Purpose The purpose of this presentation is for Portfolio Committee to note progress: State of readiness for the 01 April 2018 SASSA’s change programme in relation to insourcing grant payment functions; South African Post Office (SAPO) progress in relation to the project plan SASSA engagement with Banks 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
Current Payment Channels Method of Payment Customer Touch Point No of Beneficiaries Total Paypoint (Biometric CVM) Cash payment SASSA Cash Pay-points 1,936,662 2,894,040 Merchant (Biometric CVM) Merchants 215,117 ATM (Biometric CVM) 742,261 ATM (PIN CVM) Electronic payment Commercial Banks (ATMs) 5,375,936 7,778,157 Private Commercial Bank Accounts (2,001,233) Merchant (PIN CVM) 2,402,221 10,672,197 [1] 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
SASSA Insourcing Direct transfers to ACB beneficiaries bank accounts through SASSA PMG account Commercial personal accounts SASSA/Grindrod Accounts (short –term) Management of Regulation 26A deductions Biometric Enrolment Alternative Payments – LED (Cooperative banks & Local/village/township shops) Reconciliations (Grants Payment Control and Monitoring) 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
Direct Payment (ACB) Transfers SASSA successfully effected direct transfers to commercial bank accounts including EPE which started in the January payment cycle SASSA has also conducted Temporary Direct Transfers to SASSA branded Payment Cards (Grindrod Accounts) Pilot of direct transfer to Accounts of 100 000 000 (Grindrod Accounts – Test file) of the 5,776,924 million beneficiaries was done for March payment This segment of beneficiates will subsequently be migrated to the SASSA/SAPO card, if they do not choose personal bank accounts SASSA is in receipt of correspondence from CPS that the direct transfer to the Grindrod Accounts has caused systemic risk (in the test phase) and cannot be done for all for April payment cycle (5 776 924) Engagement underway with SARB and CPS to address the concerns 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
Summary Direct Payment (ACB) Transfers March 2018 Banks Grants Amount ABSA BANK 60 945 R 86 342 461,96 AFRICAN BANK 511 R 670 607,15 ALBARAKA BANK 36 R 61 506,66 BANK OF ATHENS 729 R 1 023 628,86 BANK WINDHOEK 152 R 240 506,42 BIDVEST BANK 518 R 645 161,79 CAPITEC BANK 74 786 R 87 328 978,38 FINBOND MUTUAL 4 945 R 7 011 773,54 FIRSTRAND BANK 52 274 R 70 561 101,33 GRINDROD BANK 2 109 152 R 2 264 998 743,64 INVESTEC BANK LTD 5 R 6 920,00 ITHALA 401 R 544 026,30 MERCANTILE BANK 50 R 82 390,96 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
Summary Direct Payment (ACB) Transfers March 2018 Banks Grants Amount NBS 58 R 93 791,42 PEOPLE’S BANK 2 R 5 485,70 STATE BANK OF INDIA 1 R 1 600,00 NEDBANK INCORP BOE 13 R 20 900,00 NEDBANK LIMITED 33 549 R 44 762 082,45 NEDBANK NAMIBIA 40 R 62 326,74 POSTBANK 8 309 R 11 196 655,41 STANDARD SA 41 772 R 57 536 828,34 VBS MUTUAL 155 R 179 576,41 TOTAL 2 388 403 R 2 633 377 053. 46 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
Regulation 26A deductions A contract was signed with Qlink on 16 January 2018 to effect 3rd party deductions (funeral cover deductions) SASSA has effect deductions through Qlink on 1 March 2018 for 15 Insurance Companies duly registered Of the 15 insurers registered, only 6 provided full details to SASSA as per Central Supplier Database requirements, and only once the rest comply will the premiums deducted be paid over All the affected insurance companies have been formally notified of the reason for the non payment of premiums and requested not to penalise policy holders due to the delays. A total of 727 243 deductions from 702 660 beneficiary grants were done in March 2018. The total value of the direct deductions for March 2018 is R68 828 603.36 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
Regulation 26A deductions Upon analysing the deductions file of the 727 434 policies, a number a multiple policies were identified as follows: 678 410 – 1 policy deduction 23 925 – 2 policy deductions 317 – 3 policy deductions 8 – 4 policy deductions The majority of the multiple policies were for the same beneficiary and different insurance companies, but a small number (496) were found with the same insurer. 3 351 Policies for more than 10% of value of single grant have been identified, of which 16 are for more than 30% 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
