Determine Entitlements to Pay and Allowances


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Presentation transcript:

Determine Entitlements to Pay and Allowances Show Slide #1: Identify Entitlements to Allowances Title: Identify Entitlements to Allowances References: FM 1-06, Financial Management Operations, 04/15/2014 DOD 7000.14-R VOL 7, Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation, Volume 7A , 05/01/2015 Joint Travel Regulations Uniformed Service Members and DoD Civilian Employees , 05/01/2016 SCOPE Determine Entitlements to Pay and Allowances is designed to train Soldiers in the fundamentals of Military Pay. The overall outcome of this lesson is to teach soldiers through analysis how to interpret a military pay account, the appropriate regulation, and supporting documents to establish claim for pay and allowances. This lesson is a culmination of previous lessons in which students learned how to efficiently search regulations, and research a military pay account. Instructors are accountable for teaching all material within this lesson. Students are accountable for learning all material within this lesson and will be assessed at the conclusion of this lesson. Section I. Administrative Data Academic Hours/Methods 00 hrs. / 10 mins. ELM – Concrete Experience 09 hrs. / 00 mins. Discussion (Small or Large Group) 12 hrs. / 40 mins. Practical Exercise (Hands-On/Written) 00 hrs. / 00 mins. Test 00 hrs. / 00 mins. Test Review 22 hrs. / 00 mins. Total Hours Task Taught: 805A-36B-1003 (*) Identify Entitlement to Allowances Reinforced Tasks:   805A-36B-1209 Research Master Military Pay Account (MMPA) Resident Learning Domain - Level: Cognitive / Applying Section II. Introduction: Method of Instruction: DSL - Discussion (large or small group) Method of Instruction: CE- ELM Concrete Experience Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 00 hrs. / 10 mins. Media: PowerPoint Presentation, Handout Instructor Material: Each primary instructor should possess a lesson plan, slide deck, course handouts, and noted references. Students Material: Students should possess all required printed reference material, course handouts, noted references and standard classroom supplies. Note: All required printed reference material and technical manuals will be provided by the Schoolhouse. Motivator/Concrete Experience: (Next Slide)

http://State payroll errors human-caused - YouTube Payroll Failures http://State payroll errors human-caused - YouTube Show Slide #2: Payroll Failures / Concrete Experience Instructor's Note: The concrete experience serves as a trigger of past experience, knowledge, and it is also a focusing mechanism for the lesson that follows to support the teaching of new content. The collective intent is to force the student to connect to the lesson and is the precursor to intuitive thinking of experiential learning model. Discuss the bridge between the video and lesson to help the students understand the importance of assuring to accurately identify the pay or allowance and correctly input into DMO. Note: To open the video in presentation/ slide show mode double click on the television. If not in presentation mode, right click on the television and select “Open Hyperlink”. Alternative, cut and paste below link to website Note: Animated slide, length of video is 1 minutes 28 seconds. Publish and Process: During this phase of the Army Learning Model, the instructor will solicit responses of the student’s reaction to the concrete experience. The students will reflect on their experience and knowledge of the topic and they will begin a reconciliation of where they are and, if successful, where they will be at lesson end. The critical portion of this part of the ALM process is to force the students to reflect. As the instructor you can achieve this by asking a series of thought influencing questions, for example: What happened in the video and how could it relate to this lesson? How did the video make you feel about the personal responsibility that must be taken to mitigate causing undue hardship to Soldier and their Family’s? What did you see in the video that makes you relate the video to your own experiences? What was your reaction to the magnitude of miscues? Having the students think critically is the ultimate goal of publish and process. Force the students to explain their answers; meaning, how and why did they arrive at the solution to the questions. As the instructor, you should also be looking for responses that will help the student’s transition from publish and process to generalize new information. During this process, remind the students of lesson objectives as they transition from publish and process into generalize new information.

Terminal Learning Objective Action: Identify Entitlements to Allowances Conditions: As a new FM Soldier in a classroom environment using doctrinal and administrative publications, practical exercises, handouts, and discussion Standard: With at least 75% accuracy, Students must demonstrate proficiency with: Check entitlement to Basic Pay Check entitlement to Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) Check entitlement to Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) Check entitlement to clothing allowances Show Slide #3: Terminal Learning Objective Instructor’s Note: Inform the students of the following learning objective requirements. At the completion of this lesson, you (the student) will: Action: Identify Entitlements to Allowances Conditions: As a new FM Soldier in a classroom environment using doctrinal and administrative publications, practical exercises, handouts, and discussion. Standard: With at least 75% accuracy, Students must demonstrate proficiency with: Check entitlement to Basic Pay Check entitlement to Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) Check entitlement to Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) Check entitlement to clothing allowances Instructional Guidance: Throughout this lesson, solicit from students the challenges they experienced in the current operational environment (OE) and what they did to resolve them. Encourage students to apply at least 1 of the 8 critical variables: physical environment, political stability of the state, sociological demographics, infrastructure, military capabilities, information, time, and economics.   Safety Requirements: Risk Management (RM) is the Army’s primary decision making process for identifying and controlling hazards across all missions, functions, operations and activities. Leaders must excel at evaluating operational and tactical hazards through the synchronizing of risk management with the planning, prioritizing and analyzing phase of METT-TC (mission, enemy, and terrain, troops available, time and civilian consideration) and will complete a DD Form 2977, Risk Assessment Worksheet during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task. Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW TRADOC Regulation 350-29. No food or drink is allowed near or around electrical equipment (CPU, file servers, printers, projectors, etc.) due to potential electrical shock or property damage. Exercise care in personnel movement in and through such areas. Avoid all electrical cords and associated wiring. In the event of electrical storm, you will be instructed to power down equipment. Commanders will embed risk management into all mission orders and order briefings for review by the senior leader to ensure proper controls are in place. Hazard Identification: Electrical shock, Fire, Slippery Floors, Physical Injury/Strain, and Tripping, Tight Spaces in classroom and Influenza. Risk Assessment Level: Low. Hazard Controls: Primary Instructor (PI) will ensure: All electrical cords are properly stored under desks, liquid containers have lids on them and all spills are immediately cleaned and allowed to completely dry before allowing students/personnel to walk on them. All chairs are ergonomically designed, adjusted to individual preference and that all students are awake and paying attention in class. All cables/cords are properly plugged in, sheathed, and secured along tables, walls, and ceilings. No damaged or frayed cords/cables will be used. PI will brief proper hand washing techniques, the use of hand sanitizer, evacuation procedures. All trash will be removed daily. Leader Actions: Detailed in brief covering all aspects of safety to include daily classroom inspections, spills cleaned immediately, emergency exit plans, leader checks, hygiene procedures, and weekly safety briefings Probability of Occurrence: Unlikely Severity Potential of Injury: Marginal Environmental Considerations: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to ATP 3-34.5 Environmental Considerations and GTA 05-08-002 ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT. Evaluations: Learners will take FM 03 AA Determine Entitlements to Pay & Allowances Test during the Pay Support – Military Pay module. Learners must score 75% or higher to obtain a passing score. Instructional Lead-in. (Publish and Process): Today, it is essential that all Soldiers are paid their basic entitlements to avoid unnecessary hardships. This class will prepare you to answer basic pay related questions as well as make inputs that will affect Soldiers’ pay. Note: Ensure students have access to DODFMR Vol 7A, JTR, Military Pay Tables, DMO Extract, DSIS Extract, and associated Document Training Aid (DTA) for the exercises. 2. Training Aids This lesson is taught in a large group classroom setting with personal computer systems, projection televisions, Mr. Podium MP42 Lectern, indoor speakers, touch panel projector, internet access, and dry erase/white board. 3. Conduct of Lesson Lesson Timeline: 00 hours 10 minutes Introduction, Learning Objective, Administrative Data and Concrete Experience 09 hours 00 minutes Publish and Process /Generalize New Information 12 hours 40 minutes Practical Exercise (Apply) 00 hours 00 minutes Assessment 00 hours 00 minutes Assessment Review Total Hours: 22 hrs 00 mins (20.0 hrs)

Military Pay & Allowances Basic Pay Special Pays Hazardous Duty Incentive Pays Allowances Basic Allowance for Subsistence Basic Allowance for Housing Other Allowances Show Slide #4: Military Pay & Allowances Learning Step Activity #1. Check entitlement to Basic Pay Method of Instruction: DSL – Discussion (Small or Large Group) Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 03 hrs. / 15 mins. Media: PowerPoint Presentation, Printed Reference Material, Handout Instructor's Note: Transition into LSA #1 lesson and explain to the students the general outline of military pay and allowances that will be covered in this lesson. At this time, refer students to the handout, which includes the pay chart, summary sheet, and calculation sheet. Emphasize the importance of these handouts as a useful tool throughout this lesson. Military Pay Basic Pay Special Pays Hazardous Duty Incentive Pays Allowances Basic Allowance for Subsistence Basic Allowance for Housing Other Allowances (Family Separation Allowance, Clothing Allowance, Cost of Living Allowance (COLA))

Military Pay’s Basic Pay Special Pays Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP) Hardship Duty Pay (HDP-M & HDP-L) Hostile Fire/ Imminent Danger Pay (HFP/IDP) Assignment Incentive Pay (AIP) Hazardous Duty Incentive Pays Aviation Incentive Pay Parachute Duty Incentive Pay Demolition Duty Pay Show Slide #5: Military Pay’s Instructor's Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide. Military Pay’s: There are other military pays that are authorized, i.e. medical pays, stress duty incentive pay, flight deck duty pay, diving duty pay, career sea pay, foreign language proficiency pay, and bonuses. However, for this lesson we will only discuss the most relevant, frequently seen and applicable to branch of service military pays. Basic Pay Special Pays Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP) Hardship Duty Pay (HDP-M & HDP-L) Hostile Fire/ Imminent Danger Pay (HFP/IDP) Assignment Incentive Pay (AIP) Hazardous Duty Incentive Pays Aviation Incentive Pay Parachute Duty Incentive Pay Demolition Duty Pay

Entitlement to Basic Pay Verify if on active duty. Verify if Officer or Enlisted. If the Soldier is enlisted and pay status Show Slide #6: Entitlement to Basic Pay Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide. Entitlements to Basic Pay: Check Soldier’s entitlement to Basic Pay. All members of the Armed Forces are entitled to Basic Pay. Verify and validate if the Soldier is in a pay status, with the exception of those in a non-pay status such as some types of confinement, absent without leave, or excess leave. Inputs are made to change a service member’s status on the MMPA to reflect their current status. For a list of status, refer to the DSIS Extract pdf page 13 and event codes on page 18. Verify if the Soldier is on active duty by reviewing a service members MMPA account and looking at their status category, one can verify what type of duty status they are in. For example, SV means they are separated while an SA means they are on station. Reviewing administrative data on DA Form 2142 Section I of this Pay Inquiry form is important because it has the full name and social security number, which is needed to input into the MMPA to research their account. Identifying a Soldier's issue is done on the DA Form 2142 Pay Inquiry where the service member writes the specific nature of the inquiry for Finance to research and discover the issue. Section II of the DA Form 2142 will be filled out and signed by the service members Commander, S1, or the service member as appropriate. Section III will be completed by the Finance clerk. Annotate the problem of the inquiry and why it was caused, write a description of cause and the action taken, and the Finance clerk will mark if valid or invalid then sign the Pay Inquiry. Verification if the Soldier is an Officer or Enlisted in a non pay status or pay status: If in a non-pay status, the service member maybe in a dropped from rolls (DFR) by the President of the United States status. The SJ format ID is used to report this AWOL period and will reflect a Code J in the Status area of the MMPA. Pay status in all other instances the appropriate event code will be shown on the MMPA. Verification if the Soldier is enlisted is done by reviewing the MMPA under the Format-ID of MD code for their Military Personnel Grades (GR), for example: a GR code of 33 means the service member is a PFC while a 23 is the GR for a Chief Warrant Officer W-3. (See page 39 in the DSIS Extract pdf.) An enlisted Soldier is in a pay status unless the Soldier is; In an excess leave status. Absent without leave (AWOL) and the absence is not excused as unavoidable. A deserter. In confinement by civil authorities and the absence is not excused as unavoidable. Serving a court-martial sentence that includes a forfeiture of all pay and allowances. Note: All transactions will be coded in DMO.

Basic Pay Rate is based on rank and longevity Longevity Military Pay Tables (review) Compute based on 30-day month Show Slide #7: Basic Pay Instructor's Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide and having the students refer to DoDFMR Vol 7A, Chapter 1 & open the pay tables handout. Basic Pay: The DoDFMR defines Basic Pay as, “the pay of an officer or enlisted Soldier according to the rank and longevity before additional amounts are added for quarters, subsistence, flying status, overseas duty, etc. Longevity: This can be defined as the number of years of creditable service a Soldier has for pay purposes. Looking at the Table, refer to the grade of "E3". When a Soldier attains the rank of PFC, there are various rates of pay that he/she may receive. If you read across the various columns, you note a Soldier with over two years of service earns more than a Soldier with less than two. A Soldier with over three years earns more than a Soldier with only two years of service. A Soldier with over four years earns more than a Soldier with only three years of service. Why is this? Let’s return to our definition of basic pay. The basic pay computation begins with grade and longevity. Thus, a Soldier with the same rank as another might receive more basic pay since he/she has been in the Army longer and receives longevity (seniority) pay increase. Looking at the Table, refer to the grades of 01E through 03E. Officers with over four years of enlisted active service receive a higher base pay than officers with less than four years of prior enlisted service. The 01E through 03E pay lines represent the base pay for these officers with over four years of service as an enlisted Soldier or Warrant Officer. They receive a higher rate of basic pay because of their experience

Basic Pay (Cont.) Promotion or reduction of grades Supporting Documentation Sources of input for promotions and reductions Show Slide #8: Basic Pay (Cont.) Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide. Basic Pay: (Continue) Supporting Documentation: Promotion orders are required for promotion of grades E-5 and above. For grades E-4 and below the supporting documentation required for promotions or reductions is a DA Form 4187, with the exception of automatic (computer generated) advancements to E-2. Sources of Input: Active Component: All active promotions and reductions are input by Human Resources Command (HRC). Army Reserve & National Guard: All promotions or reductions for Army Reserve and National Guard Soldiers will be input by the Servicing Finance Office.

Basic Pay (Cont.) Soldiers rank Calculate PEBD Calculate entitlement IAW DoDFMR Show Slide #9: Basic Pay (Cont.) Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide. Basic Pay: (Continue) Verification of the Soldiers rank. Calculation of the Soldier's pay entry basic date (PEBD) in accordance with DoDFMR 7000.14-R, Volume 7A, Chapter 1. For most members this will be the date they entered active service, but for others there may have been a break in service or other creditable service that can be counted to adjust the PEBD. An example would be a member who was previously completed a 4 year enlistment in the Navy and did not reenlist. After a 2-year break, the member enlists in the Army on the 2nd of January 2014. The members pay entry basic date would be 2014 – 4 years resulting in a PEBD of 2nd January 2010. Calculate of the entitlement is conducted IAW DoDFMR 7000.14-R, Volume 7A, Tables 1-7 through 1-10. Table 1-7. Monthly Rates of Basic Pay – Commissioned Officers, Academy Cadets and Midshipmen and ROTC Members. Table 1-8. Monthly Rates of Basic Pay – Commissioned Officers Credited With Over 4 Years of Active Duty Enlisted and/or Warrant Officer Service. Table 1-9. Monthly Rates of Basic Pay – Warrant Officers Table 1-10. Monthly Rates of Basic Pay – Enlisted Members Note: All transactions will be coded in DMO.

Computation of Basic Pay E-2, PEBD, 17th of April 30 (April) -17 (April) = 13 days plus 1 (inclusive day) = 14 days service for period of 17 through 30 April $1793.40 divided by 30 = $59.78 [daily rate] x 14 days equals $836.92 Show Slide #10: Computation of Basic Pay Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide.   Computation of Basic Pay: The month may contain twenty-eight, twenty-nine (leap year), thirty, or thirty-one actual calendar days. If a Soldier is in a duty status and is eligible for basic pay for the entire month, he/she receives one month (i.e., thirty days) basic pay. Computation of Basic Pay, in referring to the Pay Tables, we see that base pay is computed using a thirty day month, regardless of the actual number of calendar days in the month. Instructor Note: Reiterate the importance of understanding that regardless what type of pay & allowance, computation will be based on a 30 day month and will include an inclusive day. Inclusive Periods of Service: The word inclusive refers to including all countable days. When we add an inclusive day, it is so that all days will be accounted for. 30 (April) -17 (April) ALWAYS USE A 30 DAY MONTH Instructor Note: Walk the students through the following examples. Example: The Soldier enters active duty on the 17th of April, in the pay grade of E-2. 13 days plus 1 (inclusive day) = 14 days service for period of 17 through 30 April    Instructor Note: Show the students how to compute EOM pay for that month. Instructor Note: Explain to the students how to compute the daily rate by finding the appropriate monthly rate and dividing by 30. According to the pay table, an E-2 just entering active duty has a monthly rate of $1793.40. $1793.40/30 = $59.78 (Daily Rate) Since it has already been determined that this Soldier should be paid for 14 days during the month of April, we will multiply the daily rate X 14. X 14 59.78 $836.92 Instructor Note: Work the following examples on the board with the students. Example: A SPC with 5 years in service is reduced to PFC on the 6th of November. STEP 1- Compute number of days as a SPC 1- 5 day as an E4: 5 (November) E-4 over/4 =$2432.10 divided by 30 days =$81.07 [daily rate] x 5 days =$405.35. STEP 2- Compute rest of the month as a PFC: 30 (November) 24 days + 1 (inclusive day) = 25 days -6 (November) E-3 over/4 =$2125.80 divided by 30 days =$70.86 [daily rate] x 25 =$1771.50 STEP 3- Add total of days as SPC (the 5 days) $405.35 and (the 25 days as E-3) $1771.50. The Soldier is paid $2176.85 at the end of the month. $2176.85 6 - 30 Nov + $1771.50 1 - 5 Nov $405.35 Example: An E-8 goes over 18 years time in service on the 12th of December. STEP 1- Compute number of days 1 - 11 days. (E-8 over/16 =$4715.10 divided by 30 days =$157.17 [daily rate] x 11 days=$1728.87. STEP 2- Compute number of days as E-8 over 18 years: -12 (December) 30 (December) E-8 over/18 =$4980.30 divided by 30 days =$166.01 x 19 days =$3154.19 18 days + 1 (inclusive day) = 19 days STEP 3- Add (the 11 days as over/16) $1728.87 and (the 19 days as over/18) $3154.19. The Soldier is paid $4883.06 at the end of the month. 12- 30 December + $3154.19 1 - 11 December $1728.87 $4883.06 Instructor Note: At this time give the students different scenarios to work on their own until they feel comfortable.

Special Pays Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP) Hardship Duty Pay (HDP-M & HDP-L) Hostile Fire/ Imminent Danger Pay (HFP/IDP) Assignment Incentive Pay Show Slide #11: Special Pays Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide. Special Pay: There are several types of Special Pays. The DoDFMR contains specific examples of special pay, but as listed below, we will concentrate on Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP), Hardship Duty Pay (HDP) and Hostile Fire Pay/Imminent Danger Pay (HFP/IDP). The rates of various special pays may be found in the DoDFMR. As in the case of basic pay, compute special pay on a thirty-day month. Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP) Hardship Duty Pay (HDP-M & HDP-L) Hostile Fire/ Imminent Danger Pay (HFP/IDP) Assignment Incentive Pay

Special Duty Assignment Pay DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS, 23RD ARMORED DIVISION FORT STEWART, GEORGIA 31314 ORDERS 06-121 10 JUNE 20** BROWN, CHRISTOPHER E. 999-33-8923, SPC, 23RD MED SPT BN FORT STEWART, GA 31314 SPECIAL DUTY ASSIGNMENT designator is awarded or terminated as indicated terminate hazardous duty as indicated. ACTION: Award SD1 AUTHORITY: AR 600-200 EFFECTIVE DATE: 1 JUNE 20** Drill Sergeant Pay ADDITIONAL Instruction: This order terminates any other Special duty assignment designator that the member may have been awarded. Show Slide #12: Special Duty Assignment Pay Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide. Special Duty Assignment Pay: Special Duty Assignment Pay is payable to enlisted members entitled to basic pay for duties described as being extremely difficult or concerning an unusual degree of responsibility. Competent orders are required in order to process proper payment of Special Duty Assignment Pay. The orders will state when the pay is authorized and the skill level, which determines the amount the Soldier will receive. While all information is important on an official written order, there are some key areas that as a Financial Management Technician should pay specific attention to. The standard name line and social security number are key for proper identification and processing SDAP for the correct service member. The action determines whether the entitlement will be started (Award), or stopped (Terminate). The action also states the skill level, which will be needed to make the input. The effective date is the date used to either start or stop the entitlement. Instructor's Note:  At this time, have the students log onto DMO and open a cycle. Walk them through how to input SDAP by having them make the input as you go over the next slide. Charles K. King DISTRIBUTION: (1)-COMMANDER (5)-PSNCO (10)-SOLDIER CHARLES K. KING MAJ, AG ADJUTANT GENERAL

RH- Recruiter Headquarters SP- SDAP (Other) SEE PAGE 3 OF THE DTA. Effective date on orders. **0601 Orders –“Action” CC- Career Counselors DS- Drill Sergeant RC- Recruiter RH- Recruiter Headquarters SP- SDAP (Other) Show Slide #13: Special Duty Assignment Pay (Screenshot) Instructor’s Note: Instructor navigate the students through the steps for instruction. Special Duty Assignment Pay: (Continue) Input of Special Duty Assignment Pay. Explain that this screen is an extract from the Defense Milpay Office system (DMO). The document necessary for Special Duty Assignment Pay is an order issued under the provisions of AR 310-10 and AR 600-200 that authorizes the award, revoke, or termination of SDAP. The Format ID for SDAP is "30", with Action Indicators 01, 02, and 06.   Start/Stop date is the Effective date on orders. Instructor Note: All Format IDs (FIDs) can be found in the “DSIS MMPA Extract” Special Duty Assignment Rates are numbered 1 – 6 and are paid in increments of $75.00 with a 1 being $75.00 and a 6 being $450.00. The DMO Screen has a drop down menu so you can select the correct category based on the orders.  The Proficiency Pay Rate is used to identify the duty being preformed for instance you would use a “DS” for Drill Sergeant. Again DMO has a drop down menu to select the correct category. Instructor Note: Reiterate to the students the importance of using the Summary Sheet as well as the DMO Coding Guide. These tools can drastically reduce errors when used properly.

Hardship Duty Pay-Mission DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS, 23RD ARMORED DIVISION FORT STEWART, GEORGIA 31314 ORDERS 05-029 1 JAN 20** TRAVELER, JOE D. 111-10-4782, SFC, 23RD MED SPT BN FORT STEWART, GA 31314 You will proceed on permanent change of station as shown. Assigned to: JPAC Central Identification Lab (Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Oahu, Hawaii) with duty on the Remains Recovery Team. Show Slide #14: Hardship Duty Pay-Mission Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide. Hardship Duty Pay (HDP): Hardship Duty Pay (HDP) is payable to members entitled to basic pay, at a monthly rate not to exceed $1500, while the member is performing duty designated by the Secretary of Defense as hardship duty. The Secretary of Defense has established that HDP shall be paid to members for performing a designated hardship mission and/or when assigned to a designated location. HDP rates are payable in addition to all other pays and allowances, except as noted under restrictions. There are two types of hardship duty pay. Hardship Duty Pay for Mission (HDP-M) Hardship Duty Pay for Location (HDP-L) Hardship Duty Pay-Mission: Payable to members for performing designated hardship missions. HDP-M is payable at the full monthly rate of $150, without being prorated, for each month the member performs a specified mission. HDP-M is consistently authorized for service members under the Joint POW/ MIA Accounting Command (JPAC) in performance of remains recovery duties. While all information is important on a official written order, there are some key areas that as a Financial Management Technician should pay specific attention to. The standard name line and social security number are key for proper identification and processing HDP-M for the correct service member. The duty performed & movement date is also important. REPORT DATE: 1 FEB 20**. DISTRIBUTION: (1)-COMMANDER (5)-PSNCO (10)-SOLDIER Michael C. Colt MICHAEL C. COLT LTC, AG ADJUTANT GENERAL

Start and stop dates can be obtained by viewing travel settlement voucher. Show Slide #15: Travel Voucher (Screenshot) Instructor’s Note: Instructor navigate the students through the steps for instruction. Travel Voucher: The travel settlement voucher is a document that is generated by DFAS after a service member has completed travel and is retrievable from myPay. The catalyst for this process is the filing of a travel voucher (DD Form 1351-2) and supporting documents by the service member. The travel settlement voucher is used as a substantiating document to verify dates of travel. Note: Start and stop dates can be obtained by viewing travel settlement voucher.

Enter 5 digit location code, if for MISSION leave blank Start and stop dates can be obtained by viewing travel settlement voucher. **0201 **0901 -Location -Mission Show Slide #16: Report Hardship Duty Pay (Screenshot) Instructor's Note: Instructor navigate the students through the steps for instruction to have students make the input on DMO as you are walking them through the slide. Report Hardship Duty Pay Coding HDP-M: The input for HDP-M is a 1403.   The start and stop dates can be obtained by viewing the travel settlement voucher. Duty type: Mission or Location (based on orders). Location code: Leave blank. Instructor's Note: Reiterate to the students the importance of using the Summary Sheet as well as the DMO Coding Guide. These tools can drastically reduce errors when used properly. Location Code, enter 5 digit location code, if for MISSION leave blank. Note: Start and stop dates can be obtained by viewing travel settlement voucher. Enter 5 digit location code, if for MISSION leave blank

Hardship Duty Pay-Location DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS, 23RD ARMORED DIVISION FORT STEWART, GEORGIA 31314 ORDERS 05-093 9 AUG 20** SNORK JEFF T. 111-10-4782, SFC, 23RD MAIN SPT BN FORT STEWART, GA 31314 PCS ASSIGNMENT: You will proceed on permanent change of station to KOREA. You will report in accordance with port call instructions. Contact the transportation office for information. DEPENDENTS: YES Travel will be at government expense. Commercial travel is authorized to your port of call. You will complete a travel voucher within five days of reporting to this assignment. d. Generalize New Information (9 hours 20 minutes) Instructor Note: Instructor navigate the students through the steps for instruction and refer students to the “DoDFMR Vol 7A” Chapter 17, paragraph 170202. Hardship Duty Pay for Location (HDP-L): Is payable to members for either permanent change of station duty or temporary/deployed/attached duty of over 30 days duration in specified locations. This entitlement is payable to both officers and enlisted members when assigned for duty in the locations designated in Figure 17-1, under the conditions set forth in Table 17-1. Rates Payable: $50, $100, or $150 (See table 17-1) NOTE: Dual payments of HDP-M and HDP-L are authorized for members during any 1 month provided the monthly rate of $1500 is not exceeded. When payable, hardship duty pay entitlement accrues from day of arrival for duty on a permanent change of station (PCS) move. For a service member who is on temporary duty (TDY), HDP-L does not accrue during the first 30 days of consecutive service, however, on the 31st day, HDP-L is payable to the member retroactive to the day of arrival.  Some designated HDP-L locations and rates are:   COUNTRY CITY RATE CANADA NORTHWEST TERRITORY $150 ECUADOR $100 HONDURAS $100 IRAQ ALL AREAS $100 AFGHANISTAN ALL AREAS $100 VENEZUELA $100 Instructor Note: Refer the students to pages 6-8 in the DTA. Input of HDP-L Hardship Duty Pay-Location: The documents needed for processing HDP-L are based on the reason for movement (TDY, DEPLOYMENT or PCS). PCS: Necessary documents include but are not limited to, orders and a copy of the Soldier’s completed DD Form 1351-2, (travel voucher) , confirming the date the Soldier arrived in the hardship duty pay area. Michael C. Colt DISTRIBUTION: (1)-COMMANDER (5)-PSNCO (10)-SOLDIER MICHAEL C. COLT LTC, AG ADJUTANT GENERAL

INSTRUCTIONAL USE ONLY Show Slide #18: Travel Voucher or Sub-Voucher (Screenshot) Instructor’s Note: Instructor navigate the students through the steps for instruction Travel Voucher or Sub-Voucher: PCS: This slide shows a completed DD 1351-2 (Travel Voucher). Use the latest date in block 15a. The Soldiers orders will have a report date but that may not necessarily be the date the Soldiers arrives at the duty station. The travel voucher will give an exact date for pay purposes. DATE OF ARRIVAL

Hardship Duty Pay-Location DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS, 23RD ARMORED DIVISION FORT STEWART, GEORGIA 31314 ORDERS 05-017 15 SEP 20** SNORK JEFF T. 111-10-4782, SFC, 23RD MAIN SPT BN FORT STEWART, GA 31314 DEPLOYMENT ASSIGNMENT: You will proceed on or about 20 NOV 20** to the designated Location indicated below. For a period of not less than 365 days. All travel will be by government transportation. Commercial travel is not authorized. You will report to the Theater Finance Office upon arrival to start your entitlements. You will complete a travel voucher within five days of returning from this assignment. Show Slide #19: Hardship Duty Pay-Location   Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide. Hardship Duty Pay-Location: TDY/DEPLOYMENT: Necessary documents include but are not limited to, orders, flight manifest (by name listing of individuals on a specific flight on a specific date), and/or in-processing worksheet (locally developed documents which are theater specific). Theater Standing Operating Procedures will dictate requirements. LOCATION: IRAQ Michael C. Colt DISTRIBUTION: (1)-COMMANDER (5)-PSNCO (10)-SOLDIER MICHAEL C. COLT LTC, AG ADJUTANT GENERAL

SEE PAGE 6 OF THE DTA. Date of arrival at location **1120 Show Slide #20: Start Hardship Duty Pay (Screenshot) Instructor Note: Instructor navigate the students through the steps for instruction to have students make the input on DMO as you are walking them through the slide.   Instructor Note: Refer students to the DMO Coding Guide page 17 for the appropriate location code. Start Hardship Duty Pay: The FORMAT ID code for HDP-L is "14" with action indicators: 01 Start 02 Stop For action indicators 01, use the date the Soldier arrives in the hardship duty pay area. This date is found on the in-processing checklist or the Flight Manifest. HDP-L is paid as a prorated daily rate. For “02“, use the date the Soldier departs the hardship duty pay area. This date is also on the DD Form 1351-2 (Travel settlement, which the Soldier completes upon redeployment). If the location (base/city/area) where the service member is assigned is not specified as a hardship duty pay location in the “table” of Designated Hardship Duty Pay Locations, but the country is listed, used the “OTHER” rate for the base/city where the service member is located to determine the rate payable. Instructor Note: Reiterate to the students the importance of using the Summary Sheet as well as the DMO Coding Guide. These tools can drastically reduce errors when used properly. Note: See page 6 of the DTA. Location Code can be retrieved from below website

Hostile Fire Pay/Imminent Danger Pay (HFP/IDP) Assigned to an area subject to Hostile Fire and/or Imminent danger Rate is $225.00 per month (HFP is not prorated but IDP is prorated) Use the same supporting documentation as provided for the HDP (Orders, memo, manifest, etc.) Show Slide #21: Hostile Fire Pay/Imminent Danger Pay (HFP/IDP) Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide. Hostile Fire Pay/Imminent Danger Pay (HFP/IDP): A member may be paid special pay for duty subject to hostile fire or imminent danger for any month when the member, while entitled to basic pay for active duty or compensation for inactive duty. Hostile Fire Pay (HFP) is paid at the rate of $225 per month when, as certified by the appropriate commander, a member is: Subjected to hostile fire or explosion of a hostile mine, or On duty in an area in close proximity to a hostile fire incident and the member is in danger of being exposed to the same dangers actually experienced by other Service members subjected to hostile fire or explosion of hostile mines, or Killed, injured, or wounded by hostile fire, explosion of a hostile mine, or any other hostile action. Imminent Danger Pay (IDP) is paid on a daily prorated basis not to exceed $225 per month when a member is on official duty in a designated IDP area. Payment: Effective December 31, 2011, IDP is payable on a prorated daily basis not to exceed a monthly rate of $225. It is payable in addition to all other pays or allowances, except when receiving HFP as stated in paragraph 100101. The proration does not apply to the 31st of a month for Active and Reserve component members who are on active duty for 30 days or more. HFP will not be prorated. Members will receive the maximum monthly rate of special pay for the month in which the hostile fire or hostile fire mine explosion event occurred. Payment will be made for the full month if a member is exposed to hostile fire or a hostile mine explosion on the 31st day of a month and the member had not already received credit for the full monthly allowance.

