Thank you for sharing your time with us today. Prepared for client name | Date We appreciate the opportunity to present e4Clicks Project Estimator to your team. Efficient DOD Construction Delivery Methods For Facilities Repair, Renovation, & Sustainability
About Us Veteran Owned Small Business Software By Estimators for Estimators Supporting thousands of clients We have walked in your shoes!
What We Do Premier DOD Software Solutions Cost Estimating, including eTakeoff Project Management Document Management Training & Support
Who We Serve… Just a Sampling! 7 0%+ of the United States Air Force 12th AF, Andrews AFB, Arnold AFB, Avon Park, Bolling AFB, Buckley AFB, Cannon AFB, Charleston AFB, Cheyenne Mountain AFS, Columbus AFB, Davis Monthan AFB, Dobbins ARB, Dyess AFB, Eglin AFB, Elmendorf AFB, Fairchild AFB, Grand Forks AFB, Hickam AFB, Hill AFB, Holloman AFB, Hurlburt Field, Lackland AFB, Lajes Field, Langley AFB, Laughlin AFB, Little Rock AFB, Los Angeles AFB, Luke AFB, March ARB, McConnell AFB, Moody AFB, Nellis AFB, New Boston AFS, Offutt AFB, Peterson AFB, Pittsburgh ARS, Randolph AFB, Robins AFB, Schriever AFB, Seymour Johnson AFB, Shaw AFB, Scott AFB, Travis AFB, Tyndall AFB, USAFA, Westover ARB, Whiteman AFB, Wright Patterson AFB, Youngstown ARS Numerous Army, Navy, and other Government Agencies Anniston Army Depot, Fort Benning, Fort Carson, Fort Hood, Fort Huachuca, Fort Hunter Liggett, Fort Leonard Wood, Fort Irwin, Fort Jackson, Fort Polk, Fort Sill, McAlester Army Depot, USACE Albuquerque District and USACE Fort Worth District, Charleston NWS, NSA Panama Cit7, Defense Intelligence Agency, NASA, National Park Service, Army Corps of Engineers Thousands of Contractors, Subcontractors, A/Es
What is JOC / SABER*? – Job Order Contracting (*Called SABER in the Air Force) EFFICIENT CONSTRUCTION DEVLIVERY METHOD – Reduces Design, Engineering, & Procurement Costs & Time for Facility Repair, Renovation, & Sustainability PROVEN – 25 year Track Record in DOD COLLABORATION – Encourages Teamwork among Owners, AEs, Contractors LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP – Average 5 Year Term
What is JOC / SABER ? CONVENIENT Spans Concept to Close-out PERFORMANCE BASED On-time / On-budget Rewarded
JOC/SABER Time Savings – Weeks vs. Months!
4Clicks Project Estimator 4-in-1 Integrated Approach #1Proven construction delivery process (JOC/SABER) #2 Most powerful integration of RSMeans with 400,000 items #3Comprehensive Document Management #4Electronic Visualization / QTO Tool- eTakeOff #1Proven construction delivery process (JOC/SABER) #2 Most powerful integration of RSMeans with 400,000 items #3Comprehensive Document Management #4Electronic Visualization / QTO Tool- eTakeOff
Track & Manage each project from inception to completion – Manage a single project, or manage your entire contract or multiple contracts. – All project milestones, thru warranty period. – Display status of each project. Maintain a complete cost history – Record all cost estimates associated with project – Provide the value of all projects awarded on a specific contract or to a specific contractor. – Quickly access and analyze information. – Reports quickly show pre-negotiation strategies and post-negotiation summaries. Programming Estimate Estimates from Each Design Stage Technically Evaluated Proposals Initial Contractor Proposals Final Revised Contractor Proposal The Power of a Fully Functional Project & Contract Manager for DOD Owners Modifications & Change Orders Final Detailed Cost Estimate
Combines estimating and project management into one program Can be hosted on the internet and accessed fr o m any internet-enabled computer through a secure logon Quickly generates reports and prints or exports them to Excel, Word, or Adobe PDF Seamless exporting interface to accounting systems or other external databases Combines estimating and project management into one program Can be hosted on the internet and accessed fr o m any internet-enabled computer through a secure logon Quickly generates reports and prints or exports them to Excel, Word, or Adobe PDF Seamless exporting interface to accounting systems or other external databases Comprehensive Solution General Features – e4Clicks Project Estimator for Owners, Contractors, & AEs
Supports limitless contracts and even manages single, dual, or multiple-award contracts Import/export secured projects and estimates Track pre-priced and non-priced line items with their project percentages automatically. This is done at the estimate level, project level, and contract level. Includes custom context help as well as tutorials, sample projects, and user guides Supports limitless contracts and even manages single, dual, or multiple-award contracts Import/export secured projects and estimates Track pre-priced and non-priced line items with their project percentages automatically. This is done at the estimate level, project level, and contract level. Includes custom context help as well as tutorials, sample projects, and user guides Comprehensive Solution
PROJECTS – Share Quick Access with Your Team Browse Highlight From Planning to Completion and Beyond! Project Milestones – Document Management Link Estimates to Specifications Project Reporting Tools From Planning to Completion and Beyond! Project Milestones – Document Management Link Estimates to Specifications Project Reporting Tools
ESTIMATES – Create Detailed Estimates Status Paperless estimating directly access pricing guides, references, drawings, etc Copy and paste estimates or estimate line items. Multiple estimates can be created in a project. Designed to track contracts, projects, and estimates support any pricing guide (from RSMeans to IDIQ), and even maintain multiple estimates/projects/contracts over multiple years with multiple coefficients. Estimates can be updated to reflect pricing guide changes in seconds. Paperless estimating directly access pricing guides, references, drawings, etc Copy and paste estimates or estimate line items. Multiple estimates can be created in a project. Designed to track contracts, projects, and estimates support any pricing guide (from RSMeans to IDIQ), and even maintain multiple estimates/projects/contracts over multiple years with multiple coefficients. Estimates can be updated to reflect pricing guide changes in seconds.