Biometric Enrolment SOCPEN enhancements to integrate with the Biometric Identity and Access Management Solution are in progress. One thousand three hundred (1 300) devices have been procured. The deployment of the infrastructure to SASSA local offices will be completed by 15 March 2018. Training of super users is scheduled to be completed by 18 March 2018 (Starting 13 March). The testing of the in-house biometric enrolment of beneficiaries is scheduled to commence on 19 March 2018. Final Data Sets migration from CPS will be done under the auspices of Information regulator 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
Migration to Banks SASSA, through National Treasury and SARB, has engaged the undermentioned banks for the development and provision of a Special Disbursement Account for social grant money; All banks engaged, except for Ubank, confirmed that the envisaged Low Cost Bank Product will not be ready for 1 April 2018 (the product or low cost bank account will take between Six (6) to Twelve (12) months to develop and approve). The banks further indicated the costs of the envisaged product are likely to be higher if banks were to develop the product for SASSA The industry instead canvassed for their existing Low Cost / entry level bank accounts and bank infrastructure, which can be activated in a short period of time. SASSA provided a file consisting of 10 819 063 records to Bankserv through National Treasury on 5 March 2018 for banks to validate information on the beneficiaries who have bank accounts, which will assist in targeting these beneficiaries specifically. 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
List of Banks Engaged First National Bank VBS Mutual bank Standard Bank Ubank limited Capitec Ithala bank FINBOND SASFIN Grindrod ABSA NEDBANK 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
Existing low cost bank accounts Monthly Fee Withdrawal (Native) Withdrawal (Other) Withdrawal (POS) Cash Deposit (ATM) Absa Transact R4.95 R5.00 R8.50 R1.15 R3.95 + R1.35/R100 Standard Bank Access R4.99 R1.60/R100 R6.70 + R1.60/R100 R1.60 Nedbank PAYU R6.50 R8.00 + R1.85/R100 R2.00 R4.00 + R1.40/R100 FNB Easy R5.25 R1.85/R100 R1.40 R0.90/R100 Capitec Global One R5.50 R6.00 R1.50 Finbond Finsave Value R6.55 R13.10 R2.39 Grindrod EPE -- - NB: Finbond ATM withdrawal R0-R1000 @R6.55 and R13.10 for R1010 to R2000 , *SASSA awaits information from Grindrod 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
Migration to Banks BANKS MARCH ‘18 FEBRUARY ‘18 DIFFERENCE ABSA BANK 60 945 31 034 29 911 AFRICAN BANK 511 123 388 ALBARAKA BANK 36 23 13 BANK OF ATHENS 729 117 612 BANK WINDHOEK 152 154 -2 BIDVEST BANK 518 110 408 CAPITEC BANK 74 786 26 684 48 102 FINBOND MUTUAL 4 945 18 4 927 FIRSTRAND BANK 52 274 23 213 29 061 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
Migration to Banks BANKS MARCH ‘18 FEBRUARY ‘18 DIFFERENCE 2 109 152 GRINDROD BANK 2 109 152 2 044 140 65 012 INVESTEC BANK LTD 5 3 2 ITHALA 401 140 261 MERCANTILE BANK 50 25 NBS 58 56 NEDBANK INCORP BOE 13 14 -1 NEDBANK LIMITED 33 549 13 328 20 221 NEDBANK NAMIBIA 40 41 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
Migration to Banks Total 2 388 403 2 160 157 228 246 BANKS MARCH ‘18 FEBRUARY ‘18 DIFFERENCE People's Bank 2 Postbank 8 309 1 510 6 799 Standard Bank 41 772 19 360 22 412 State Bank of India 1 VBS Mutual 155 64 91 Total 2 388 403 2 160 157 228 246 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
Growth of Migration to Banks Provincial Statistics Province Mar-18 Feb-18 Difference Amounts No of Beneficiaries Eastern Cape 461,683,019.47 411,514 379,394,568.25 346,621 82,288,451.22 64,893 Free State 160,104,752.86 149,517 141,368,923.10 135,226 18,735,829.76 14,291 Gauteng 336,459,661.62 299,083 292,248,608.70 264,594 44,211,052.92 34,489 KZN 613,905,186.13 580,875 570,875,656.16 550,197 43,029,529.97 30,678 Limpopo 312,034,155.24 282,992 275,656,687.33 250,339 36,377,467.91 32,653 Mpumalanga 174,796,066.07 156,239 156,807,473.01 140,970 17,988,593.06 15,269 Northern Cape 86,973,400.28 75,257 78,120,808.35 68,701 8,852,591.93 6,556 North West 203,565,567.69 184,937 184,037,813.57 169,238 19,527,754.12 15,699 Western Cape 283,855,244.10 247,989 249,487,059.83 222,530 34,368,184.27 25,459 Total 2,633,377,053.46 2,388,403 2,327,997,598.30 2,148,416 305,379,455.16 239,987 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
