Facilitator notes: Epidemiological methods for point prevalence surveys of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use in acute care hospitals ECDC Point Prevalence Survey (PPS) 2016-2017: Introduction and Icebreaker Version 2017 Revision: 2018
Objectives Specific objectives of this session: Learn about the objectives and structure of the training course Learn about challenges of data collection through a short exercise Related to the course objectives: A. Understand the concept of reliability in the context of the ECDC PPS Facilitator notes:
Outline This session consists of the following elements Welcome and introductions Learning objectives of the course Structure of the course Group exercise: icebreaker Facilitator notes:
Welcome and introductions
About the venue Facilities Refreshments Toilets Fire safety Facilitator notes:
Learning objectives and structure of the course
Learning objectives 1 ECDC Point Prevalence Survey (PPS) 2016-2017 Aims and objectives of ECDC PPS 2016-2017 Principles and approaches to PPS epidemiology Understand PPS strengths and limitations ECDC PPS data collection process Case definitions Apply ECDC PPS case definitions Understand concept of reliability Facilitator notes:
Learning objectives 2 Data collection Understand and use ECDC PPS data collection forms Understand HelicsWin.Net ECDC PPS data collection tool Implementation of PPS Local PPS in your hospital Supply PPS data to the national coordinator Understand the reporting output from the ECDC PPS Outputs on local, national and European level Facilitator notes:
Structure of the course 1 Morning The ECDC Point Prevalence Survey 2016-2017 HAI surveillance in Europe HAI prevalence in Europe Aims and objectives of the ECDC PPS 2016-2017 Inclusion/exclusion criteria How to include hospitals Introduction to PPS epidemiology Prevalence and incidence Numerators and denominators Using local PPS data to inform practice Validity and reliability including ECDC validation protocol Facilitator notes:
Structure of the course 2 Morning continued Data collection methods Walkthrough the ECDC PPS Protocol Summary of data items and data collection forms Data collection process ECDC PPS definitions Overview of antimicrobial definitions Definition of active prevalent healthcare-associated infection (HAI) Overview of ECDC PPS HAI case definitions Facilitator notes:
Structure of the course 3 Afternoon Applying the ECDC PPS case definitions Example and practice case studies HelicsWin.Net ECDC PPS data collection tool Data entry and export demonstration Using the HelicsWin.Net user manual Local organisation of PPS General process for ECDC PPS Planning the survey During the survey After the survey Facilitator notes:
Structure of the course 4 Afternoon continued Interpretation of local, national and European-level results Interpreting local, national and European results Interpretation of reporting template with pilot data ECDC PPS reporting output Data for action Evaluation of the course Feedback about the course Post-course validation exercise Facilitator notes:
Icebreaker Use the icebreaker exercise sheet. Try to complete the form by asking questions of the other course attendees. The exercise should take about 10 minutes. Facilitator notes:
After 10 minutes Discuss your results in your groups. Has anyone got the same answers? Why? Or why not? Why is this relevant to PPS? Facilitator notes:
Facilitator notes: Acknowledgements The creation of this training material for ECDC PPS 2011-2012 was commissioned by ECDC to the Health Protection Agency (UK) with the direct involvement of Susan Hopkins (coordinator), Barry Cookson, Berit Muller-Pebody, Gareth Hughes and Naomi Boxall, with collaboration of Health Protection Scotland (UK) with the direct involvement of Jacqueline Reilly and Shona Cairns. Other contributors include: E. Sheridan, A. Charlett, G. Kafatos, F. Cowan, and Y. Sueiro. The update of this training material for ECDC PPS 2016-2017 was done at ECDC by Tommi Kärki, Diamantis Plachouras and Carl Suetens, with contributions from Evelyn Van Hauwermeiren and Elias Iosifidis. The revision and update of this training material was commissioned by ECDC to Transmissible (NL) with the direct involvement of Arnold Bosman and Ágnes Hajdu.