Education Service Cooperative Agreement


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Presentation transcript:

Education Service Cooperative Agreement VA/SAA Roles and Responsibilities VA Central Office – Education Service Approvals, Compliance and Liaison Team Shante’ Kinzie-Calloway October 2018

Topics for Discussion The Past – Contract Processing Agreement Process Distribution Timeline Agreement Requirements Appendices Personnel System Access Administrative Allowance Supplements Evaluations JPRG Reminders

The Past – Contract Processing Prior to FY19, Education Service sent following items for contract reimbursement processing Contract documents with the allocation amount will be forwarded electronically to the SAA, COR (ELR) and CELO Business Plan Template with instructions for preparing the contract proposal ELR Contract Review Checklist

Agreement Process Federal Fiscal Year Timeliness October 1, 2018-September 30, 2019 Timeliness Agreement Negotiation Process Agreement Approval Distribution of Agreement SAA Agreement Completion VACO Final Review and Signing Invoicing Joint Peer Review Group

Agreement Distribution Education Service will provide (electronically) the following items to the SAA Director, ELR, and CELO: Agreement Package Cover Letter with the allocation amount Actual Agreement Appendices 1-6 Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) Yearly adjustment for all SAAS Funds in addition to allocation amount Information forthcoming regarding process SAA must submit one signed copy of the agreement to Education Service Base year agreement Exercising Option Years Cover Letter w/ allocation and appendices Signature required If changes are made to the agreement, they will be outlined as an attachment to the cover letter

Agreement Timelines Timeframe for Agreement Processing SAAs have approximately 30 days to review and submit completed agreement Dependent on release date Yearly goal is to release on 7/1 and have returned by 8/1 VACO Representative reviews and develops, if necessary If no issues are found, agreement is submitted submits to the Director, Education Service for approval/signature VACO Representative will provide a copy of the signed agreement to the SAA Director, ELR, and CELO

Agreement – Option to Extend The base year for the agreement is from October 1, through September 30. The Government reserves the option to unilaterally extend the period of performance of this agreement under the same terms and conditions for the following periods:  October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020 October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021 October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022 October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023 The Government will provide advance notice of its intent to exercise the option not less than 30 days before the end of the current period of performance.

Agreement – Appendices The agreement includes six (6) appendices: Appendix 1 – Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL) & Non College Degree Accredited & Non-Accredited Appendix 2 – Apprenticeship, On-the-Job (OJT) Appendix 3 – Licensing & Certification Testing Establishments. Governmental & Non-Governmental *Appendix 4 – Agreement Personnel A – Name and Title – Professional Staff B -Name and Title – Support Staff *Appendix 5 – Qualifications documents for Professional Staff *Appendix 6 – Allocation Distribution Salary Administrative Travel Subcontract * Requires SAA to provide information *Requires completion

Agreement – Personnel Standards As stated in Article VII, The SAA must use fully qualified personnel: Professional Staff Qualification requirements differ based on work being performed Personnel approving and supervising courses offered by educational institutions Personnel approving and supervising courses offered by job training establishments Personnel performing compliance reviews offered by educational institutions and job training establishments VACO Representative must review and approve the qualifications of all professional staff members prior to being placed on the agreement Review of support staff is not required; however, you must inform your VACO Rep when they are hired. *Requires completion

Agreement – System Access ALL SAA staff must have a completed low-risk (NACI) background investigation Forms to complete OF-306 Contractor Fingerprint Request Form Background Initiation worksheet (must be typed) Self-Certification (only of former federal employer/contractor or military) VA Form 0710 In addition to the above forms, SAA staff requiring access to VA systems should also complete the following: PIV Sponsor form (must be typed) VBA-20-0344, Annual Certification of Veteran Status and Veteran-Relatives All completed forms must be submitted to the VACO Rep SAA personnel can not be placed on the agreement until a favorable NCHC Clearance or State investigation has been provided If needed, please request PIV card readers from your VACO Rep *all forms can be submitted electronically to your VACO Rep

Agreement – Administrative Expense Allowance SAA must determine the administrative expense allowance that is due to their Agency based on salary and fringe benefits The formula in 38 C.F.R. 21.4153 (a) (3) (i) is to be used for the calculation. Salary and Fringe benefits are applied when determining administrative expense (travel is not authorized) M22-4, Part IX, Chapter 1, Figure 1.03

Agreement – Administrative Expense Allowance SAAs may use administrative allowance for: Rental Repair Maintenance Fees Utilities Insurance Salary Postage Office equipment and supplies Delivery services Other miscellaneous expenses (Administrative allowance cannot be used to support other State agency expenses and must be held in a separate account) M22-4, Part IX, Chapter 1, Figure 1.03

Agreement – Administrative Expense Allowance SAAs may use administrative allowance for: Rental Repair Maintenance Fees Utilities Insurance Salary Postage Office equipment and supplies Delivery services Other miscellaneous expenses (Administrative allowance cannot be used to support other State agency expenses and must be held in a separate account) M22-4, Part IX, Chapter 1, Figure 1.03

Agreement – Supplements Supplement requests may be considered after all agencies have closed out for the Fiscal Year All monies are allocated across all SAAs There is no guarantee of additional funding Proper justification for supplements is required Detailed information is provided in the Supplement Request Procedures notification

Agreement – Supplements To determine the amount available for supplements in a timely manner, it is imperative that the following actions are taken: Final invoices MUST be submitted to ELRs timely Agreement states final invoice must be submitted by November 16th If final invoices are not submitted timely, please notify the CELO and the VACO Rep immediately This occurrence should also be documented, as it is an agreement requirement Once final payments are made, ELR must complete a closeout 1358 to de-obligate any unused funds This form should be submitted to your CELO, then to the local SSD office for processing VACO can not determine available funding until ALL SAA obligations are closed out Creates a delay in supplement processing

SAA Self-Evaluation and ELR Assessment The SAA Director will prepare a Self Evaluation Detailed information will be released from VA Central office ELR will prepare an Assessment to evaluate the performance for the fiscal year New SAA Quarterly Report In final stage and will be released for FY19 use Will replace annual SAA FY self evaluation Note: ELRs should be meeting in person or by telephone at least quarterly with the SAA to review issues and discuss performance. Information from the ELR assessment and rating given also must be shared with SAA

JPRG Evaluations and Assessments will be reviewed at the annual Joint Peer Review Group (JPRG) meeting JPRT general takes place in November in Washington DC JPPRG consists of 8 members 4 NASAA - selected by the NASAA President 4 VBA - CELOs Each SAA will receive one of the following as their overall FY rating Satisfactory Minimally Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Reminders COR training is no longer a requirement for ELRs Items that must be approved by the VACO COR Out of State Travel Line Item Transfers Can be done throughout the FY Submit request to your VACO Rep Must be completed before the final invoice is paid SCO Conferences One Regional Conference permitted Unused Funding Estimate required by Sept 1 When completing pay outs for leave for SAA employees retiring or separating from the agency, VA can ONLY pay for leave earned while the employee was on the contract Paid from administrative funds

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