The Data Governance Professionals Organization 10/14/201810/14/2018
Why do we need a DG organization? The first thing many business and IT professionals ask when taking on the responsibility of a data governance initiative is… “Where do I start?” There are a number of places online where professionals can go to read articles and white papers but… nowhere to go to: Network, learn, share experiences, templates, and work products with other professionals! >>> That’s why the Data Governance Professionals Organization (DGPO) is being formed!! >>>
DGPO – Objective The objective of the DGPO is to: Provide a forum that fosters discussion and networking for members Encourage, develop and advance the skills of members working in the data governance discipline
DGPO will provide: A virtual and social networking community for data governance professionals to connect and share experiences Face to face networking through member meetings at industry events and conferences Webinars and interactive member teleconferences that focus on best practices and real life member experiences Influence and endorse data governance education, training and certification Member discounts to training, conferences and tools PowerPoint has new layouts that give you more ways to present your words, images and media. Data Governance Professionals Organization
DGPO – Board Members President Davida Berger DebTech International VP Membership Michele Koch Sallie Mae VP Marketing Kira Chuchom Cisco Systems VP Online Services Cheryl Troell Sallie Mae Treasurer Sal Passariello PwC Secretary Steve Zagoudis MetaGovernance Social Networking Director Srikant Dharwad Lexmark Event Registration Dan Dechichio Raymond James VP Operations James Viveralli Erie Insurance Advisor Bob Seiner
DGPO – Benefits teleconferences Webinars Discounts - 2011 NoSQLNow!-Aug. 23-25, San Jose, CA Data Stewardship Seminar - Aug. 24-25, San Jose, CA DM & IQ Conference, Nov.7-9, London, UK DG Winter Conference, Nov. 16-18, Ft. Lauderdale, FL MEETINGS in U.S. and EUROPE In-person Ideally co-located with conferences
Have you missed our Teleconferences? January 28, 2011 Lessons Learned on Implementing Our Data Governance Program March 29, 2011 Measuring the Value of Your DG Program – Practitioner Panel May 12, 2011 Developing Effective DG Councils
Membership Membership Rates Progress to date $75 = Individual membership $250 = Corporate membership (up to 10 people) Progress to date Over 200 members Representing over 75 companies US, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, UK and New Zealand
DGPO – Questions Thank you for your interest and support!!! Join DGPO now to get your discounts and benefits! For more information contact us at: Or visit us at: