Welcome! Florence County Library Fall Workshops Fall 2018 Year Using the “Welcome Back to School” Presentation template
Agenda/Topics to Be Covered Mission Statement/Goals Who’s Who Classroom Policies Workshops Tech Talks Summary
Mission Statement/Goals Assist members of the community to improve their computer skills to look for employment. Improve an individual’s computer skills for their work. Offer a series of workshops for the computer illiterate or novice users.
Who’s Who Vickie is the organizer and primary presenter. Volunteers generally provide assistance.
Classroom Policies NO FOOD OR DRINK CAN BE CONSUMED If needed, participants can step outside the classroom door and have a drink from a sealed bottle or sipper. Staff or volunteer must be present when the room is open to the public.
Workshops – Quick Start Series The Quick Start workshops help participants to acquire basic computer skills. Participants must practice individually away from the classroom to keep improving their basic skills. They may practice at the library’s public computers or at home if they have a computer. We will provide individual assistance to participants during the workshops. However, the first time user, may need to repeat the workshops to fully absorb all the information presented. This is often the situation with the Quick Start series.
Workshops—Microsoft Office 2013 The Microsoft Office workshop for Word 2013 Basics is recommended for those completing the Quick Start Series. If Word Basics seems too difficult, then register for additional Quick Start workshops and then try Word Basics 2013 again. For Excel 2013 Basics and PowerPoint 2013 Basics, participants must have basic computer skills and be comfortable with Word before registering for those workshops. With the Office Basics workshops, individual assistance is provided, however, please remember that the other participants expect o cover the information. Again, for the very novice user, repeating the workshops may be helpful before moving on to the level 2 workshops.
Workshops– Microsoft Office 2013 For the Office Level 2 workshops, participants must have basic Word and/or Excel skills before taking the Level 2 workshops. Again, for the very novice user, repeating the basics workshops may be helpful before moving on to the level 2 workshops. The participants in Word Level 2 and Excel Level 2 workshops expect to cover the level 2 materials as presented in their handout(s). Individual assistance is provided but the participants are expected to be ready for this level of training.
Individual Assistance—Tech Talk Tech Talk appointments occur for ½ day most weeks. Patrons can schedule a thirty minute appointment for a date by coming to the reference desk in the main library or calling the reference desk. Appointments can be used for help on their portable devices, using various software, using Windows, using their laptop, etc. An individual may schedule themselves for more dates if needed, but only one appointment per day. A morning appointment will be scheduled from 9:15 to 11:15, every 30 minutes, for 5 different appointments. An afternoon appointment will be scheduled from 2:15 to 4:15, every 30 minutes, for 5 different appointments.
Individual Assistance-Tech Talk Patrons must be prepared to explain what assistance they need. We recommend that the appointment be focused and limited so it can be finished in the 30 minutes. If the initial assistance can not be completed in 30 minutes, then the patron should try to separate it into more manageable segments. When an appointment is completed, patrons can schedule another appointment if needed. A morning appointment will be scheduled from 9:15 to 11:15, every 30 minutes, for 5 different appointments. An afternoon appointment will be scheduled from 2:15 to 4:15, every 30 minutes, for 5 different appointments.
Q&A Invite questions from parents/students
Summary Discuss topics covered Reiterate welcome Wrap-up