Intermediate Mathematics and the Learner-Centered Environment? What’s the Real Story? Flo Falatko Jill Wright
Outcomes Participants will: become familiar with the Learner-Centered Mathematics Tool and understand the components of high-quality mathematics instruction. discuss and collect strategies, models, and technology resources to support small group instruction within the learner-centered environment (LCE). identify personal strengths and areas of growth in providing learner-centered mathematics instruction.
LCE and Mathematics Turn and Talk: What do you envision the learner-centered environment could look like in the intermediate mathematics classroom? For the next 7 minutes watch this video, and consider your assigned question: What is the teacher doing? What does the environment look like? What are the students doing? Turn and Talk: Allow time for teachers to discuss what math COULD look like in the LCE . Prior to the video: Specify the length of the video. Break the group into 3 sub groups; teacher, environment, and student. (Possibly use numbered heads together strategy.) Assign each numbered group one question to watch for while viewing the video. After the video: Debrief on the three questions by allowing participants to share. As they share instructors should take notes of what participants say that aligns with the Math Tool. Provide the LCE Math tool: Connect to the participants comments and make some of your own observations/connections to the video. Allow time to review the tool and have a conversation where numbers 1, 2 and 3 get to connect the video to the tool together. VIDEO LINKS: Link to Gr 8 lesson View from the beginning of the video to 7:10 mark
Collaborative Small Group Variation: Jigsaw Students work in collaborative groups; every student engages in same mathematical task. Refer to STAT cohort meetings – the visuals on the next few slides were shared at those meetings so some of the participants may be familiar with the visuals. However, some participants may not be familiar. Instructors should describe this small group model and provide an example of a time when this might be used. Example: Grade 3, Unit 1 - students are introduced to the 2 kinds of division (equal sharing and equal parts). Video link is provided as a resource. Video – Fractions Lesson 35 second mark to 3:56 mark
Stations / Rotations Students work in collaborative groups; students rotate and experience the same mathematical activities; multiple mathematical activities are occurring at once; teacher circulates. Instructors should describe this small group model and provide an example of a time when this might be used. Example: Review content perhaps toward the end of a unit. Perhaps content such as practicing division with various strategies. Video link is provided as a resource. Video – Fractions Lesson 8 minute mark to 9:16
Personalized and Customized Learning BCPS Definitions Personalized Learning: Instructional design in which the student takes an active role in their learning through choice in sequence and selection of learning experiences based on standards, interests and learning preferences. → Key Concept: Student Choice in learning experiences Customized Learning: Instructional design in which the sequence and selection of learning experiences for each student is driven by teacher decisions. The teacher bases decisions upon student formative assessment data and learner profile. → Key Concept: Teacher adjusted instruction based upon data Clarify language – note the key concepts
Customized Instruction Students receive targeted instruction based on teacher decisions around formative assessment data and learner profiles. Describe this small group model and connect to the video. Where did you see customized instruction in the video?
Customized and Personalized Instruction Students receive targeted instruction based on learning styles and interests, student needs, and learning progressions. Describe this small group model and connect to the video. Where did you see customized and personalized in the video?
Matching and Discussion Models of Small Group Instruction Matching and Discussion Which models of small group instruction are you currently implementing? Distribute the Small Group Matching Cards. Direct participants to match the 4 classroom descriptions with the 4 models. As they do so, direct them to discuss the question, which models of small group instruction are you currently implementing? Allow a few teams/ individuals to share. The next slide can serve as an “answer key.”
C. Customized & Personalized Models of Small Group Instruction Matching “Suggested” Answers A. Stations B. Collaborative C. Customized & Personalized D. Customized
Our Journey
Student Reflections Insert Videos
Teacher Reflection Tool Where are your “growth points” ? What three strategies shared today will you try in your mathematics classroom?
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