Date of arrival at location **0602 1-Combate Zone Tax Exclusion 2-Hostile Fire Pay/Combat Tax Zone Exclusion AF Two Digit Character Show Slide #22: Start Hostile Fire Pay (Screenshot) Instructor Note: Instructor navigate the students through the steps for instruction to have students make the input on DMO as you are walking them through the slide. Start Hostile Fire Pay: Coding HFP/IDP: The FORMAT ID code for HFP/IDP is “23" with action indicators: 01 Start 03 Report 02 Stop 05 Correct 06 Cancel Start Date: For action indicators 01, use the date the Soldier arrives in the hostile fire pay/imminent danger pay location. This date is found on the in-processing checklist or the Flight Manifest. HFP/IDP is paid in full on a monthly basis without being prorated or reduced. Stop Date: For “02“, use the date the Soldier departs the hardship duty pay area. This date is also on the DD Form 1351-2 (Travel settlement, which the Soldier completes upon redeployment). Report Dates: For “03” use the date the Soldier arrives in the HFP/IDP location as the “start date”. Use the date the Soldier departs the HFP/IDP area as the “stop” date. This date is also on the DD Form 1351-2 (Travel settlement, which the Soldier completes upon redeployment). CZ deduction: 1 or 2 (NOTE: Selecting a 1 would place the Soldier in an tax exempt status for the same period of entitlement to HFP/ IDP. The Soldier would continue to have deductions for taxes if a 2 is selected). HFP IDP Qualifier : 1 HFP area, 2 HFP/ CTZE area, or 7 IDP/ CTZE area Country Code: Can be located in DJMS verb JWMM. Please refer to the DoDFMR, Volume 7A, Chapter 10, Figure 10-1 to determine which of the following countries are designated Hostile Fire/IDP areas. Enter one of the following two character alpha/numeric for a country that is a designated Hostile Fire/IDP area. Country Code CZTE: Must contain data when the HFP/ IDP Qualifier is 7. A list of designated Combat Zone Exclusion areas can be found in the DoD Financial Management regulations (DoDFMR), Volume 7A, Chapter 44, Table 44-1. When referring to the DoDFMR, insure you read all Executive Orders to check for recent additions to the list. Instructor Note: Have the students write down the most common country codes that we use: Iraq – IZ, Kuwait-KU, and Afghanistan-AF Must contain Data if HFP IDP Qualifier is 7, otherwise leave blank

Assignment Incentive Pay (AIP) Service members entitled to basic pay may be paid Assignment Incentive Pay Eligible to Active, Reserve and/ or National Guard Soldiers on Active Duty Maximum monthly amount may not exceed $1,500 Show Slide #23: Assignment Incentive Pay (AIP) Instructor Note: Refer students to DoDFMR Vol 7A, Chapter 15 Assignment Incentive Pay : General Facts: A member of a uniformed service entitled to basic pay may be paid Assignment Incentive Pay (AIP) for performing services in an assignment designated by the Secretary concerned. To be eligible the member must be serving on active duty. The Secretary concerned may require the member to enter into a written agreement to qualify for AIP. The written agreement shall specify the period for which the incentive pay will be paid to the member and the monthly rate of the pay. The maximum monthly rate is $1,500. The DoDFMR Ch 15 discusses the different scenarios in which a Soldier may be eligible for AIP when assigned to Korea, or deployed to certain theater units and are either voluntarily or involuntarily extended. Instructor Note: Refer students to DoDFMR Vol 7A par 150401 and 150402 for examples of situation in which a Soldier may be entitled to AIP. PE Instructor's Notes: After the mid LSA check on learning, administer practical exercise #1. Refer the students to the DMO Extract and review it with them. Allot the students sufficient time to complete practical exercise #1 and review.

Mid LSA #1 Check on Learning Q1. What is the significance of the grades "O1E" through "O3E“? Officers credited with 2 years of active enlisted/warrant officer service Officers who attended West Point Academy Officers credited with over 4 years of active enlisted/warrant officer service NCOs that have over 12 years of active service before being commissioned Show Slide #24: Mid LSA #1 Check on Learning Instructor's Note: Ask the following question and facilitate discussion on answer given. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal answers. Q1. What is the significance of the grades "O1E" through "O3E"? Officers credited with 2 years of active enlisted/warrant officer service Officers who attended West Point Academy Officers credited with over 4 years of active enlisted/warrant officer service NCOs that have over 12 years of active service before being commissioned Q2. What is meant by longevity? Date the Soldier is released from duty Number of years of service Anniversary date of entry into the military Retirement date from the military Q2. What is meant by longevity? Date the Soldier is released from duty Number of years of service Anniversary date of entry into the military Retirement date from the military

Mid LSA #1 Check on Learning (Cont.) Q3. What format ID/Action Indicator is used to start Hardship duty pay for Location (HDP-L)? 1401 1403 1406 2301 Q4. What date do we use to stop hardship duty pay? The date the Soldier enters into Kuwait 30 days after the Soldier has returned back to home station The date the Soldier departs the hardship duty area as found on the DD 1351-2 travel voucher It does not stop; It continues to pay out the rest of the year the Soldier was deployed Show Slide #25: Mid LSA #1 Check on Learning (Cont.) Instructor's Note: Ask the following question and facilitate discussion on answer given. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal answers. Q3. What format ID/Action Indicator is used to start Hardship duty pay for Location (HDP-L)? 1401 1403 1406 2301 Q4. What date do we use to stop hardship duty pay? The date the Soldier enters into Kuwait 30 days after the Soldier has returned back to home station The date the Soldier departs the hardship duty area as found on the DD 1351-2 travel voucher It does not stop; It continues to pay out the rest of the year the Soldier was deployed

Check on Learning Q5. How much HDP (Hardship duty pay) does an SSG (E-6) receive being assigned to duty in Camp Casey Korea per month? $50.00 per month $150.00 per month $300.00 per month $0.00 per month; Hardship duty pay is not authorized at Camp Casey, Korea Q6. What is an inclusive day? The first day of every month February 29th for a leap year Date that a bonus needs to be paid Pay earning day not typically counted Show Slide #26: Mid LSA #1 Check on Learning (Cont.) Instructor's Note: Ask the following question and facilitate discussion on answer given. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal answers. Q5. How much HDP (Hardship duty pay) does an SSG (E-6) receive being assigned to duty in Camp Casey Korea per month? $50.00 per month $150.00 per month $300.00 per month $0.00 per month; Hardship duty pay is not authorized at Camp Casey, Korea Q6. What is an inclusive day? The first day of every month February 29th for a leap year Date that a bonus needs to be paid Pay earning day not typically counted

Hands On Training Show Slide #27: Hands On Training Practical Exercise: Determine Entitlement to Pay and Allowances PE#1 Method of Instruction: Practical Exercise Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 03 hrs. / 00 min. Media: Printed Reference Materials, Handouts Special Instructions: Ensure Students have access to AAA6B103 Determine Entitlement to Pay and Allowances PE 1 and all related material to complete the exercise. Objectives: This practical exercise tests your ability to determine entitlements, and correctly enter input to DMO for Pay and Allowances. Instructor’s Material: Each primary instructor should possess a lesson plan, slide deck, course handouts, and practical exercise with answer key, and lesson created notes.   Student’s Material: Students should possess course handouts, practical exercises titled Determine Entitlement to Pay and Allowances, handouts and standard classroom supplies.  Materials Needed: AAA6B103 Determine Entitlement to Pay and Allowances PE 1 AAA6B103 Determine Entitlement to Pay and Allowances PE 1 Student AB AAA6B102 103 104 DMO Extract AAA6B102 103 104 DSIS Extract AAA6B102 103 104 DTA AAA6B102 AAA6B104 MMPA Student HO AAA6B103 Pay Tables-Summary Sheet-Calculation Sheet Calculator *Pen Or Pencil *Blank Paper Note: (* Student responsibility) Procedures/Instructions: Do not write in the practical exercise booklet. This is an individual activity where communication with other students is not required. Read each question and scenarios carefully and write the best correct answer. All questions have one correct answer. You will complete this PE immediately following Mid LSA Check on Learning questions. You will have two complete periods (50 minutes (00 hrs. / 50 min.) Ea.) for completion of the PE, with additional time of 1 hour for the review. Be prepared to go over the answers with discussions pertaining to each answer given. General Information: This exercise consists of several situations, which involve determining and entering input for Pay and Allowances. You are part of the 24th Financial Management Company (FMCo) located at Fort Stewart, Georgia. The FMCo Disbursing Officer is LTC W. C. Cory. Questions 1 - 15 are multiple choices and questions 16-20 require you to make input transactions to the DMO terminal. Remember to read all student notes very carefully. Instructional Lead-in: Ensure your name, SSN, class number, and date are on the answer booklet. You will answer 1 – 15 in your answer booklet. Then use the documents in this supplement to make input to the DMO screens in your answer booklet. If computers are available, you will make your input in the computers. Student Note: You will use the year 2012 for all transactions Student Note: If you receive and error message while coding disregard and continue with input. Feedback: An AAR will be conducted after the PE; along with a students end of course critique will be conducted at the end of the course. At the expiration of the prescribed time, skillfully direct the students to share their assessments while encouraging their peers to leverage their own experiences and assessments to ask open-ended questions of each other to create a valuing learning experience. Instructor’s Note: If you experience difficulties, ask the Instructors or Assistant Instructors for immediate assistance or help. Requirements: Research each reference question and record answers after each question. Complete this practical exercise to the best of your ability. After everyone has completed this exercise, the instructor will critique it with the class. Correct any wrong responses at that time. Students will need to answer all questions and prepared to be called on to give their explanations to the class. The class advisor will critique this practical exercise. Be sure to correct your notes and any wrong answers you may have. Motivator: The concrete experience serves as a trigger of past experience, knowledge, and it is also a focusing mechanism for the lesson that follows to support the teaching of new content. The collective intent is to force the student to connect to the lesson and is the precursor to intuitive thinking of experiential learning model. Briefly discuss any bridge between the video and part of the lesson just covered to help the students understand the importance of assuring to accurately identify the entitlements correctly input into DMO. Evaluation: To obtain a "Go" for this PE, your answers must be IAW DoDFMR and JTR Research each reference question carefully and record your answer after each question. Practical Exercise Answer Key: Solutions for PE Determine Entitlement to Pay and Allowances #1 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. D 11. B 12. B 13. C 14. A 15. D 16. SSN / Name / Action Type / Start Date / Location Code 17. SSN / Name / Action Type / Start Date / Special Duty Assignment Rate / Proficiency Pay Type 18. SSN / Name / Action Type / Start Date 19. SSN / Name / Action Type / Start Date / Special Duty Assignment Rate / Proficiency Pay Type 20. SSN / Name / Action Type / Stop Date

Hazardous Duty Incentive Pays Aviation Incentive Pay’s Parachute Duty (Jump Pay) Demolition Duty Other Incentive Pays Show Slide #28: Hazardous Duty Incentive Pays   Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide to direct students to the appropriate references in the DoDFMR as you discuss specific entitlements. Hazardous Duty Incentive Pays General: Incentive pays are compensation a Soldier receives for performance of Hazardous duty. Entitlement to and requirements for each incentive pay are found in DoDFMR. Review of the DoDFMR reveals many types of incentive pay but, we will only discuss the following at length during this block of instruction: Flight Duty, Parachute Duty Demolition duty These are the incentives you will see most often in your job at the finance office. Rates Payable: Similar to basic pay, compute the various types of incentive pays on a thirty day month basis. The various rates payable are contained in the DoDFMR and are authorized by competent orders issued by HRC. Likewise, incentive pay is subject to federal tax withholding and, if applicable, state tax.

Aviation Incentive Pay Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay for Flying Duty (HDIP) Crew member Non-crew member Aviation Career Incentive Pay (ACIP) Show Slide #29: Aviation Incentive Pay   Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide. Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay for Flying Duty: Flying duty pay, more commonly referred to as "flight pay", is the aviation incentive pay that is most commonly submitted and processed. Soldiers under competent orders who participate in regular and frequent aerial flights are entitled to flight pay. There are two categories of aerial flight pay; refer to paragraph 220201 of the DoDFMR, for Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay (HDIP) for Flying Duty. These categories are: Crew member Non-crew member For both officers (including warrant officers) and enlisted Soldiers. Non-crew members are entitled to a monthly rate of $150, while the crew members rate is based upon pay grade; see Table 22-1. Aviation Career Incentive Pay: Entitlement to ACIP is designated for regular or reserve officers who hold, or are in training to, an aeronautical rating or designation and who engage and remain in aviation service on a career basis. For aviators, ACIP is a longevity based entitlement that is payable on a continuous or on a conditional (month to month) basis. The rates for continuous and conditional are equal and are based on longevity; see Table 22-7. Generally, you will not process ACIP in your day-to-day operations unless you are directed to terminate it by competent orders. Instructor Note: Refer to paragraph 220202of the DoDFMR for Aviation Career Incentive Pay (ACIP) for rated/designated officers and warrant officers.

