Georgia Transmission Corporation
The Transmission Connection GenerationDistributionTransmission
GTC Project Location Map Dresden-Heard
NIMBY (not in my backyard) BANANA (build absolutely nothing anywhere near anyone) NIMTO (not in MY term of office!) Transmission Line Siting Most power line and substation construction projects are completed without controversy.
Communicating GTCs Key Messages In Person Media Direct Mail Awareness - Comprehension - Opinion - Support Community Internal Stakeholders
Audiences and Messages Messages Underground Construction Eminent domain Working with communities Economic Development Audiences Government officials Civic & Community Leaders Media Business Community
Reliability GTC Ads
Underground GTC Ads
Eminent Domain GTC Ads
Reliability GTC Ads
Economic Development GTC Ads
Working with Communities GTC Ads
Reliability GTC Ads
Cooperation/Eminent Domain GTC Ads
Underground GTC Ads
Reliability GTC Ads
Routing Lines GTC Ads
GTC Direct Mail Create slide showing Direct mail Letter and Insert
ACCG Corporate Partner of 2013