National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) Workshop on NanoBiotechnology NNCO and NSET Vision: Nanoscience and nanotechnology will revolutionize research and applications in biology and medicine. Current status: Great enthusiasm about prospects, but -- Biomedical research community has very limited knowledge of emerging capabilities of nanotechnology; Nanotechnologists need deeper understanding of biological systems to interface effectively. Workshop purpose: Convene thought leaders in biomedical and nanotechnology research to identify cross-cutting opportunities that can be realized only through effective collaboration among communities of life sciences, physical sciences and engineering.
NSF/NIH/NNI Workshop on NanoBiotechnology Session 1 Understanding how cells work through bottom-up assembly of biological nanosystems ex-vivo Reconsititution of biochemical pathways and of motility and transport systems – visualize, construct and manipulate supramolecular assemblies Marie-France Carlier
NSF/NIH/NNI Workshop on NanoBiotechnology Session 2 Nanotechnology to enhance human health Translating from bench to bedside for fundamental alteration of medical diagnosis and treatment – nanoscale materials and devices integrated with biology for improved functions. Fluorescein Folic acid G5-polyamidoamine Methotrexate James Baker
NSF/NIH/NNI Workshop on NanoBiotechnology Session 3 In vivo analysis of cellular processes at the nanoscale Detailed investigation of dynamic biological systems at cellular and subcellular levels – probe, manipulate, and image molecular structure and function of single molecules and molecular assemblies within living cells. Baird, Craighead, Lindau
NSF/NIH/NNI Workshop on NanoBiotechnology Session 4 Nanoanalytics and biosensors Ex-vivo sensing and medical diagnostics – Measure a wide range of analytes efficiently, reliably, and quantitatively. Singh et. Al, Electrokinetic Concentration of Charged Molecules”, US Patent Application 09/256,586.
NSF/NIH/NNI Workshop on NanoBiotechnology Session 5 Advances in Imaging Technology New imaging tools and procedures for early detection of disease and evaluation of therapeutic efficiency - capture and merge molecular and anatomic information. Ray, De, Min, Gambhir
Systems Cells Molecules Biological Size Scales Accessible to Measurement and Integration Systems Cells Molecules 100 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 10-6 10-7 10-8 10-9 10-10 Single molecule structures and dynamics Supramolecular assemblies Collective interactions integrated over multiple length scales We need to talk about length scale in biology and in technology Macro, micro, nano Integrate back and forth between nano and micro to understand how life operates on its most fundamental level Also to draw from the micro and nano tools that nature has provided, possible to incorporate into useful devices. Technology side: Advances in fabrication, propelled by the electronics industry, has left us well-positioned to take whole new looks at biology Photo E-beam taking us down micro/nano. New methods are being developed in polymer chemistry to build up to these biological scales Within the NBTC we are harnessing these technologies, and creating new ones, to advance science, addressing biology directly on the micro and nano scales. Metrology for detection and analysis Characterization of probes for spectroscopies and microscopies Measurement of chemical, electrical, and mechanical properties Nano/microfabrication of probes and environmental structures