Hazardous Incentive Pay for Flying Duty DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS, 23RD ARMORED DIVISION FORT STEWART, GEORGIA 31314 ORDERS 12-17 09 DEC 20** BONIG, REID 000-00-3333, SGM, 23RD MED SPT BN FORT STEWART, GA 31314 You will perform or terminate hazardous duty as indicated. ACTION: PERFORM AUTHORITY: DoDFMR AND AR 37-104-3 TYPE DUTY: Flight Pay (Crew member) Additional Pay Code: 1 Special qualification identifier awarded: NA EFFECTIVE DATE: 1 DEC 20** Date additional pay terminated: NA Format: 332 Show Slide #30: Hazardous Incentive Pay for Flying Duty   Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide. Crew member Flying Status: Generally speaking, this refers to Soldiers whose duties are essential to the operation of the aircraft in flight or for completing the specific mission of the aircraft that can only be accomplished during aerial flight. Examples of crew Soldiers are student officers undergoing pilot training, enlisted flight chiefs on board a helicopter, medical aid personnel and airborne electronic systems operators. Before you authorize or terminate this entitlement, HRC must publish competent orders. ACTION: PERFORM AUTHORITY: DoDFMR AND AR 37-104-3 TYPE DUTY: Flight Pay (Crew member) Additional Pay Code: 1 Charles K. King DISTRIBUTION: (1)-COMMANDER (5)-PSNCO (10)-SOLDIER CHARLES K. KING MAJ, AG ADJUTANT GENERAL

ALWAYS BLANK SEE PAGE 9 OF THE DTA. Effective date on orders. **1201 ALWAYS BLANK Show Slide #31: Flying Duty (Screenshot) Instructor’s Note: Instructor navigate the students through the steps for instruction and have students make the input on DMO as you are walking them through the slide.   Flying Duty: The input for flight pay is a 1201 for both crew and non-crew members. The start date is the Effective date on the orders.  Flight Crew status is 1- Crewmember.  The last three blocks will always be BLANK. Note: See page 9 of the DTA

Hazardous Incentive Pay for Flying Duty DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS, 23RD ARMORED DIVISION FORT STEWART, GEORGIA 31314 ORDERS 12-17 12 JUN 20** JONES, EARL J. 999-33-8922, SSG, 23RD MED SPT BN FORT STEWART, GA 31314 You will perform or terminate hazardous duty as indicated. ACTION: PERFORM AUTHORITY: DoDFMR AND AR 37-104-3 TYPE DUTY: Flight Pay (Non-Crew member) Additional Pay Code: 1 Special qualification identifier awarded: NA EFFECTIVE DATE: 1 JUNE 20** Date additional pay terminated: NA Format: 332 Show Slide #32: Hazardous Incentive Pay for Flying Duty    Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide. Hazardous Incentive Pay for Flying Duty: Non-crew member Flying Status: This refers to Soldiers whose duties directly relate to the in-flight mission of the aircraft and these duties cannot be performed by the assigned crew Soldiers. Examples of a non-crewmember are flight detachment chiefs, flight detachment Sergeants, and aircraft maintenance personnel. Again, HRC must publish competent orders assigning the Soldier to this duty position or termination of this duty. Rate payable is $150.00 flat rate for ALL non-crewmembers. ACTION: PERFORM AUTHORITY: DoDFMR AND AR 37-104-3 TYPE DUTY: Flight Pay (Non-Crew member) Additional Pay Code: 1 Special qualification identifier awarded: NA EFFECTIVE DATE: 1 JUNE 20** Date additional pay terminated: NA Format: 332 DISTRIBUTION: (1)-COMMANDER (5)-PSNCO (10)-SOLDIER Charles K. King CHARLES K. KING MAJ, AG ADJUTANT GENERAL

ALWAYS BLANK SEE PAGE10 OF THE DTA. Effective date on orders. **0601 ALWAYS BLANK Show Slide #33: Start Flying Duty (Screenshot) Instructor's Note: Instructor navigate the students through the steps for instruction and have students make the input on DMO as you are walking them through the slide.   Start Flying Duty: The input for a non-crew member is essentially the same as the input for crewmember, however, instead selecting 1 select 2 for non-crew member status. Crew Status is a 2 - Non – crew member Note: See page 10 of the DTA

Hazardous Incentive Pay for Flying Duty DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS, 23RD ARMORED DIVISION FORT STEWART, GEORGIA 31314 ORDERS 12-17 09 AUG 20** JONES, EARL J. 999-33-8922, SSG, 23RD MED SPT BN FORT STEWART, GA 31314 You will perform or terminate hazardous duty as indicated. ACTION: TERMINATE AUTHORITY: DoDFMR AND AR 37-104-3 TYPE DUTY: Flight Pay (Non-Crew member) Additional Pay Code: 1 Special qualification identifier awarded: NA EFFECTIVE DATE: 31 JULY 20** Date additional pay terminated: NA Format: 332 Show Slide #34: Hazardous Incentive Pay for Flying Duty Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide. Hazardous Incentive Pay for Flying Duty: In this example of flight pay orders, not the key difference between the previous demonstrated orders in that this order authorizes the termination of flight pay. ACTION: TERMINATE AUTHORITY: DoDFMR AND AR 37-104-3 TYPE DUTY: Flight Pay (Non-Crew member) Additional Pay Code: 1 Special qualification identifier awarded: NA EFFECTIVE DATE: 31 JULY 20** Date additional pay terminated: NA Format: 332 Charles K. King DISTRIBUTION: (1)-COMMANDER (5)-PSNCO (10)-SOLDIER CHARLES K. KING MAJ, AG ADJUTANT GENERAL

1 – Crewmember 2 – Non-Crewmember SEE PAGE 11 OF THE DTA. Effective date on orders. **0731 ALWAYS a “2” 1 – Crewmember 2 – Non-Crewmember Show Slide #35: Stop Flying Duty (Screenshot) Instructor's Note: Instructor navigate the students through the steps for instruction to have students make the input on DMO as you are walking them through the slide. Stop Flying Duty: The input to stop flight pay for crew and non-crew members is 1202.   Incentive Pay Qualifier is ALWAYS 2= Performance Requirements not met. Flight Crew Status/ 1= Crewmember and 2=NON-Crewmember Instructor Note: Refer students to DoDFMR 220203A. Requirements for flight pay (HDIP): After placement on competent orders, a Soldier must have a minimum of four hours flying time per month. However, if a Soldier does not fly 4 hours in any one calendar month, he/she can use: Hours flown during the last 5 preceding months provided that the hours were not used to qualify for flight pay previously. During 2 consecutive calendar months when the 4 hour requirements are not met, 8 hours of aerial flight are required. During 3 consecutive calendar months when the requirements are not met, 12 hours of aerial flight are required. Instructor Note: Refer students to DLT 22-4 of the DoDFMR and work through some examples with the students to give them working knowledge of the tables and rules governing flight hours and months for credit. Note: See page 11 of the DTA.

FAILURE TO MEET REQUIREMENTS CERTIFICATE All personnel in an authorized flying status have qualified for flying duty pay for the month of October 20**, except the following: DIAZ, CHRISTOPHER E. 999-33-8923 (Non-crew member) JONES, RANDY T. 999-87-9821 (Non-crew member) Show Slide #36: Failure to Meet Requirements Instructor's Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide. Failure to Meet Requirements: Paragraph 220203 and Table 22-4 of the DoDFMR explain in detail how to compute flying time. Occasionally, a Soldier receiving pay fails to perform the requisite four hours flying time for a particular month. The unit, under the direction of the flight operations officer, submits a "monthly exception certificate" reflecting names of Soldiers who meet the requirements, who fail to meet the requirements, and who met the requirements retroactively.   Instructor Note: Insure the students read the certificate carefully. Have them look for KEY WORDS that explain what the certificate is for. As with our sample certificate the word “EXCEPT” tells the students that the two listed Soldiers did NOT meet the requirements, therefore their flight pay needs to be stopped.    DISRIBUTION: (1)-COMMANDER (5)-PSNCO (10)-SOLDIER Thomas L. Turner THOMAS L. TURNER CPT, IN AVIATION OFFICER

Parachute Duty Pay Parachute Duty Pay (JUMP PAY) Documentation High Altitude Low Opening (HALO) Performance Requirements Rates Payable Format ID / Action Indicator Show Slide #37: Parachute Duty Pay   Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide to direct students to the DoDFMR Paragraph 240201 Parachute Duty. Parachute Duty Pay: Parachute duty pay, commonly referred to as "jump pay", is paid to a Soldier that performs duty involving parachute jumping as an essential part of his/her military duty. Generally, qualified Soldiers receive a designation as a parachutist or parachute rigger, or are undergoing training for such designations. They are required by competent orders to engage in parachute jumping from an aircraft in aerial flight and meet the minimum performance requirements; see Table 24-3. The rate for Parachute pay is a FLAT $150.00 per month. High Altitude Low Opening (HALO): Paid to Soldiers that perform duty involving parachute jumping at a high altitude with a low opening as an essential part of such duty. At a minimum, they must execute jumps at altitudes of greater than 10,000 feet with a free-fall to low altitudes before parachute opening. Qualifying Soldiers graduate from the U.S. Army Military Free Fall Course or a military service recognized equivalent course; receive a designation as a HALO parachutist, or are under going training for such designation. They are required by competent orders to engage in parachute jumping at high altitudes from an aircraft in aerial flight. Members must meet the requirements listed in Table 24-3. The monthly rate for a HALO parachutist, that qualifies, is $225.00. Performance Requirements: To receive Parachute Duty Pay, a Soldier is assigned by competent orders (published by the Personnel Service Center and performs at least one parachute jump every three months, he/she can perform the jump in any calendar month. That jump qualifies him/her for that month plus two preceding months or for that month plus two succeeding months or for that month plus one preceding month and one succeeding month. Upon PCSing to a new duty station, entitlement to parachute pay is terminated the day of departure. Instructor Note: Refer students to DLT 24-4 of the DoDFMR. Show students how the table works. Example 1: During the months October, November, and December, a Soldier performs 1 jump in December. Since the requirement is one jump every three months, the Soldier is entitled to pay for the entire three month period. Example 2: During the months of January, February, and March, a Soldier performs no jumps. Since the requirement is one jump every three months, the Soldier is not entitled to pay for any of the three months. Instructor Note: Refer students to Table 24-5 and review with students. **This table is used for ALL types of HDIP to determine when entitled under certain conditions.**

Parachute Duty Pay DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS, 23RD ARMORED DIVISION FORT STEWART, GEORGIA 31314 09 AUG 20** ORDERS 10-12 MAJOR, CHRIS D. 999-22-4423, SSG, 23RD MED SPT BN FORT STEWART, GA 31314 You will perform or terminate hazardous duty as indicated. ACTION: PERFORM AUTHORITY: DoDFMR AND AR 37-104-3 TYPE DUTY: PARACHUTE Additional Pay Code: 1 Special qualification identifier awarded: NA EFFECTIVE DATE: 31 July 20** Date additional pay terminated: NA Format: 332 If authorized “HALO” would appear here Show Slide #38: Parachute Duty Pay (Cont.)   Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide explaining that these are orders for Parachute Duty Pay. Point out that if the member is authorized HALO it would be annotated on these orders. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal answer. Parachute Duty Pay: Continue If authorized “HALO” where would it appear here on the orders on the screen? ACTION: PERFORM AUTHORITY: DoDFMR AND AR 37-104-3 TYPE DUTY: PARACHUTE Additional Pay Code: 1 Special qualification identifier awarded: NA EFFECTIVE DATE: 2 October 20** Date additional pay terminated: NA Format: 332 Charles K. King DISTRIBUTION: (1)-COMMANDER (5)-PSNCO (10)-SOLDIER CHARLES K. KING MAJ, AG ADJUTANT GENERAL

BLANK (OR)2 IF HALO SEE PAGE 13 OF THE DTA. Effective date on orders. **1002 Effective date on orders. Show Slide #39: Start Parachute Jump-Pay (Screenshot) Instructor's Note: Instructor navigate the students through the steps for instruction, having the students make the input on DMO as you are walking them through the slide.   Instructor's Note: Explain that the format ID to start parachute pay is a “1501”. The start date is the effective date of orders balanced against the soldiers jump log. If the Finance clerk is processing HDIP for HALO duty then select 2 for HALO or leave BLANK if for standard parachute duty pay. Note: See page 13 of the DTA. BLANK (OR)2 IF HALO

Parachute Duty Pay DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FORT STEWART, GEORGIA 31314 HEADQUARTERS, 23RD ARMORED DIVISION FORT STEWART, GEORGIA 31314 30 APR 20** ORDERS 10-12 MAJOR CHRIS D. 999-22-4423, SSG, 23RD MED SPT BN FORT STEWART, GA 31314 You will perform or terminate hazardous duty as indicated. ACTION: TERMINATE AUTHORITY: DoDFMR AND AR 37-104-3 TYPE DUTY: PARACHUTE Additional Pay Code: 1 Special qualification identifier awarded: NA EFFECTIVE DATE: 1 May 20** Date additional pay terminated: NA Format: 332 Show Slide #40: Parachute Duty Pay (Cont.) Instructor's Note: Instructor navigate the students through the steps for instruction, explaining that these are orders to terminate parachute duty. Parachute Duty Pay: (Cont.) ACTION: TERMINATE AUTHORITY: DoDFMR AND AR 37-104-3 TYPE DUTY: PARACHUTE Additional Pay Code: 1 Special qualification identifier awarded: NA EFFECTIVE DATE: 1 May 20** Date additional pay terminated: NA Format: 332 DISTRIBUTION: (1)-COMMANDER (5)-PSNCO (10)-SOLDIER Charles K. King CHARLES K. KING MAJ, AG ADJUTANT GENERAL

Effective date on orders. SEE PAGE 14 OF THE DTA. **0501 Effective date on orders. Show Slide #41: Stop Parachute Jump-Pay (Screenshot) Instructor's Note: Instructor navigate the students through the steps for instruction, having the students make the input on DMO as you are walking them through the slide.   Stop Parachute Jump-Pay: The input for terminating parachute pay is a “1502”. The stop date is the date on orders. Input 2 for HALO or leave BLANK. Note: See page 14 of the DTA. BLANK (OR) 2 IF HALO

Demolition Duty Pay Demolition Duty Pay Performance Requirements Rate Payable Format ID / Action Indicator Show Slide #42: Demolition Duty Pay   Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide. Demolition Duty Pay: To qualify for demolition duty pay, an individual‘s primary duty assignment must involve the demolition of explosives and includes training for duty in one or more of the functions listed in DoDFMR, 240501B. He/she receives this entitlement as long as he/she performs such duty during the month involved. HRC publishes orders authorizing or terminating this entitlement. A certificate of nonperformance is initiated by the unit, if applicable, and sent to finance for collection. Performance Requirements: Demolition duty pay is payable to Soldiers under competent orders to perform duty involving the demolition of explosives. Rate Payable: Demolition duty pay is paid at a rate of $150.00 monthly per (240204). Format ID: 1001

HEADQUARTERS 3RD ARMORED DIVISION Demolition Duty Pay DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS 3RD ARMORED DIVISION FORT STEWART GEORGIA 31314 ORDERS 10-12 21 March 20** ARLING, KANDRA 999-59-2124, SGT, 23RD EOD BN, FORT STEWART, GA 31314 You will perform or terminate hazardous duty as indicated. ACTION: PERFORM AUTHORITY: DoDFMR AND AR 37-104-3 TYPE DUTY: DEMOLITION Additional Pay Code: 1 Special qualification identifier awarded: NA EFFECTIVE DATE: 19 March 20** Date additional pay terminated: NA Format: 332 Show Slide #43: Demolition Duty Pay (Cont.) Instructor's Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide, highlighting to the students the action to be performed on this sample order. Demolition Duty Pay: (Cont.) ACTION: PERFORM AUTHORITY: DoDFMR AND AR 37-104-3 TYPE DUTY: DEMOLITION Additional Pay Code: 1 Special qualification identifier awarded: NA EFFECTIVE DATE: 19 March 20** Date additional pay terminated: NA Format: 332 Charles K. King DISTRIBUTION: (1)-COMMANDER (5)-PSNCO (10)-SOLDIER CHARLES K. KING MAJ, AG ADJUTANT GENERAL

Effective date on orders. SEE PAGE 15 OF THE DTA. **0319 Effective date on orders. Show Slide #44: Start Demolition Duty (Screenshot) Instructor's Note: Instructor navigate the students through the steps for instruction, having students make the input on DMO as you are walking them through the slide. Start Demolition Duty:   This is a sample order for demolition pay. The input for demo pay is a 1001 to start and 1002 to stop. The start date is the effective date on the orders. Instructor's Note: Explain to students that from this point on all incentive pays are at the rate of $150.00 per month. Note: See page 15 of the DTA.

