Christ’s Church Part 1 – Introduction.


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Presentation transcript:

Christ’s Church Part 1 – Introduction

Christ’s Church – Introduction Jesus once asked His apostles who they thought He was Peter responded, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16) Jesus praised Peter for his answer Then Jesus said, “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18) Christ’s Church – Introduction

Christ’s Church – Introduction Petra (petra) – the rock on which Jesus was going to build His church was the fact that He is the Son of God Peter – Petroj (Petros) – Peter was a stone in that building (a chip off the old block) The point of this section is that Jesus does have a church He said He would build “My church” Christ’s Church – Introduction

Christ’s Church – Introduction We are not interested in finding churches built by mere men – they will all be overcome by Hades We want to find the church built by Christ – it is the only church that will be victorious over Satan Where shall we find such a church? How would we recognize it if we did find it? Let us flee to the sacred Scriptures, which are “able to give us the wisdom that leads to salvation” (2 Timothy 3:15) Christ’s Church – Introduction

Christ’s Church – Introduction Shortly before Jesus was arrested in the garden of Gethsemane, He prayed earnestly to the Father His prayer was not only for the apostles, but “for those also who believe in Me through their word” (John 17:20) Jesus prayed that all of His followers would be one that the world may believe – see John 17:21 Christ’s Church – Introduction

Christ’s Church – Introduction Shall such an earnest prayer of the Lord go unanswered? Shall those who claim the name of Christ continue to exalt their petty differences above the urgings of the Holy Spirit of God? Instead shouldn’t we follow the inspired instruction of Paul? Read 1 Corinthians 1:10 Christ’s Church – Introduction

Christ’s Church – Introduction This study is directed toward the end of making us all of the same mind and of the same judgment It is directed toward the exaltation of God’s Word above the precepts of mere men Unity can only come through promoting the same practices as were promoted in the New Testament Such “unity of faith” is not an unattainable ideal; it is the earnest prayer of our Lord Christ’s Church – Introduction

Christ’s Church – Introduction Our union will come when we willingly lay aside the practices of mere men and cease to promote unfounded traditions “No creed but Christ; no book but the Bible” “All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16) Christ’s Church – Introduction

Christ’s Church – Introduction If we need teaching, the word of God can instruct us If we need reproof, the Bible can reprove us If we need corrected, the Scripture can correct us If we need training in righteousness, that training is available in God’s inspired word Christ’s Church – Introduction

Christ’s Church – Introduction The Bible is an entirely adequate guide for us This is true individually and as we work together in the local church Are we willing to follow the instruction of that infallible guide? That is the only option if we want victory over the gates of Hades Christ’s Church – Introduction

Christ’s Church – Introduction Our word “church” is translated from the Greek word e]kklhsia (ekklesia) e]kklhsia literally means “those called out” Think about fire drills in school The children assembled outside the school building became an e]kklhsia They had been “called out” of the school building Christ’s Church – Introduction

Christ’s Church – Introduction The church consists of all those who belong to Christ This is called “the general assembly and church of the first born” (Hebrews 12:23) The word “church” is also used to describe the local assembly, or local congregation (Acts 14:23) Christ’s church functions only at the local level – this is where the work gets done This study is focused on the local assembly Christ’s Church – Introduction

Christ’s Church – Introduction Let’s have a little comparison to drive some points home Jaycees in Great Falls, MT affiliated with Jaycee International Organization The policies of the local unit were directed by the parent organization Even the basic programs of the chapters were dictated by the International There was a Jaycee creed which was dutifully said at every meeting Christ’s Church – Introduction

Christ’s Church – Introduction If we didn’t want to follow the International’s programs, there was only one option Change our name to something other than “Jaycees” and “do our own thing” The same is true of Christ’s church The headquarters of the church are in heaven, and Jesus is the head of the church – see Ephesians 1:22,23 Christ’s Church – Introduction

Christ’s Church – Introduction In the Scriptures we have been granted “everything pertaining to life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3) Therefore a complete description of everything pertaining to the church is contained in the pages of the New Testament These are the directions and programs from headquarters Christ’s Church – Introduction

Christ’s Church – Introduction Of course, if a person does not want to follow the instructions contained therein, he can withdraw his fellowship He can change his name to something other than “Christian” and “do his own thing” We find names such as: Presbyterian Lutheran Methodist Mormon Christ’s Church – Introduction etc.

Christ’s Church – Introduction In this study we will try to set forth, in accordance with the spirit of the Scriptures, the directions from the Lord concerning His church Every human being is subject to error and misunderstanding Before we became Christians, we were a part of the group whose minds were blinded by the god of this world – see 2 Corinthians 4:4 Christ’s Church – Introduction

Christ’s Church – Introduction Following our conversions, we then began to “grow in respect to salvation” (1 Peter 2:2) In many respects we were still ignorant and not able to understand many of the things “written for our instruction” (1 Corinthians 10:11) What is our attitude when we come to new understanding? Christ’s Church – Introduction

Christ’s Church – Introduction Do we try to “get around” the teaching of the Bible? Do we try to rationalize what it says? Or do we in humble obedience to the word of God, do what He says? Our attitude should meet the standard expressed by the Lord Jesus: “He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much” (Luke 16:10) Christ’s Church – Introduction

Christ’s Church – Introduction Let us strive to please the Lord in even the little things, for if we are not faithful in them, we are not faithful in the larger things either If you discover something new as a result of this Bible study, change your ways to match God’s ways Outline of this study Purpose and Organization of the Church Nature of the Church Practices of the Church Christ’s Church – Introduction

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