ABOUT US Bondada Engineering Private Limited (BEPL) is formed by a team of qualified professionals with the motto to serve infrastructure sector, providing end-to-end solutions. The company is headquartered at Hyderabad and has its presence pan India. BEPL’s specialization ranges from core services to operations and maintenance services in infrastructure space. BEPL’s strength stems from its knowledge based approach, highly experienced team and strong multi-disciplinary capabilities. BEPL fosters a culture of excellence and challenging environmental practices. BEPL designs and delivers infra solutions for customers by leveraging its domain and business expertise. BEPL maintains exceptionally high standards of quality, safety and environmental protection, and is committed to delivering projects within the budget and on- schedule. Bondada Engineering Private Limited www.bondada.net
VISION To establish and lead respectable organisation in infrastructure space, providing world standard quality services and products. Bondada Engineering Private Limited www.bondada.net
MISSION To execute projects with cost effectiveness, adherence to milestones, quality and environment safety, thus enhancing the satisfaction of all stake holders. Assimilation of latest technology shall be continuous process. Bondada Engineering Private Limited www.bondada.net
VALUES - FIRST The values that drive us, underscore our commitment to: Fairness To be objective and transaction oriented, there-by develop trust and respect. Integrity Maintain strict adherence to moral values and principles in all our dealings. Reliability Give Consistent performance to earn and maintain confidence of the customers. Sensibility To be aware of all relevant factors to keep focussed. Team Work Intra and inter-team cohesiveness, inclusive of the customers. Bondada Engineering Private Limited www.bondada.net
? Why BEPL BEPL is committed to deliver services and products with quality, time sense and yet cost effective. Team at BEPL are highly committed, qualified and trust worthy with proven capabilities. BEPL achieves performance excellence with technical planning, having right strategy. BEPL believes in simple infrastructure facilities with high quality deliveries. BEPL promises satisfying relationship with all the customers. Bondada Engineering Private Limited www.bondada.net
Focus Areas Renewable energy projects Oil & Gas Core Infra Power plant constructions in solar Construction of wind mill stations Operation and maintenance of solar plants Mechanical works and associated electrical works) Oil & Gas Core infrastructure works for oil and gas sectors Laying of pipelines Core Infra Construction of Industrial buildings, Sports complexes, Bridges & Culverts and Transport Bondada Engineering Private Limited www.bondada.net
Focus Areas Transmission and distribution Telecom Services Transmission line construction (include tower supply, civil works, tower erections, conductor stringing, Laying of Optical fibre composite overhead ground wire) Construction of sub-stations (include civil works, supply of sub-station electrical equipment) Telecom Tower infrastructure works Cell site operation and maintenance Services Engineering project management services Engineering design services GIS services (for urban and rural infrastructure) O&M services for High way communications Off-shore data entry services KPO (knowledge process outsourcing) Bondada Engineering Private Limited www.bondada.net
Bondada Engineering Private Limited CONTACT US Bondada Engineering Private Limited # 37, Ashok Manoj Nagar, Kapra, Hyderabad – 500062 Andhra Pradesh, INDIA info@bondada.net www.bondada.net Bondada Engineering Private Limited www.bondada.net