Other Incentive Pays Experimental Stress Duty Toxic Fuels (or propellants) Duty Toxic Pesticides Duty Dangerous Viruses (or Bacteria) Lab duty Dual Incentive Pay Show Slide #45: Other Incentive Pays Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide. Other Incentive Pays: Submarine duty pay and flight deck duty pay are not paid to Army Soldiers, since it has no submarines or aircraft carriers in any of its tables of organization and equipment. The other types of incentive pay are not common in day-to-day operations within most finance offices, however you should be familiar with them. ALL incentive pays require, competent orders of assignment. Dual Incentive Pay: Members who qualify for incentive pay for more than one type of hazardous duty may receive no more than two types of payments for the same period. Dual hazardous duty incentive pay is limited to Soldiers required by orders to perform specific multiple hazardous duties necessary for successful accomplishment of the mission. Members must meet minimum requirements for each of the hazardous duties with the exception of conditions outlined in paragraph 240206D, DoDFMR, (Injury or Incapacity resulting from performance of Hazardous Duty or Dual Hazardous duties). PE Instructor’s Notes: After LSA #1 check on learning, administer practical exercise #2. Refer the students to the DMO Extract and review it with them. Allot the students sufficient time to complete practical exercise and review.

LSA #1 Check on Learning Q1. How many hours of aerial flight must a Soldier perform to receive flight pay? 10 hours per month 4 hours per month 15 hours per month 5 hours per month Q2.How often must a Soldier jump in order to collect jump pay? 1 jump per every 5 months 5 jumps every month 1 jump every 3 months 3 jumps every 3 months Show Slide #46: LSA #1 Check on Learning Instructor's Note: Ask the following question and facilitate discussion on answer given. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal answers. Q1. How many hours of aerial flight must a Soldier perform to receive flight pay? 10 hours per month 4 hours per month 15 hours per month 5 hours per month Q2. How often must a Soldier jump in order to collect jump pay? 1 jump per every 5 months 5 jumps every month 1 jump every 3 months 3 jumps every 3 months

LSA #1 Check on Learning (Cont.) Q3. What is the format ID to stop demolition duty pay? 1002 1003 1005 1006 Q4. What is the format ID to start jump pay? 1506 1001 1503 1501 Show Slide #47: LSA #1 Check on Learning (Cont.) Instructor's Note: Ask the following question and facilitate discussion on answer given. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal answers. Q3. What is the format ID to stop demolition duty pay? 1002 1003 1005 1006 Q4. What is the format ID to start jump pay? 1506 1001 1503 1501

Hands On Training Show Slide #48: Hands On Training Practical Exercise: Determine Entitlement to Pay and Allowances PE#2 Method of Instruction: Practical Exercise Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 02 hrs. / 00 min. Media: Printed Reference Materials, Handouts Special Instructions: Ensure Students have access to AAA6B103 Determine Entitlement to Pay and Allowances PE 2 and all related material to complete the exercise. Objectives: This practical exercise tests your ability to determine entitlements and proper entries for input in the DMO console for Incentive Pay. Instructor’s Material: Each primary instructor should possess a lesson plan, slide deck, course handouts, and practical exercise with answer key, and lesson created notes.   Student’s Material: Students should possess course handouts, practical exercises titled Determine Entitlement to Pay and Allowances, handouts and standard classroom supplies.  Materials Needed: AAA6B103 Determine Entitlement to Pay and Allowances PE 2 AAA6B103 Determine Entitlement to Pay and Allowances PE 2 Student AB AAA6B102 103 104 DMO Extract AAA6B102 103 104 DSIS Extract AAA6B102 103 104 DTA AAA6B102 AAA6B104 MMPA Student HO AAA6B103 Pay Tables-Summary Sheet-Calculation Sheet Calculator *Pen Or Pencil *Blank Paper Note: (* Student responsibility) Procedures/Instructions: Do not write in the practical exercise booklet. This is an individual activity where communication with other students is not required. Read each question and scenarios carefully and write the best correct answer. All questions have one correct answer. You will complete this PE immediately following LSA #1 Check on Learning questions. You will have one complete periods (50 minutes (00 hrs. / 50 min.) for completion of the PE, with additional time 1 hour for the review. Be prepared to go over the answers with discussions pertaining to each answer given. General Information: This exercise consists of several situations, which involve determining and entering input for Incentive Pay. You are part of the 23rd FMSu located at Fort Stewart, Georgia. The Finance officer is MAJ W. C. Cory. Questions 1-12 are multiple choices and 13- 20 require you to make input transactions to the DMO terminal. Remember to read all student notes very carefully. Instructional Lead-in: Ensure your name, SSN, class number and date are on the answer booklet. You will answer 1 – 12 in your answer booklet. Then use the documents in this supplement to make input to the DMO screens in your answer booklet for problems 13 - 20. If computers are available, you will make your input in the computers. Student Note: You will use the year 2012 for all transactions Student Note: If you receive and error message while coding disregard and continue with input. Feedback: An AAR will be conducted after the PE; along with a students end of course critique will be conducted at the end of the course. At the expiration of the prescribed time, skillfully direct the students to share their assessments while encouraging their peers to leverage their own experiences and assessments to ask open-ended questions of each other to create a valuing learning experience. Instructor’s Note: If you experience difficulties, ask the Instructors or Assistant Instructors for immediate assistance or help. Requirements: Research each reference question and record answers after each question. Complete this practical exercise to the best of your ability. After everyone has completed this exercise, the instructor will critique it with the class. Correct any wrong responses at that time. Students will need to answer all questions and prepared to be called on to give their explanations to the class. The class advisor will critique this practical exercise. Be sure to correct your notes and any wrong answers you may have. Motivator: The concrete experience serves as a trigger of past experience, knowledge, and it is also a focusing mechanism for the lesson that follows to support the teaching of new content. The collective intent is to force the student to connect to the lesson and is the precursor to intuitive thinking of experiential learning model. Briefly discuss any bridge between the video and part of the lesson just covered to help the students understand the importance of assuring to accurately identify the entitlements correctly input into DMO. . Evaluation: To obtain a "Go" for this PE, your answers must be IAW DoDFMR. Research each reference question carefully and record your answer after each question. Practical Exercise Answer Key: Solutions for PE Determine Entitlement to Pay and Allowances #2 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. C 11. D 12. A 13. SSN / Name / Action Type / Start Date / High Altitude Low Opening 14. SSN / Name / Action Type / Start Date / Flight Crew Status / Original Rating Date (ASD) / Officer Service Date / Date AWACS Experience 15. SSN / Name / Action Type / Start Date / Flight Crew Status 16. SSN / Name / Action Type / Start Date / High Altitude Low Opening 17. SSN / Name / Action Type / Stop Date 18. SSN / Name / Action Type / Stop Date / Incentive Pay Qualifier / Flight Crew Status 19. SSN / Name / Action Type / Start Date / High Altitude Low Opening 20. SSN / Name / Action Type / Start Date

LSA #1 Summary Show Slide #49: LSA #1 Summary Instructor's Note: During the first part of this lesson, we learned to identify and determine creditable service by computing service for military pay, entitlements in various conditions for pay for all grades of military personnel. We also conducted two PEs to tests your ability to determine entitlements, and correctly enter input to DMO.

Military Allowances Subsistence Allowances Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance (FSSA) Basic Allowances for Housing (BAH) BAH without Dependents BAH with Dependents Secondary Dependency BAH-Partial BAH-Differential Family Separation Allowance (FSA) Show Slide #50: Military Allowances 2. Learning Step Activity #2. Check entitlement to Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) Method of Instruction: DSL – Discussion (Small or Large Group) Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 02 hrs. / 00 mins. Media: PowerPoint Presentation, Printed Reference Material, Handout Instructor's Note: Transition into LSA #2 lesson on checking entitlement to Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS). Explain to the students that there are other military allowances that are authorized, i.e. clothing allowance, CONUS cost of living allowance, OVERSEAS cost of living allowance, and temporary lodging allowance. However, for this lesson we will only discuss the most relevant, frequently seen and applicable to branch of service military pays. Allowances are moneys provided for specific needs, such as food or housing and are financial compensation for when the government does not or cannot provide for a specific need. For example, the quantity of government housing is not sufficient to house all military members and their families. Those who live in government housing do not receive full housing allowances. Those who do not live in government housing receive allowances to assist them in obtaining commercial housing. The most common allowances are Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) and Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH). The majority receives both allowances and most allowances are not taxable. Subsistence Allowances Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance (FSSA) Basic Allowances for Housing (BAH) BAH without Dependents BAH with Dependents Secondary Dependency BAH-Partial BAH-Differential Family Separation Allowance (FSA)

Subsistence Allowances Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance (FSSA) Show Slide #51: Subsistence Allowances   Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide and referring students to DoDFMR Vol 7A, Chapter 25 of subsistence allowances. Subsistence Allowances: There are two types of subsistence allowance; Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) and Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance FSSA). The main focus on this part of the lesson will be on BAS for officer and enlisted members. We will briefly discuss the provisions, eligibility, and application process of FSSA. Instructor’s Note: Explain to the students that upon completion of initial military training, unless otherwise restricted, a member becomes entitled to BAS. Highlight the rate difference for enlisted and officers. Familiarize students with the types of basic allowance for subsistence currently authorized and the documents reflecting these entitlements.

BAS Types Officer BAS Enlisted BAS Standard BAS II Show Slide #52: BAS Types Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide. BAS Types: Officer BAS: Verification if a Soldier is an officer and do not fall under the following conditions. Not AWOL for more than 24 hours. Not on excess leave.   A single rate of BAS applies to all officers. The BAS entitlement is paid at a monthly rate. Automatically commences upon completion of initial officer training (OBC).  Officer's BAS never terminates. Enlisted BAS: Verification if a Soldier is enlisted and identified under the following criteria’s. In transit status. Identify if the Soldier is a meal cardholder. Meal Cardholder monthly meal collection rates will be collected. Granted authorization to mess separately. On a leave status. Enlisted members are entitled to one of two BAS rates (Standard BAS or BAS-II). The two types are defined as such; Instructor Note: Refer students to the DoDFMR, section 250201B. This is the standard rate of BAS to be paid to enlisted members unless they qualify for and have proper authorization (Commander) for a higher rate of BAS. This allowance is payable to enlisted Soldiers that are not in basic training; in turn means it is payable upon completion of basic training. Enlisted BAS never terminates. Enlisted BAS II: Enlisted members on duty at a permanent station and assigned to single (unaccompanied) government quarters (barracks), which do not have adequate food storage or preparation facilities, and where a government mess is not available and the government cannot otherwise make meals available, may be entitled to BAS II. The rate for BAS II is fixed at twice the rate for standard enlisted BAS. Effective February 10, 2006, the Navy authorized the payment of BAS II. Effective October 1, 2010; the Air Force authorized payment of BAS II to members at specific locations.  Note: All transactions will be coded in DMO.

BAS Restrictions Rates Payable Meal Collections Documentation DA 4187 DD 1475 Format ID / Action Indicator d. Generalize New Information (9 hours 20 minutes) Instructor Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide and refer students to DoDFMR Paragraph 250203 & explain the relationship between BAS, meal collections, and missed meals. BAS: Restrictions: Military members are not entitled to BAS under the following conditions:   When undergoing Basic Military Training When in excess leave status When in an AWOL status in excess of 24 hours When on an approved educational leave When a member with no dependents is training for Olympic Games When serving a court-martial sentence that includes confinement Instructor Note: Refer students to DoDFMR Paragraph 250202 and page 4 of the Pay Tables Handout.   . Rates Payable: BAS is paid at a monthly rate for a 30 day month as well. As stated earlier Officer BAS is paid at one rate. There are two rates for enlisted BAS. Standard Rate: The amount that a Soldier authorized to mess separately (does not have to eat in the DFAC) will receive. Discount Meal Rate: The rate for meal collections when a Soldier is on Essential Station Messing (Must eat in the DFAC). For mandatory meal collections; the first day a Soldier is issued a meal card, and the last day, the collection will be 25% of the DISCOUNT MEAL RATE. As a general rule this does not normally happen in the same month. Instructor Note: Refer students to DoDFMR Paragraph 250204A. Meal Collections: A Military member being paid BAS must pay for all meals or rations received from a government mess (DFAC) or provided on behalf of the government. Meal Collections are collected to pay for these meals. When payment is made through pay account collection, it is not considered a deduction from or reduction of the entitled BAS, it is a collection for debt owed to the government. Some examples of mandatory pay account collections are field duty, Essential Unit Messing (EUM), and Essential Station Messing (ESM). Note: Soldiers who have mandatory meal collections can claim MISSED MEALS for meals they were unable to eat in the dining facility. The rate they are reimbursed is the discounted meal rate per meal/type missed, i.e. a Soldier was unable to eat breakfast in the dining facility, he/she would be reimbursed $2.60 for that missed meal. The Soldier must submit a DD Form 1475 that must be certified by the commander to claim missed meals. Meals claimed must have been missed for military reasons and not personal.

Meal Collection Computation EXAMPLE: Soldier signs into his unit, the unit submits a DA4187 to start meal collection on 15 APR, his collection for the month of April would be? STEP 1: Calculate the number of days to be collected; 30 DAYS -15 DAYS 15+1 inclusive day=16 DAYS. STEP 2: The first and last day of deduction will be at 25% of the discount meal rate or $2.61. ALL other days will be collected at the meal collection rate or $10.45 Show Slide #54: Meal Collection Computation Instructor’s Note: Instructor navigate the students through the steps for instruction. Meal Collection Computation: EXAMPLE: Soldier signs into his unit, the unit submits a DA 4187 to start meal deduction on 15 APR, his entitlement for the month of April would be.   STEP 1: Calculate the number of days to be collected. 30 Apr -15 Apr 15+1 inclusive day=16 days. STEP 2: The first and last day of deduction will be at 25% of the discount meal rate or $2.61. ALL other days will be collected at the meal collection rate or $10.45 Instructor Note: The Calculation at 25% of the discounted meal rate of $10.45 equals $2.6125. The multiplication of $2.6125 x 4 will equal $10.45.

Collection Computation Cont. STEP 3: Multiply the number of full days by the rate. (15x10.45= $---.--). STEP 4: Add the first day’s rate, $2.61 to the total for full days ($---.-- + $2.61= $---.--), this is the amount collected from the Soldier for the month of April. Show Slide #55: Collection Computation Cont. Instructor’s Note: Have students perform calculation on their own prior to revealing answer Collection Computation: Continue Example: STEP 3: Multiply the number of full days by the rate. (15x10.45= $156.75).   STEP 4: Add the first day’s rate, $2.61 to the total for full days ($156.75 + $2.61= $159.36), this is the amount collected from the Soldier for the month of April.

