Basic Drill Drill designed to teach young players to react and make the correct decision under match conditions/pressure. Players are to work in three’s. Two players have a ball each and take it in turns feeding it to player A. Start off by getting the two players with the ball to face player A and be approx 3 – 5 metres in front of him. Player 1 handballs to player A who marks and handballs back, player 2 handballs to player A and receives the ball back, the drill continues in this manner. As the players speed up the drill , change the instructions. An example could be when player 1 kicks the ball to player A he must handball the ball back, however if player 1 handballs the ball then player A must kick the ball back. When Players 1 or 2 are kicking or handballing player A must return the ball opposite to how he received it. Rotate player A with either player 1 or 2 after approx 2 minutes. Encourage the players to think clearly and quickly. 1 A 2 C 1 A 2