FIRESA Council Representing the FIA’s Fire Fighting Suppliers FIRESA Council/CFOA Joint Seminar 9th February 2016 Derek Gotts Ian Callaghan Chairman,


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Presentation transcript:

FIRESA Council Representing the FIA’s Fire Fighting Suppliers FIRESA Council/CFOA Joint Seminar 9th February 2016 Derek Gotts Ian Callaghan Chairman, FIRESA Council Vice-Chairman, FIRESA Council

What Is The FIA? Largest Trade Association for the Fire Protection and Fire-Fighting industries Over 650 members The ‘go to’ organisation for government and regulators FIA members sit on over 150 Boards and Committees Dedicated to the highest standards and quality Formed in 2007 from merger of BFPSA and FETA FIRESA became a Council of the FIA in 2013

The FIA Structure

FIRESA Council Enacting key policy with links to FIA Board, Marketing, Liaison and other Groups Chairman Derek Gotts Vice-Chairman Ian Callaghan Other Council members are: Richard Ballheimer, Simon Burnett-Boothroyd, Andy Barber, Mark Healey, James Jones, Suzanne Prince, Andy Roe, Philip Tasker and Lesley Wardle Guests at Council include CFOs, CFOA and LGA representatives Quarterly meetings held at Fire and Rescue Service HQs Meetings open to internal and external guests Seconded to Council: CFO Paul Fuller, Bedfordshire and Luton FRS Colin Robinson, Fire Times, as Marketing Adviser Martyn Lamb, Draeger

Where Are We and How Did We Get Here? 2004-5 Genesis of ultimately failing NPS 2010 Coalition’s austerity measures affecting public services Firebuy discontinued 2013 Sir Ken Knight’s ‘Facing The Future’ report 2014 Moves to preserve FRS capabilities with less financial resource 2015 Conservative government continues austerity programme Local and some national collaborative processes gaining momentum 2016 Mandatory ‘Blue Light’ collaboration and option of PCC control

Factors Affecting our Fire and Rescue Services Over 20% cuts in central government funding in past five years Fewer front-line fire fighters, Fire Stations and Fire Appliances Further cuts expected Government mandating Fire/Police collaboration Need to maintain service delivery with less resource Less equipment and different types of Fire Appliances required

Changes in Fire and Rescue Greater collaboration and infrastructure sharing Creation of merged FRS ‘Back Office’ FRS mergers Private provision of some FRS functions More on-call Fire Fighters? Fire/Police cross-fertilisation Some FRAs to come under PCC control Extended life of Fire Appliances and move to smaller specialist vehicles

State of Play According to the NAO Reported in November 2015 ‘Low level signs of financial stress…in some Authorities’ Savings mainly from staff cuts, no increase in income Capacity to respond may be affected by further cuts Response times increasing Reduced prevention work may lead to increase in fire incidents

Some NAO Findings 22% average spending power reduction, 38% for Metropolitans 14% fewer full time posts with on-call also falling Senior management down by 17% Pumping appliances down 4.4% Changes to shift patterns and duty systems Responding with smaller appliances and fewer fire-fighters for some events 30% reduction in audits/inspections, 27% fewer fire risk checks

The Supplier Experience Frameworks/Tenders continue to proliferate with complex and time-consuming mini tenders Duplication in aspects of the FRS/supplier interface 46 [about to be 45] independent customers with differing requirements Uncertainty What will FRS collaboration look like? What will ‘Blue Light’ collaboration look like? But an opportunity to work together to achieve greater efficiencies

FIRESA Activities in a Changing Landscape Strengthening of key liaisons and creation of new partnerships Input into central and local government policy Enactment of CFOA MoU and assistance in development of CFOA Associate Membership Scheme Support for collaborative and more streamlined procurement Support also for standardised product specifications, national equipment evaluations and product innovations Growing the FIA/FIRESA Council brand at exhibitions, seminars and other events

Strategic and Tactical Objectives Strategic Alliances and Partnerships Fire Sector Federation CFOA, CFOA Services Ltd, CFOA Board and Transport Officers Group Contract providers/brokers Scottish, Welsh and NI Fire and Rescue Services Fire Service College LGA Fire Committee

Strategic and Tactical Objectives Representing The Fire Fighting Membership Canvassing members on issues of sectoral importance Representing those views externally Developing policy positions on key issues

Strategic and Tactical Objectives Lobbying Government and its Agencies with the FIA Fire Minister and shadow spokesperson Senior Civil Servants within DCLG/Fire and Resilience Directorate and now Home Office Local Government BIS and UKTI on export opportunities

Strategic and Tactical Objectives Membership Development Active pursuit of new and lapsed members Lesley Wardle as ‘Membership Champion’ Promotion at events and exhibitions

Strategic and Tactical Objectives Regulations, Guidance and Standards Input into FRS Operational Guidance Maintaining comprehensive representation on relevant BS, EN and ISO Committees All members can contribute to these processes

Strategic and Tactical Objectives Exhibitions and Seminars Firex International in May 2015 Emergency Services Show in September 2015 including sponsorship of Drinks Reception Table at Spirit of Fire Awards, October 2015 Sponsorship of Excellence in Fire and Emergency Awards in December 2015 Fire Fleet and Equipment Show and Firex International next Spring

Summarising Some Specific Issues Currently Being Addressed Continuing to develop liaison arising from the CFOA MoU Growing FIA/FIRESA Council awareness across all strata of the FRSs Acting with CFOA and FRSs to deliver collaborative procurement and equipment evaluation regimes Understanding and contributing to inter-FRS collaboration and mandated intra-Blue Light collaboration Product Innovation Growing vital networking opportunities for our members Bringing FRSs and suppliers together here today

Focus on Centralised Equipment Evaluation Principle highlighted in Sir Ken Knight report Duplication yields direct and indirect costs to suppliers and the FRSs Project on FRS R&D activity commissioned from Kingston University Gaining support within the sector Interest from Fire Service College

How Do We See Centralised Testing Working? An open, transparent and dynamic process Rigorous testing and interpretation of output data Backed by output-based equipment specifications Trialling of equipment in controlled, repeatable environments No ‘winner takes all’ but reported outcomes enabling each FRS to make its own judgment on its preferred equipment Savings for both the FRSs and suppliers

To Find Out More Speak to us here at the Seminar Visit the FIA web site at Contact the FIRESA Council Secretary Dave Smith at As an inclusive and outreaching Council and Association, we want to engage with you

Thank You For Your Attention!