Collection Computation EXAMPLE: Soldier is authorized to mess separately effective the 20th of October. Follow these steps to calculate the BAS Payment. STEP 1: Calculate the number of days to be collected and the rate of collection. 1 – 18 = 18 Full days at a rate of $10.45. (18 x 10.45 = $---.--) 19th is last day of collection at a rate of $2.61. STEP 2: Add the two figures together (---.-- + 2.61 = $---.--). STEP 3: Take the Standard Monthly rate ($368.29) and subtract the collection amount from it (368.29 – ---.-- = $---.--). This is the amount the Soldier will RECEIVE for BAS in the month of October. Show Slide #56: Collection Computation Cont. Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide. Collection Computation: Continue Example: Soldier is authorized to mess separately effective the 20th of October. Follow these steps to calculate the BAS Payment.   STEP 1: Calculate the number of days to be collected and the rate of collection. 1 – 18 = 18 Full days at a rate of $10.45 (18 x 10.45= $178.20) 19th is last day of collection at a rate of $2.61. STEP 2: Add the two figures together (178.20 + 2.61 = $180.81). STEP 3: Take the Standard Monthly rate ($368.29) and subtract the collection amount from it (368.29 – 180.81 = $187.48). This is the amount the Soldier will RECEIVE for BAS in the month of October.

Basic training completion date. **0807 S = Enlisted; O = Officer Show Slide #57: Start Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) (Screenshot) Instructor’s Note: Instructor navigate the students through the steps for instruction. Start Basic Allowance for Subsistence: Instructor’s Note: Help the students understand that BAS coding is a rare transaction to be processed in a regular Finance unit. However, it is important to understand BAS to further understand meal collections. Additionally, explain to the students that by the time a Soldier arrives at the unit a “40 line” should have already been opened. In rare circumstances, this may not be the case.   The start date for FID 4001 can be obtained from the service member’s graduation certificate.

SEE PAGE 17 OF THE DTA FROM DA 4187 ALWAYS 1 **1105 SPECIAL INSTRUCTOR NOTE: “VOCO” date must be used when the effective date in remarks column doesn’t match the date the Commander signed the DA 4187. If “VOCO” date is absent use the date in BLK 14 as effective date. Show Slide #58: Start Meal Collections (Screenshot) Instructor’s Note: Instructor navigate the students through the steps for instruction. Have students make the input on DMO as you are walking them through the slide.   Start Meal Deductions: DA Form 4187 is utilized to start meal collections due to the issuance of a meal card. Starting meal collections offsets payment of full rate BAS. To process meal collections input a DN01. The FID/ACTN for the collection will be DN01 (start meal collection). Start Date comes from DA 4187; the Effective date in the remarks section must be the same as the date the commander signed it or (VOCO) date must be used.   Meal Deduction type is ALWAYS 1. Special Instructor’s Note: “VOCO” date must be used when the effective date in remarks column doesn’t match the date the Commander signed the DA 4187. If “VOCO” date is absent use the date in BLK 14 as effective date. ALWAYS 1

SEE PAGE 18 OF THE DTA FROM DA 4187 120114 SPECIAL INSTRUCTOR NOTE: “VOCO” date must be used when the effective date in remarks column doesn’t match the date the Commander signed the DA 4187. If “VOCO” date is absent use the date in BLK 14 as effective date. ONE DAY PRIOR TO DETERMINED EFFECTIVE DATE. Show Slide #59: Stop Meal Collections (Screenshot) Instructor’s Note: Instructor navigate the students through the steps for instruction. Have students make the input on DMO as you are walking them through the slide.   Stop Meal Deductions: DA Form 4187 is utilized to stop meal collections. Stopping meal collections enables member to receive the full rate BAS. To process meal collections input a DN02. The FID/ACTN for this transaction is a DN02 (Stop Meal Collections). Stop Date is one day prior to the effective date on the DA 4187; the Effective date in the remarks section must be the same as the date the commander signed it or (VOCO) date must be used. If there is no VOCO, use the date in block 14. (Still one day prior.)   Special Instructor’s Note: “VOCO” date must be used when the effective date in remarks column doesn’t match the date the Commander signed the DA 4187. If “VOCO” date is absent use the date in BLK 14 as effective date. ONE DAY PRIOR TO DETERMINED EFFECTIVE DATE.

SEE PAGE 19 & 20 OF THE DTA. FIRST AND LAST DAY OF THE CALENDAR MONTH. Reference the “FOR MONTH” block on DD1475. 120201 120228 DD 1475 (Totals) Column. Show Slide #60: Report Missed Meal Refund (Screenshot) Instructor’s Note: Instructor navigate the students through the steps for instruction. Have students make the input on DMO as you are walking them through the slide.   Report Missed Meal Refund: If a soldier is receiving meal deductions and is unable to mess at a dinning facility for government (mission) related reasons then they are eligible to claim a missed meal refund(s). To claim missed meals, the soldier must complete a DD Form 1475 (Basic Allowance for Subsistence-Certification). Scenario for computation of missed meals: The period covered includes 1 through 31 March. The Soldier was unable to eat in a government dining facility due to rotating shift hours for 3 breakfasts, 5 dinners, and 3 suppers. Input a PI03, Missed Meals Refund to report the missed meals for the month. Example: Missed 3-breakfasts, 5-dinners, 3-suppers. Note: Refer students to pay table handout and look at the Discount Meal Rate for reimbursement of missed meals. 3 breakfasts X $2.60 = $7.80 5 dinners X $4.20 = $21.00 3 suppers X $3.65 = $10.95 TOTALS = $39.75 The start and stop date are the first and last CALENDAR days of that month. The number of missed meals is on the DD 1475 in the TOTALS Column.

Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance (FSSA) General Provisions Eligibility Entitlement Application and Certification Termination and Recertification Instructor Note: Instructor discusses on areas below using the slide. Refer student to DoDFMR, paragraph 250302.   d. Generalize New Information (9 hours 20 minutes) General Provisions: The Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance (FSSA) program was established to supplement an individual’s basic allowance for subsistence to a level sufficient to remove that member’s household from or obviate the need for benefits under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as the food stamp program. Officer and enlisted members entitled to BAS may also qualify for FSSA. FSSA is payable at a monthly rate as determined by the Military Service concerned under the guidance provided by the Secretary of Defense, and may not exceed $1,100. FSSA is a nontaxable allowance payable in addition to all other pays and allowances. Eligibility: FSSA is payable to any officer or enlisted member of the Armed Forces who meets all of the following criteria: Is serving on active duty and receiving BAS.  Has a gross household income that would make the member eligible for assistance under the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) SNAP program for a given household size. At least one person in the Service member’s household is a military dependent. Has made application for and been certified, at a specific payment level, by the appropriate office; and After September 30, 2016, only a member serving outside the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, or Guam is eligible for a supplemental subsistence allowance Entitlement: FSSA is a monthly entitlement payable in whole dollar amounts not to exceed $1,100. It is not payable to any member, otherwise entitled, during periods in a non-pay status. FSSA is payable in an amount that would bring the member’s gross household income to 130 percent of the Federal poverty line as established by the USDA. For periods of less than a full month of entitlement, the FSSA is payable at 1/30 for each day of entitlement. If an eligible member is receiving SNAP benefits, then the amount of the FSSA entitlement will be equal to the calculated FSSA or the SNAP allotment, whichever is higher, not to exceed $1,100 per month. Application and Certification: Individual members must make application to the appropriate organizational element as designated by their respective Service. The appropriate Service organization will make all decisions regarding eligibility and the amount of entitlement and will provide final certification for payment to include the entitlement start date. Termination and Recertification: Certain events will cause the termination of entitlement unless reapplication and recertification are made. An eligible member may make reapplication no earlier than 30 days prior to termination when an event that will require recertification is known in advance. Additionally, a member may make reapplication no later than 30 days after an event that requires recertification without loss of continuity of entitlement. When reapplication is made within 30 days of an event that would cause termination, the recertification will have an effective date of the day following the event and any change in entitlement rate will be effective on that date. A reapplication will be treated as an initial application if more than 30 days lapse before the reapplication is made following the date of an event requiring recertification. In such cases, continuity of entitlement will be lost and the date for termination of the entitlement will be the date of the event requiring recertification. Each of the following events requires reapplication and recertification or termination of entitlement: When the monthly household income increases by $100 or more as compared to the household income used as the basis of the member’s current certified entitlement. When there is any decrease to household size. When the member is promoted. In the case of a promotion, the entitlement ends the day prior to the effective date of promotion. When executing PCS move. In the case of a PCS move, the entitlement ends the day prior to the date the member officially reports for duty at the new duty station; and Annually on February 1. PE Instructor’s Notes: After LSA #2 check on learning, administer practical exercise #3. Refer the students to the DMO Extract and review it with them. Allot the students sufficient time to complete practical exercise and review.

LSA #2 Check on Learning Q1. What document is used to refund missed meals? DA 4187 DD Form 1475 DD Form 1351-2 DD Form 1571 Q2. What format ID is used to start a meal deduction? MD01 MG03 DN03 DN01 Show Slide #62: LSA #2 Check on Learning Instructor's Note: Ask the following question and facilitate discussion on answer given. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal answers. Q1. What document is used to refund missed meals? DA 4187 DD Form 1475 DD Form 1351-2 DD Form 1571 Q2. What format ID is used to start a meal deduction? MD01 MG03 DN03 DN01

LSA #2 Check on Learning (Cont.) What are the two types of Enlisted BAS? Officer & Enlisted BAS Enlisted BAS Entitlement & Enlisted BAS Eligibility Enlisted BAS (Standard) & Enlisted BAS II Meal Deductions & Missed Meals When do enlisted Soldiers start receiving standard rations (BAS)? On the first day of reception Upon completion of basic training Upon completion of AIT When the Soldier gets to their duty station Show Slide #63: LSA #2 Check on Learning (Cont.) Instructor's Note: Ask the following question and facilitate discussion on answer given. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal answers. Q3. What are the two types of Enlisted BAS? Officer & Enlisted BAS Enlisted BAS Entitlement & Enlisted BAS Eligibility Enlisted BAS (Standard) & Enlisted BAS II Meal Deductions & Missed Meals Q4. When do enlisted Soldiers start receiving standard rations (BAS)? On the first day of reception Upon completion of basic training Upon completion of AIT When the Soldier gets to their duty station

Hands On Training Show Slide #64: Hands On Training Practical Exercise: Determine Entitlement to Pay and Allowances PE#3 Method of Instruction: Practical Exercise Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 03 hrs. / 00 min. Media: Printed Reference Materials, Handouts Special Instructions: Ensure Students have access to AAA6B103 Determine Entitlement to Pay and Allowances PE 3 and all related material to complete the exercise. Objectives: This practical exercise tests your ability to determine entitlements and proper entries for input in the DMO terminal for Basic Allowance for Subsistence. Instructor’s Material: Each primary instructor should possess a lesson plan, slide deck, course handouts, and practical exercise with answer key, and lesson created notes.   Student’s Material: Students should possess course handouts, practical exercises titled Determine Entitlement to Pay and Allowances, handouts and standard classroom supplies.  Materials Needed: AAA6B103 Determine Entitlement to Pay and Allowances PE 3 AAA6B103 Determine Entitlement to Pay and Allowances PE 3 Student AB AAA6B102 103 104 DMO Extract AAA6B102 103 104 DSIS Extract AAA6B102 103 104 DTA AAA6B102 AAA6B104 MMPA Student HO AAA6B103 Pay Tables-Summary Sheet-Calculation Sheet Calculator *Pen Or Pencil *Blank Paper Note: (* Student responsibility) Procedures/Instructions: Do not write in the practical exercise booklet. This is an individual activity where communication with other students is not required. Read each question and scenarios carefully and write the best correct answer. All questions have one correct answer. You will complete this PE immediately following LSA 2 Check on Learning questions. You will have two complete periods (50 minutes (00 hrs. / 50 min.) Ea.) for completion of the PE, with additional 1 hour for the review. Be prepared to go over the answers with discussions pertaining to each answer given. General Information: This exercise consists of several situations which involve determining and entering input for subsistence allowances. You are part of the 24th Financial Management Company (FMSu) located at Fort Stewart, Georgia. The Disbursing Officer is MAJ W. C. Cory. You will use the year 2012 for all transactions. Questions 1-10 are multiple choices and questions 11-17 require you to make input transactions to the DMO terminal. Remember to read all student notes carefully. Instructional Lead-in: Ensure your name, SSN, class number and date are on the answer booklet. You will answer 1 – 10 in your answer booklet. Then use the documents in this supplement to make input to the DMO screens for problems 11-17 in your answer booklet. If computers are available, you will make your input in the computers. During the Practical Exercise review, ensure you correct your notes and any wrong answers you may have. Student Note: If you receive and error message while coding disregard and continue with input. Feedback: An AAR will be conducted after the PE; along with a students end of course critique will be conducted at the end of the course. At the expiration of the prescribed time, skillfully direct the students to share their assessments while encouraging their peers to leverage their own experiences and assessments to ask open-ended questions of each other to create a valuing learning experience. Instructor’s Note: If you experience difficulties, ask the Instructors or Assistant Instructors for immediate assistance or help. Requirements: Research each reference question and record answers after each question. Complete this practical exercise to the best of your ability. After everyone has completed this exercise, the instructor will critique it with the class. Correct any wrong responses at that time. Students will need to answer all questions and prepared to be called on to give their explanations to the class. The class advisor will critique this practical exercise. Be sure to correct your notes and any wrong answers you may have. Motivator: The concrete experience serves as a trigger of past experience, knowledge, and it is also a focusing mechanism for the lesson that follows to support the teaching of new content. The collective intent is to force the student to connect to the lesson and is the precursor to intuitive thinking of experiential learning model. Briefly discuss any bridge between the video and part of the lesson just covered to help the students understand the importance of assuring to accurately identify the entitlements correctly input into DMO. Evaluation: To obtain a "Go" for this PE, your answers must be IAW DoDFMR Research each reference question carefully and record your answer after each question. Practical Exercise Answer Key: Solutions for PE Determine Entitlement to Pay and Allowances #3 1. D 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. B 11. SSN / Name / Action Type / Start Date / Meal Deduction Type 12. SSN / Name / Action Type / Stop Date 13. SSN / Name / Action Type / Start Date / Meal Deduction Type 14. SSN / Name / Action Type / Stop Date 15. SSN / Name / Action Type / Stop Date 16. SSN / Name / Action Type / Start Date / Stop Date / Missed Breakfast / Missed Dinners / Missed Suppers 17. SSN / Name / Action Type / Start Date / Stop Date / Missed Breakfast / Missed Dinners / Missed Suppers

LSA #2 Summary Show Slide #65: LSA #2 Summary Instructor's Note: During this part of this lesson, we learned to identify and determine subsistence allowances provided for specific needs as food or housing, financial compensation when government does or cannot provide for specific needs. We also conducted a PE to tests your ability to determine entitlements, and correctly enter input to DMO.

Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) Show Slide #66: Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) Learning Step Activity #3. Check entitlement to Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) Method of Instruction: DSL – Discussion (Small or Large Group) Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 02 hrs. / 30 mins. Media: PowerPoint Presentation, Printed Reference Material, Handout Instructor's Note: Transition into LSA #3 lesson and explain to students that within the next part of the lesson we will discuss Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) entitlements.  