ESTIMATE LINE ITEMS – RSMeans, IDIQ, Custom Display the complete description of line items, including crew, output, material, labor, and equipment costs. Powerful search engine tools to find unit price line items quickly Our RSMeans databases include images and references as well as complete and easy to understand line item descriptions. Include unlimited detailed notes and engineering calculations at the line item level. Display the complete description of line items, including crew, output, material, labor, and equipment costs. Powerful search engine tools to find unit price line items quickly Our RSMeans databases include images and references as well as complete and easy to understand line item descriptions. Include unlimited detailed notes and engineering calculations at the line item level.
THE COST DATABASE – Exclusive 400,000 line items. RSMEANS Strategic Partner 400,000 Lines Items – All Modifiers Included Most Powerful, Intuitive Search Engine Be a Cost Estimator, not a Cost Engineer! RSMEANS Strategic Partner 400,000 Lines Items – All Modifiers Included Most Powerful, Intuitive Search Engine Be a Cost Estimator, not a Cost Engineer!
COMPLETE City Cost Index CCI field allows selection of the year and quarter. CCI values for each of division and subdivisions by RSMeans.
ELECTRONIC TECHNICAL EVALUATIONS – Compare, Evaluate, Negotiate, Award Streamlined Technical Evaluation process Import contract estimates electronically No more typing in estimates from contractors written proposals Compare to independent estimates electronically! Focus technical evaluations on those areas of difference. Changes are easily summarized in an estimate report for both contracting officials and the contractor, creating a pre- negotiation strategy. Multiple contractor proposals can be compared side-by-side. Contractor can also create a revised estimate Track all changes made from the original Create the post-negotiation memorandum and a record for contract files. Automated process can reduce and sometimes even eliminate negotiations. Streamlined Technical Evaluation process Import contract estimates electronically No more typing in estimates from contractors written proposals Compare to independent estimates electronically! Focus technical evaluations on those areas of difference. Changes are easily summarized in an estimate report for both contracting officials and the contractor, creating a pre- negotiation strategy. Multiple contractor proposals can be compared side-by-side. Contractor can also create a revised estimate Track all changes made from the original Create the post-negotiation memorandum and a record for contract files. Automated process can reduce and sometimes even eliminate negotiations.
Construction Specifications – Integrate your contract specifications
REPORTS – Print, PDF, Export to DOD Forms
Takeoff – Electronic Visual QTO eTakeoff A powerful tool that is used to trace electronic drawings to determine quantities for our estimate line items. Increased estimating efficiency and accuracy. Conduct takeoff directly from the screen using digital plans - DWG, PDF, JPEG, BMP and many others. Dynamically linked to your RSMeans or IDI estimate data. eTakeoff A powerful tool that is used to trace electronic drawings to determine quantities for our estimate line items. Increased estimating efficiency and accuracy. Conduct takeoff directly from the screen using digital plans - DWG, PDF, JPEG, BMP and many others. Dynamically linked to your RSMeans or IDI estimate data.
MULITPLE PROJECTS & CONTRACTS – All in One Place! Job Order Contracting (JOC) | Simplified Acquisition for Base Engineering Requirements (SABER) | Small Business Administration 8(a) | Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) | Single Award Task Order Contract (SATOC) | Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC) | Invitation for Bid (IFB) | Multiple Award Construction Contract (MACC) | Performance Oriented Construction Activities (POCA) | Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA)
WORLD CLASS TRAINING & SUPPORT Nationwide Region Training Classes – 3Day Tailored On-site Training – 1 or 2Day Virtual Training – 1Hour Intuitive, Integrated Help, On-line Support & User Forum 2011 Regional Training Schedule
Extensive HELP Functionality Help menu option from the Menu Bar provides menu options for all of the Help functions in the program. Help button on the bottom right of every window provides Help immediately.
4Clicks Review Powerful, Easy-to-use 4-in-1 Solution. Features Youd Expect, By Estimators For Estimators. Everyone Using the Same Tool, Sharing Information. Best RSMeans Integration for JOC / SABER & More. Industry Leading Training & Support.