Popular Popular Task – Examine the impact/reaction of the religious settlement. Using two different coloured pens, jot down the reactions of both: Catholics Protestants Challenge – Read the interpretation by Turvey and Heard on p.22. Do you agree? Expand on some of there key points with own knowledge from your mind maps
4 Marker! Describe 2 key features of the religious settlement One key feature of Elizabeth’s religious settlement was… This introduced…..and had an impact on… One mark for each valid feature identified up to a maximum of two features. Second mark should be awarded for supporting information.
The role of the Church of England Community Guidance 5 Key Powers Church Courts (Moral issues such as marriage/slander) and also wills and inheritance. Controlled Preaching Community Guidance Enforced Religious Settlement Legitimised the Monarch Church Courts Judge the significance of each power on the significance see-saw. See if you can create 4 comparisons with some explanation