BAH without Dependents E-7 and above may elect to not occupy government quarters Payable based on current pay-grade and permanent duty station (PDS) Zip Code Supporting Documentation - DA 5960 with a Statement of Non-Availability (E-6 and below) attached FID/ACTN - Same for ALL types of BAH Show Slide #67: BAH without Dependents Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide. Have the students turn to JTR, Chapter 10. . Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH): Verification if a Soldier is stationed in the United States including Alaska and Hawaii. BAH is a CONUS based allowance authorized to be paid by geographic duty location, pay grade, and dependency status. The allowance provides compensation for service members Note: Refer to JTR, paragraph 10002. Instructor Note: Refer the students to JTR, 10400 , dealing with Members Without Dependents.   Without Dependents-BAH: Verification that the Soldier has no dependents and fall under the following criteria’s. Pay grade of E-7 or above who has elected not to occupy government quarters (i.e., Bachelor Enlisted Quarters or Bachelor Officer Quarters) at the permanent duty station. Pay grade of E-6 or below does not have government quarters available to reside in at the permanent duty station. Soldier is in a travel status incident to a permanent change of station move from a location in the United States. Unless otherwise entitled, members without dependents residing in other than government quarters, are entitled to BAH at the without dependent rate. The rates for BAH are based on the member’s permanent duty station (PDS). Application for BAH without dependents is made on DA Form 5960. A statement of non-availability must be attached, for members of the Army in pay grades E-6 and below. If government quarters are not assigned to a Soldier, then the soldier should obtain a statement of non-availability. Soldiers in pay grades E-7 or above can elect not to occupy quarters and are automatically entitled to BAH at the without rate (Own Right).

Block 6 of DA5960 = divorce decree (P&A) Summary Sheet. **0807 Show Slide #68: Change Basic Allowance for Quarters (BAQ) (Screenshot) Instructor’s Note: Instructor navigate the students through the steps for instruction. Have students make the input on DMO as you are walking them through the slide. Coding BAH without Dependents: There are additional scenarios that can influence what is coded, however, in basic terms; a 3504 & 6801 (only if there is no open 68 on MMPA) will be processed to start BAH without Dependents.   The Start date is in Blk. 6 of the DA 5960. Ensure that the date on the marriage certificate and the 5960 are the same date. If not the same use the date on the marriage certificate. Government QRTS assigned/adequacy, and BAQ Dep. Code can be found by using the dropdown menu. The last two input fields are ALWAYS left blank.

Show Slide #69: Example Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide. Explain to students that if the Member already has an open 68 entry on their MMPA, it is not necessary to input a 6801. Note: Refer to the slide as an example. If there was no open 68 entry, the 6801 must be processed. Example: Basic Pay (01) Action Indicator ………………………………………Z4 Entry Open Data …………………….. **0101 01 02 1 Amount Specific Entitlement ………………..$5398.20 Amount Specific Entitlement Mid-Month …..$2699.10 Date Start ……………………………January 01, 20** Amount Specific Entitlement Next Month…..$5398.20 Basic Allowance for Housing BAH (35) Action Indicator ……………………………………… Z4 Amount Specific Entitlement Next Month …..…...$.30 Amount Specific Entitlement ……………………...$.30 Amount Specific Entitlement Mid-Month ..…….....$.15 Closest BAH Dependent ……………………………...R Number of Dependents for BAH …………….…...…..0 Monthly Rate ………………………………………..$.30 Pay Held Indicator ………………………………….… 0 Government Housing Adequacy ………..…………….… 0 Government Housing Assignment ...……...………..…….2 Basic Allowance for Subsistence BAS (40) Entry Closed Data……………………………000000 Entry Open Data …………………...**0801.01.02.08 Computer Processing Code………..……………..….2 Date Stop……………………………………….000000 Date Start ……………………….…January 01, 20** Action Indicator ……………………..……………….. 01 Entitlement Next-Month-Mid-Month ..………..$126.81 Entitlement ………………………………….… $253.63 Entitlement Mid-Month …………………...…...$126.82 BAS Type ……………………………………………... O Entitlement Next-Month …..………………....$253.63 Variable Housing Allowance Offset VHA (68) Action Indicator……………………………………………Z4 Computer Processing Control Code……………………..2 Entry Open Data………………………….**0101 01 01 2 Entitlement………………………………………..$1463.70 Entitlement Mid-Month……………………………$731.85 Date Start………………………………January 01, 20** Zip Code………………………………………………31314 Accompanied Status……………………………………….0 Entitlement Next-Month…………………………$1463.70 Rent Status………………….……………………………R Share Number……………….……………………………1 Actual Amount of Rent…………………………….$1.00 Pseudo DUI Code……………………………………………

Dropdowns Menus and Pg 30 of DMO Extract Block 6 of DA 5960 (Same as on 3504) Block 5 of DA 5960 Block 12 a. (1) of DA 5960 Show Slide #70: Start Basic Allowance Housing (BAH) (Screenshot) Instructor’s Note: Instructor navigate the students through the steps for instruction. Have students make the input on DMO as you are walking them through the slide. Start Basic Allowance Housing (BAH): Coding BAH without Dependents: There are additional scenarios that can influence what is coded, however, in basic terms, a 3504 & 6801 will be processed to start BAH without Dependents. The start date is the same as the 3504 (Blk #6 of DA 5960). The zip code is for the DUTY STATION the Soldier is assigned to (Blk #5 of DA 5960). Accom. Stat. is a 0 which represents single. Rent amount comes for Blk. 12a(1) of the DA5960 if provided. If not provided us $1.00. Do not leave blank Rent status is R for renting and H for homeowner (MORTGAGE). Zero fill the percentage field. Dropdowns Menus and Pg 30 of DMO Extract

BAH with Dependents Paid to members whose dependents do not occupy adequate family type government quarters Payable based on current pay-grade and permanent duty station (PDS) Zip Code Supporting Documentation - DA 5960 with Marriage or Birth Certificate Show Slide #71: BAH with Dependents   Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide. Refer students to the JTR, Paragraph 10402 Member With Dependents. BAH with Dependents: Verification if a Soldier is has dependents IAW Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) Chapter 10) and the following criteria’s. Government quarters are not provided for the Soldier and dependents. Not married to another Service-member. Has proper approval for secondary dependency from DFAS. Note: All transactions will be coded in DMO. Unless otherwise entitled, members residing with dependents in other than government quarters, are entitled to BAH at with/dependent rate. BAH is paid in an amount according to the pay grade in which the Soldier is serving or appointed for basic pay purposes. BAH rates are based on the member’s Permanent Duty Station (PDS) Zip Code.    Instructor’s Note: Refer students to JTR, Part B, Dependency, paragraphs 10100 - 10126. Primary Dependents: To be considered a primary dependent, soldiers must demonstrate that the dependent is either their spouse, child; and this includes, biological, adopted, illegitimate, and stepchildren or a combination thereof. Applications for BAH on behalf of primary dependents are made on DA Form 5960 and require a copy of a marriage license, housing termination order or birth certificate be attached. Additionally, some units may require additional supporting documentation based on their unit standing operating procedure such as a lease agreement. When assigned to family type government quarters, the soldier continues to receive BAH with dependents. However, housing will initiate an allotment for the full amount of the soldiers BAH.

See pages 21 & 22 0f DTA Block 6 of DA5960 = marriage cert. (P&A) Summary Sheet. Must be input when Dep. Code is “C” Show Slide #72: Change Basic Allowance for Quarters (BAQ) (Screenshot) Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide. Have students make the input on DMO as you are walking them through the slide.   Coding BAH with Dependents: The input to change BAH is 3504 and a 6801 (only if there is no open 68 on MMPA). The Start date is in Blk. 6 of the DA 5960. Ensure that the date on the marriage certificate or birth certificate and the 5960 are the same date. If not the same use the date on the marriage certificate or birth certificate. Government QRTS assigned/adequacy, and BAQ Dep. Code can be found by using the dropdown menu. The last two input fields are ALWAYS left blank.

Dropdowns Menus and Pg 30 of DMO Extract See pages 21 & 22 0f DTA Block 6 of DA 5960 (Same as on 3504) Block 5 of DA 5960 Block 12a(1) DA 5960 Show Slide #73: Start Basic Allowance Housing (BAH) (Screenshot) Instructor’s Note: Instructor continues to read and instructs using the slide. Have students make the input on DMO as you are walking them through the slide. Coding BAH with Dependents: Continue The second part of the input is the 6801. (only if there is no open 68 on MMPA). The start date is the same as the 3504 (Blk #6 of DA 5960). The zip code is for the DUTY STATION the Soldier is assigned to (Blk #5 of DA 5960). Accom. Stat. is a 1 for with dependents. Rent amount comes for Blk. 12a(1) of the DA5960 if provided. If not provided use $1.00. Do not leave blank Rent status is R for renting and H for homeowner (MORTGAGE). Zero fill the percentage field. Dropdowns Menus and Pg 30 of DMO Extract

Secondary Dependency 4 Categories: Parent Full Time Student 21 & 22 Years of Age Incapacitated Child over Age 21 Ward of a Court Determination Redetermination d. Generalize New Information (9 hours 20 minutes)   Instructor Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide. Refer students to Military Pay Secondary Dependency Guide & JTR Chp 1-10, para 10108. Secondary Dependency: Service members can apply for secondary dependency for non primary dependents to have access to pay, allowances (BAH), and medical care. The categories that are applicable and the forms that are required are as follows. Qualifying secondary dependents will fall into the following categories with each requiring a different form and supporting documentation: Parent: A service member may request dependency determinations for biological parents, parents-in-law, step-parents, parents-by-adoption, or an individual who was in a loco parentis status for a continuous period of at least five years prior to the service members emancipation. DD Form 137-3 Full Time Student 21 & 22 Years of Age: This status refers to a primary dependent who has now transition to secondary dependency status because of age. In order for the service member to receive BAH in the secondary dependency status it must be demonstrated that the child is in fact enrolled as a full time student at an accredited university or college. Additionally, the student may qualify until age 23 or graduation, whichever occurs first. DD Form 137-6 Incapacitated Child over Age 21: The service member must demonstrate through documentary evidence that the child is unable to care for him/herself. DD Form 137-5 Ward of a Court: Under the circumstances that the child has been placed in physical custody of the service member for a period of at least 12 consecutive months, the individual is unmarried, and has not reached age 21 or 23 if full time student may qualify with required documentation. DD Form 137-7    It is also important to note that only individuals related to the member as prescribed in the secondary dependency guide may qualify as a secondary dependent. Determination: In way of the Secretary of Defense, DFAS is authorized to make dependency determinations necessary for the purposes of pay, allowances, and medical care. To initially establish dependency, a Dependency Statement; one of the DD Forms which is influenced by the type of status to which the service member is claiming. Redetermination: Redetermination is nothing more than a recertification that will require the same documentary evidence that the service member originally used to certify. Redetermination occurs on an annual basis for active duty personnel and every third year for reserve personnel. As stated above, approval for determination of dependency is held at the DFAS level. The service member can submit their request for secondary dependency through the Finance office via the Case Management System (CMS) or they can submit their claim directly to DFAS.

BAH-Partial Paid to Single Soldier living in Single Type Quarters (Barracks) or Field or Sea Duty Can not be entitled to any other type of BAH BAH-Partial is not authorized during proceed time unless assigned to single type GOV’T QTRS BAH- Partial: Verification if a Soldier has entitlement to Partial BAH under the following conditions. Not entitled to BAH. Has no dependents. Is assigned to single-type government quarters (i.e., barracks, Bachelor Enlisted Quarters or Bachelor Officer Quarters) or on field or sea duty. Not in a PCS status. Not confined or restrained by local authorities. Soldier's child is not being claimed by another Service member to include former spouse. BAH-Partial is a nominal amount paid to soldiers to help defray nominal costs associate with residing in single type government quarters. BAH-Partial is paid to a Soldier without dependents, assigned to single-type quarters (barracks), or is on field or sea duty, and not otherwise entitled to receive a basic allowance for housing (BAH).   BAH-Partial is not authorized during proceed time, leave en route, or travel time on PCS unless the member is assigned to single type GOV’T QTRS and not authorized BAH or OHA. The BAH-Partial rate is based the difference in basic pay between 1980 and 1981 reallocated pay raises and what those rates would have been had the raise not been reallocated. The rate is fixed from those years and does not change.

Date of arrival to duty station **0807 Show Slide #76: Change Basic Allowance for Quarters (BAQ) (Screenshot) Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide. Have students make the input on DMO as you are walking them through the slide. Change Basic Allowance for Quarters: In the case of BAH-Partial, the only required transaction is a 3504. BAH-Partial is the “barracks” rate so note the key changes. Government Quarters Assignment reflects a 1 = Assigned Government Quarters Adequacy reflects a 3 = Partial BAQ Number of Dependents for BAQ reflects a 0 = Without dependents BAQ Dependent Code reflects an R = Own right or Partial BAQ

Computation of BAH Computed on 30 day basis. Rate Rank With/Without Dependents Show Slide #77: Computation of BAH Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide. Computation of BAH: Computation of BAH is similar to computing Base Pay. The monthly rate is determined by the member’s rank and their dependency status (with/without dependents or partial). Instructor’s Note: Refer students to page 5 of the pay and allowances handout. For training purposes we will use the rate for Ft. Stewart, GA. Example: An E4 with dependents is promoted to E5 on 14 June. Follow the steps to compute the member’s BAH for June. Step 1: Calculate the days the member is paid at each rank. E4 – 1st through 13th = 13 days E5 – 14th through 30th = 17 days 30th -14th 16 + 1 inclusive day = 17 days Step 2: Compute daily rate for each rank. Then multiply by number of days entitled. E4 – Monthly rate $1350/30 = $45.00 daily X 13 days = $585.00 E5 – Monthly rate $1413/30 = $47.10 daily X 17 days = $800.70 Step 3: Add both rates for BAH entitlement. 585.00 +800.70 $1385.70 (BAH entitlement for June)

Family Separation Allowance (FSA) Show Slide #78: Family Separation Allowance (FSA) Instructor’s Note: Instructor reads and facilitate discussion. Refer students to Chap. 27 of DoDFMR and the pay tables’ handout, slide #7. Family Separation Allowance: Within the next part of the lesson, we will discuss Family Separation Allowance (FSA).  

Family Separation Allowance (FSA) TYPES OF FSA: FSA-R FSA-T FSA-S For members with dependents / member married to member who PCS or are TDY for MORE than 30 days. Show Slide #79: Family Separation Allowance (FSA) Instructor’s Note: Instructor reads and facilitate discussion. Family Separation Allowance: There are three types of FSA: FSA-R, FSA-T, and FSA-S. The one thing they both have in common is that the Soldier MUST be separated from his/her dependents by competent orders. For members with dependents / member married to member who PCS or are TDY for MORE than 30 days. Instructor Note: See Table 27-1 of the DoDFMR for a more specific view of FSA.   The three different types of FSA which are each explained in the DoDFMR paragraph 270203A1 – 3. FSA is payable in a monthly rate of $250.00. Instructor Note: For conditions of entitlement see DoDFMR, Table 27-4.

