Construction Management Software is a popular Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system which integrates all data and processes of a construction company into a unified system. CONSTRUCT MANAGER is a comprehensive Construction Management Software used by Construction Companies and other consultancies related to constructions to streamline their entire organization and functioning. It provides technology solutions for better organizational management, thereby leveraging IT for efficient management of Construction Companies. The administration of construction companies is a tough and demanding one. It involves collecting, storing and sharing of mounds of data, which is a laborious and tedious task. It is also time consuming and prone to human errors when it is done manually. Worse still, retrieving a particular data can be a pretty grueling and taxing thing. Developed in close coordination with engineers after an in-depth analysis of the requirements of Construction Companies, CONSTRUCT MANAGER provides all that you need for the smooth functioning of these organizations. It is a comprehensive, all-encompassing organizational management system, which connects all the areas and processes of an organization in a single-point integrated platform. This single point integrity makes maintaining, updating and retrieving of data easily. CONSTRUCT MANAGER
Pre Budgeting Module Project/Site Registration Module Client Management module Purchase module Sub contracting module Material /machinery manage module HRM module Billing module User management module Vehicle management module Communication and marketing module Accounts module Report module Alert and diary MODULES
FEATURES GSM Support Automatic mobile message for different remainders Eg:- client payment date Work due date Web Support Main office and site officer's synchronization Duplex web based admin panel Full duplex CRM module (Customer relation management)
PRE BUDGETING MODULE Creation of specification master Preparation of estimation Evaluation of rates Comparison of the rates Work creation
PROJECT/SITE REGISTRATION MODULE Project/work registration Work status plotting o Tendered o Negotiated o Work order o Revised Villa / Flat project registration o Villa /flat booking o Villa /flat Sale
CLIENT MANAGEMENT MODULE Client advance Client wise payment settings o Bill wise o Stage wise o Client receipt
PURCHASE MODULE (Consumable / Capital) Indent creation Approval indent Quotation calling Quotation approval Purchase order Purchase: stock /bill entry Supplier accounts management
SUB CONTRACTING MODULE Indent creation Approval indent Quotation calling Approval of Quotation Work order Contractors /sub contractors accounts
MATERIAL /MACHINERY MANAGEMENT MODULE Material transfer o Indent creation o Approval of indent o Create transfer o Approval of transfer o Receiving of material o Stock entry for site Machineries /capital goods movement o Indent creation o Approval indent o Create movement form o Receiving of capital goods/machineries o Stock entry for site Material issue o Material issue to labours o Material issue to subcontractors
HRM MODULE (FINGER PRINT MODULE SUPPORTED) Staff registration Salary settings Work hours and login logout time settings Holiday settings Attendance entry /work entry Incentives /deduction settings Pay slip Salary /wages management Loan /advance management Work perform analysis Appointing a new staff
BILLING MODULE Sub contractors bill Weekly bill Month wise bill Part bill Part bill compare with weekly bill Sub contractors bill compare with weekly bill Weekly bill compare with Month wise bill Revised Estimate Approval of Revised Estimation
USER MANAGEMENT MODULE User creation User privilege settings VEHICLE MANAGEMENT MODULE Vehicle registration Vehicle expense Vehicle maintenance Vehicle income
COMMUNICATION AND MARKETING Communication between staffs Communication between clients Marketing staff allocators Target settings Daily work /client reporting Verification by marketing manager Analyzing client
ACCOUNTS MODULE Accounts head creation Journal entry Journal edit Ledgers Receipts and payments Income and expense Profit and loss accounts respect to site and company Trial balance Asset management Balance sheet
REPORT MODULE Client report Client payment report Supplier balance detail report Purchase report Purchase detail report Supervisor's income and expense report Employee payment Attendance report Marketing Salary report Pre budgeting report Quotation printing List of part bill for approval List of part subcontractor's bill List of part weekly bill Weekly material consumption – material wise Weekly material consumption -all Material registration, Etc ………….
ALERT AND DIARY Cheque pending alert income and expenses All type of indent pending All type of purchase order Client payment Date wise planning and alert
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