The Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology - FAAST We are #here2help! 1-844-FL-FAAST (353-2278)
What is FAAST? We are the state’s assistive technology program. We are here to provide HELP to Floridians with disabilities. Our focus is to find a tool to help Floridians with disabilities communicate, access, interact, and live in their communities. We were created by the Assistive Technology Act as amended in 2004. We are governed by Florida Statute 413.407. We are a program of DVR but we help all Floridians with disabilities.
Our Organization State Headquarters in Tallahassee, FL 6 Regional Demonstrations Centers across Florida. 5 Regional ReUse Centers across Florida.
FAAST Core Services Information and Assistance Activities Regional Demonstration Centers Regional ReUse Centers Information and Assistance Activities Short-term device loans Device demonstrations Trainings AT List Device Recycling Open-end Loans
FAAST Core Services @ State HQ FAAST Statewide Help Desk FAAST Statewide Device Long Program New Horizon Loan Program Social Media Outreach Exhibit Coordination Public Speaking Scheduling Public Policy
FAAST Core Services @ Regional Demonstration Centers Information and Assistance Short-term device loans Device Demonstrations Device Trainings Trainings on AT Services
FAAST Regional Demonstration Centers I – 10 Centers I – 4 Corridor Pensacola Gulf Coast RDC @ the CIL Disability Resource Center Tallahassee Northwest RDC @ Family Cafe Jacksonville Northeast RDC @ Hope Haven Children’s Clinic and Family Center Orlando Atlantic RDC @ the University of Central Florida Communications Disorder Clinic Tampa Central Florida RDC @ Tampa General Hospital Rehab Center
FAAST Regional Demonstration Centers Contact Information for all RDCs South Florida 1-844-FL-FAAST (353-2278) Miami – Dade South Florida RDC @ the University of Miami Center for Child Development
FAAST Core Services @ Regional ReUse Centers Device Exchange (AT List) Device Recycling, Refurbish, Reassignment Open-ended Loans
FAAST Regional ReUse Centers I – 10 Centers South Florida Pensacola Gulf Coast RRC @ the CIL Disability Resource Center Fort Lauderdale RRC @ the Center for Independent Living Broward Miami RRC at the CIL of South Florida
FAAST Regional ReUse Centers Gulf Coast Tampa Bay Area Fort Myers The RRC at the Center for Independent Living of Gulf Coast Largo The RRC at Disability Achievement Center
The FAAST and DVR relationship under Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014. As part of their State Plan, VR agencies must describe their cooperation with State AT Programs and must provide an assurance that the State AT Program lead agency and implementing entity (if any) have developed working relationships and will enter into agreements for the coordination of activities. Work with DVR to coordinate AT training and continuing education activities for rehabilitation professionals and paraprofessionals.
The FAAST and DVR relationship under Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014. The State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) must coordinate with a variety of other Councils and with the State AT Program. Since coordination is required as part of the VR State Plan, the SRC should be kept informed about the activities of the State AT Program and as part of their role in assisting in the development of the VR State Plan VR agencies are permitted to provide generalized AT services to any individual with a disability and for the benefit of groups of individuals with disabilities. VR funding can be used to support core State AT Program activities via contract or other agreements as a generalized AT service or as a service to groups of individuals.
#here2help Where is FAAST going….. Our Goal is to be the last call Floridians with disabilities needing services. Our Goal is to provide the BEST Information and Assistance services. Our Goal is to assist our customers with funding assistive technology. Our Goal is to provide timely public policy news and how it effects Floridians with disabilities. In other words, Our goal is #here2help!
Where to find FAAST? Website: Toll-free Number: 1-844-FL-FAAST (353-2278) Facebook: Google Plus: Instagram: Pinterest: Twitter: You Tube:
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