Family Separation Allowance (FSA) (Con’t) DOCUMENTATION: DD1561 Travel Voucher Orders FORMAT ID /ACTION INDICATORS: Show Slide #80: Family Separation Allowance (FSA) (Cont.)   Instructor’s Note: Instructor reads and facilitate discussion. Family Separation Allowance: Continue Documentary requirements are the same for both types of FSA. DD Form 1561 is the required document to certify a proper payment of FSA. In addition to the DD Form 1561, the service member is also required to submit a Travel Voucher DD 1351-2 and/or reassignment orders as proof of travel/ separation. The FID/ACTN for FSA is 65(01, 02, 03)

See page 25 0f DTA Date of depart if no leave taken. If leave taken, date reported to unaccompanied location. DD1351-2. **0807 Show Slide #81: Start Family Separation Allowance (Screenshot) Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide. Have students make the input on DMO as you are walking them through the slide. Start Family Separation Allowance: Note: See page 25 of DTA To start FSA-II input FID 6501.   The start date is the date the Soldier arrived at the new location. The FSA Type is found in Part II of the DD 1561. Use the drop down menu to select the type that corresponds with that on the form. Note: Date of depart if no leave taken. If leave taken, date reported to unaccompanied location. DD1351-2. Part II of DD1561 “Type II” section (R, S, or T).

LSA #3 Check on Learning Q1. What prepared and completed form authorizes BAH with or without dependents? DD Form 1561 DA Form 1561 DD Form 5960 DA Form 5960 Q2. What form authorizes FSA? DD Form 1561 DA Form 1561 DD Form 5960 DA Form 5960 Show Slide #82: LSA #3 Check on Learning Instructor's Note: Ask the following question and facilitate discussion on answer given. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal answers. Q1. What prepared and completed form authorizes BAH with or without dependents? DD Form 1561 DA Form 1561 DD Form 5960 DA Form 5960 Q2. What form authorizes FSA?

LSA #3 Check on Learning (Cont.) Q3. A Soldier without dependents assigned the barracks at his/her permanent duty station is authorized what type of BAH? Partial BAH Not authorized BAH With Dependent Without Dependent Q4. What is the FORMAT ID/ACTN INDCTR to STOP any type of BAH? 3501 3502 6501 6502 Show Slide #83: LSA #3 Check on Learning (Cont.) Instructor's Note: Ask the following question and facilitate discussion on answer given. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal answers. Q3. A Soldier without dependents assigned the barracks at his/her permanent duty station is authorized what type of BAH? Partial BAH Not authorized BAH With Dependent Without Dependent Q4. What is the FORMAT ID/ACTN INDCTR to STOP any type of BAH? 3501 3502 6501 6502

LSA #3 Check on Learning (Cont.) Q5. What type of BAH is a Soldier with dependents authorized? BAH Without Dependent BAH With Dependents Partial BAH No BAH authorized Q6. What is the FORMAT ID/ACTN INDCTR to START FSA? 3501 3502 6501 6502 Show Slide #84: LSA #3 Check on Learning (Cont.) Instructor's Note: Ask the following question and facilitate discussion on answer given. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal answers. Q5. What type of BAH is a Soldier with dependents authorized? BAH Without Dependent BAH With Dependents Partial BAH No BAH authorized Q6. What is the FORMAT ID/ACTN INDCTR to START FSA? 3501 3502 6501 6502

LSA #3 Check on Learning (Cont.) Q7. What date do you use to start Family Separation Allowance when the Soldier does not take any leave? Date of Arrival to TDY location Date of Departure from TDY location Date of Arrival to PDS Date of Departure from PDS Show Slide #85: LSA #3 Check on Learning (Cont.) Instructor's Note: Ask the following question and facilitate discussion on answer given. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal answers. Q7. What date do you use to start Family Separation Allowance when the Soldier does not take any leave? Date of Arrival to TDY location Date of Departure from TDY location Date of Arrival to PDS Date of Departure from PDS

LSA #3 Summary Show Slide #86: LSA #3 Summary Instructor's Note: During this part of this lesson, we learned to identify and determine a member on active duty entitled to basic pay is authorized a housing allowance based on grade, dependency status, and duty location. We also conducted a PE to tests your ability to determine entitlements, and correctly enter input to DMO.

Clothing Allowances Clothing Monetary Allowance Initial Clothing Allowance Standard Cash Clothing Replacement Allowance Show Slide #87: Clothing Allowances Learning Step Activity #4. Check entitlement to clothing allowances. Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Method of Instruction: DSL – Discussion (Small or Large Group) Media: PowerPoint Presentation, Printed Reference Material, Handout Time of Instruction: 01 hrs. / 00 mins. Instructor's Note: Transition into LSA #4 lesson on checking entitlement to clothing allowances, and other allowances. Clothing Allowance: Note: Refer to Chapter 29, of the DODFMR. Verify entitlement to Clothing Monetary Allowance - Enlisted and Officer.   Verify entitlement to Standard Initial Clothing Allowance. Enlisted. Identify it is the Soldier's first enlistment in the service. Identify if a Soldier is enlisted. Initial Clothing Allowance is immediately payable as a cash allowance in lieu of items not furnished. Verify entitlement to Cash Clothing Replacement Allowance. Determine Basic Cash Clothing Replacement Allowance. Identify the Soldier is not attending an officer training program or academy preparatory school. Ensure that the Soldier has completed one year of uninterrupted service. Cross-check if the Soldier has completed three years of active service, without regard to time loss. Note: All transactions will be coded in DMO. Determine Standard Cash Clothing Replacement Allowance (Verify that Soldier has completed three years of service, without regard to time loss). Clothing Replacement Allowance accrues as a monthly allowance and is paid in an annual installment to repair, replace, and maintain clothing items. Note: Refer to Chapter 30, of the DoDFMR. Officer Uniform Allowance: Payable to officers upon call to active duty for training. All officer personnel commissioned or appointed in the Regular or Reserve Components of the Army are authorized a reimbursement of $400 regardless of source of commission or previous enlisted status.

Other Allowances Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) Show Slide #88: Other Allowances Instructor’s Note: Instructor read and instructs using the slide. Other Allowances: Note: Refer to Chapter 10, of the JTR OHA: Verify Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA). The purpose of OHA is to reimburse Soldiers for expenses they incur for overseas housing when government quarters are not assigned. The basis for the payment is the actual monthly rental cost of lodging within a prescribed ceiling. OHA is authorized to assist a member in defraying the housing costs incurred incident to assignment to a PDS outside the U.S. Every member authorized to live in private sector leased/owned housing is authorized OHA, provided an Individual Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) Report (DD Form 2367) is completed by the member and approved by the senior officer of the Uniformed Services in the country concerned, or the individuals or offices designated for that purpose by the senior officer. Note: Refer to Appendix J, of the JTR COLA: Verify Cost of Living Allowance (COLA). Authorization of COLA defrays the average excess costs for Soldiers with OCONUS assignments. The excess costs are determined by comparing the average living expenses for Soldiers in each area outside the United States with the average similar living expenses for Soldiers in CONUS. A cost-of-living allowance (COLA) is paid to a member assigned to high cost OCONUS area to help maintain the equivalent purchasing power of the member’s CONUS-based counterparts. Price comparisons determine the COLA amount needed to equalize purchasing power between an OCONUS-based member and CONUS-based counterparts. Instructor’s Notes: After the final LSA #4 check on learning, administer the comprehensive practical exercise. Allot the students sufficient time to complete practical exercise and review.

LSA #4 Check on Learning True / False: Q1. Initial Clothing Allowance is immediately payable as a cash allowance in lieu of items not furnished. A1. True. Q2. OHA is authorized to assist a member in defraying the housing costs.. A2. True Q3. Price comparisons determine the COLA amount needed to equalize purchasing power.. A3. True Show Slide #89: LSA #4 Check on Learning Instructor's Note: Ask the following question and facilitate discussion on answer given. Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal answers. True / False   Q1. Initial Clothing Allowance is immediately payable as a cash allowance in lieu of items not furnished. Q2. OHA is authorized to assist a member in defraying the housing costs. Q3. Price comparisons determine the COLA amount needed to equalize purchasing power.

LSA #4 Summary Show Slide #90: LSA #4 Summary Instructor's Note: During the final part of this lesson, we learned to identify and determine the three basic types of clothing allowances entitlements, or provisions for payment of clothing replacement allowances.

Hands On Training Show Slide #91: Hands On Training Practical Exercise: Determine Entitlement to Pay and Allowances Comprehensive PE. Method of Instruction: Practical Exercise Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 04 hrs. / 30 min. Media: Printed Reference Materials, Handouts Special Instructions: Ensure Students have access to AAA6B103 Determine Entitlement to Pay and Allowances Comprehensive PE and all related material to complete the exercise. Objectives: This comprehensive practical exercise tests your ability to determine correct entitlements and proper entries for input in the DMO terminal for Basic and Special Pay, Incentive Pay, Subsistence Allowance, and Other Allowances. Instructor’s Material: Each primary instructor should possess a lesson plan, slide deck, course handouts, and practical exercise with answer key, and lesson created notes.   Student’s Material: Students should possess course handouts, practical exercises titled Determine Entitlement to Pay and Allowances, handouts and standard classroom supplies.  Materials Needed: AAA6B103 Determine Entitlement to Pay and Allowances Comp PE AAA6B103 Determine Entitlement to Pay and Allowances Comp Student AB AAA6B102 103 104 DMO Extract AAA6B102 103 104 DSIS Extract AAA6B102 103 104 DTA AAA6B102 AAA6B104 MMPA Student HO AAA6B103 Pay Tables-Summary Sheet-Calculation Sheet Calculator *Pen Or Pencil *Blank Paper Note: (* Student responsibility) Procedures/Instructions: Do not write in the practical exercise booklet. This is an individual activity where communication with other students is not required. Read each question and scenarios carefully and write the best correct answer. All questions have one correct answer. You will complete this PE immediately following LSA 4 Check on Learning questions and Summary. You will have three complete periods (50 minutes (00 hrs. / 50 min.) Ea.) for completion of the PE, with additional time of 1 hour and 30 minutes for the review. Be prepared to go over the answers with discussions pertaining to each answer given. General Information: This comprehensive exercise consists of several situations where you determine and enter input for pay and allowances. You are part of the 23rd FMSU located at Fort Stewart, Georgia. The Finance Officer is MAJ W. C. Cory. Remember to read all student notes very carefully. Instructional Lead-in: Ensure your name, SSN, class number and date are on the answer booklet. You will answer 1 – 20 in your answer booklet. Then use the documents in this supplement to make input to the DMO screens in your answer booklet. If computers are available, you will make your input in the computers. For problems 21 - 30, you must review the document(s) and the DSIS printout. Then code the input on the DMO computer terminal. Student Note: You will use the year 2012 for all transactions. Student Note: If you receive and error message while coding disregard and continue with input. Feedback: An AAR will be conducted after the PE; along with a students end of course critique will be conducted at the end of the course. At the expiration of the prescribed time, skillfully direct the students to share their assessments while encouraging their peers to leverage their own experiences and assessments to ask open-ended questions of each other to create a valuing learning experience. Instructor’s Note: If you experience difficulties, ask the Instructors or Assistant Instructors for immediate assistance or help. Requirements: Research each reference question and record answers after each question. Complete this practical exercise to the best of your ability. After everyone has completed this exercise, the instructor will critique it with the class. Correct any wrong responses at that time. Students will need to answer all questions and prepared to be called on to give their explanations to the class. The class advisor will critique this practical exercise. Be sure to correct your notes and any wrong answers you may have. Motivator: The concrete experience serves as a trigger of past experience, knowledge, and it is also a focusing mechanism for the lesson that follows to support the teaching of new content. The collective intent is to force the student to connect to the lesson and is the precursor to intuitive thinking of experiential learning model. Briefly discuss any bridge between the video and part of the lesson just covered to help the students understand the importance of assuring to accurately identify the entitlements correctly input into DMO. Evaluation: To obtain a "Go" for this PE, your answers must be IAW DoDFMR Research each reference question carefully and record your answer after each question. Practical Exercise Answer Key: Solutions for PE Determine Entitlement to Pay and Allowances Comprehensive 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B, A, A 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. B April - June, C November - December, D January - February, A August - September 10. C 11. A 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. D 16. C. 17. A 18. D 19. C, A, D, B 20. B 21. SSN / Name / Action Type / Start Date / Government Quarters Assigned / Government Quarters Adequacy / Number of Dependents for BAQ / BAQ Dependent Code 21. SSN / Name / Action Type / Start Date / Meal Deduction Type 22. SSN / Name / Action Type / Start Date / Government Quarters Assigned / Government Quarters Adequacy / Number of Dependents for BAQ / BAQ Dependent Code 22. SSN / Name / Action Type / Start Date / Zip Code / Accompanied Status /Rent Paid / Share Numbers / Rent Status 22. SSN / Name / Action Type / Stop Date 23. SSN / Name / Action Type / Start Date / High Altitude Low Opening 24. SSN / Name / Action Type / Start Date / Location Code 25. SSN / Name / Action Type / Start Date / Flight Crew Status / Original Reporting Date / Officer Service Date / Date AWACS Experience 26. SSN / Name / Action Type / Stop Date / Government Quarters Assigned / Government Quarters Adequacy / BAQ Dependent Code 27. SSN / Name / Action Type / Start Date 28. SSN / Name / Action Type / Start Date / Stop Date / Missed Breakfasts / Missed Dinners / Missed Suppers 29. SSN / Name / Action Type / Stop Date 30. SSN / Name / Action Type / Start Date / FSA Type

TLO Check On Learning “Critical Thinking” How else could you use this information? How might you use this information in the future? Show Slide #92: TLO Check On Learning “Critical Thinking” Note: Animated slide, click enter to reveal questions to answer. This phase is student-centered and instructor facilitated. Allow the students to decide how they will use the information. The definitive goal is for the students to think critically and creatively about how to use the information garnered from the lesson plan in the future. As the instructor you can direct the students to brainstorm in small groups or you can ask open ended questions such as: How might you use this information in the future? How else could you use this information? How can you apply the premise of caring about another Soldier’s pay in the future? Instructor’s Note: The above listed questions are only examples. As the instructor, you are free to ask varied questions. However, ensure the questions are open-ended and serve to ensure the students see the relevance of the generalized new information presented and future usage. How can you apply the premise of caring about another Soldier’s pay in the future?

TLO Summary Action: Identify Entitlements to Allowances Conditions: As a new FM Soldier in a classroom environment using doctrinal and administrative publications, practical exercises, handouts, and discussion Standard: With at least 75% accuracy, Students must demonstrate proficiency with: Check entitlement to Basic Pay Check entitlement to Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS). Check entitlement to Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH). Check entitlement to clothing allowances. Show Slide #93: TLO Summary Instructor's Note: Inform the students of the following learning objective requirements. At the completion of this lesson, you (the student) will: Action: Identify Entitlements to Allowances Conditions: As a new FM Soldier in a classroom environment using doctrinal and administrative publications, practical exercises, handouts, and discussion Standard: With at least 75% accuracy, Students must demonstrate proficiency with: Check entitlement to Basic Pay Check entitlement to Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS). Check entitlement to Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH). Check entitlement to clothing allowances. “Or” Instructor’s Notes: During this lesson, we learn about the fundamentals of military pay on how to identify entitlements to pay and allowances through analysis on how to interpret a military pay account, appropriate regulations, and supporting documents to establish claim for pay and allowances. We also conducted four PEs to tests your ability to determine entitlements, and correctly enter input to DMO. Instructors at this time, have one student from each group to explain the most important take away to them from this lesson. Facilitate a discussion on each answer.