Cooperative Financial Institutions as a Payment Channel Cooperative Banking Development Agency (CBDA) is willing to explore the use of the CFI’s as a social grant payment channel. It is a fact that CFI’s in their true nature are ambitious to grow as financial players in the country, mostly in the space of social grant payments. A meeting convened with the nine (9) cooperatives financial institutions which have been migrated to an electronic accounting system to establish their willingness to serve as a payment channel for social grants 3 of the 9 are ready to be used with immediate effect while further engagement is required for the rest. This will continue within this financial year 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
Challenge with EPE cards CPS and Grindrod have embarked on an aggressive roll out of the current EPE account. SASSA has had to implement the following steps: Issued circular confirming that no marketing of any product will take place at any SASSA office or pay point CPS staff to concentrate on functions for which they have been contracts only – enrolment and payment. Anything else will be seen as a breach of contract Only SASSA branded cards to be issued by CPS enrolment officers Beneficiaries who choose to take the EPE account still have to complete the “method of payment” form and return this personally to SASSA for capturing on the system 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
Cash Payment The objective with the cash payment is to migrate the beneficiaries who are using SASSA card for cash payment (2,5 million) to a new cash payment card to access their money at SASSA cash pay-points. Bid15/17.SP/HO advertised and a briefing session held on the 24/02/18 The Bid was due to close on 28 February 2018 but extended till the 07 March 2018 and a further request was received from G4S for extension and now the final closing date is 12 March 2018. Tight time frames are set: awarding and contracting will be completed by 04 May 2018 A new service provider would be afforded an opportunity to set up and be ready to pay grants from 01 July 2018. It should be noted that SASSA has received a further request to extend the closing date to 30 March 2018 which has not been entertained. 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
Cash Payment Services CPS on the 07/02/18 lodged an urgent interlocutory application to the Con Court to declare that CPS is not prohibited by Court Order of 17 March 2017 (CCT 48/17) to tender for the provision of cash payment services for social assistance bid no 15/17.SP/HO. The Con Court has since ruled on the matter that CPS is not prohibited from bidding for the cash payment tender It should be noted that CPS did attend the compulsory briefing session held on the 24/01/18 As part of the phase-in, SASSA applied to Court 08/02/18 for CPS continue to administer and pay cash up until September 2018, SAPO supported the phase-in phase-out application Con Court on the 06/03/18 reserved judgment to SASSA’s application On the 09/03/18 the Con Court issued a Court Directive for SASSA and SAPO to file affidavits on 12/03/18 explaining why information was withheld from the Court (council indicated there is no contingency while in the media briefing the contingency was announced) 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
SAPO Branches replacing SASSA Paypoints SAPO branches currently have 5 000 counters that are classified as ‘ATMs’ and provide banking experience to its customers. In relation to SASSA pay-points, SAPO’s footprint detail is as follows; 53.5% of the branches are within the 5 km radius 17.6% are between 5 & 10 km 20.9% between 10 & 20 km 8% are outside the 20 km radius As a quick win, SAPO has identified 860 branches within a 5km radius of a SASSA pay-point which potentially could be used for cash distribution after a suitability assessment (as per SASSA’s norms and Standards) has been conducted. SAPO has developed a business case to upgrade the IT infrastructure and capacity at these branches that will be submitted for approval to the SAPO Board. These branches could serve as: Designated additional pay points; or They could replace the existing pay points. As a second phase, SAPO will commence a programme to identify and upgrade suitable off-line ‘agencies’ to allow them to be used for SASSA grant payments 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
SAPO as a Payment partner SASSA and SAPO signed a Service Agreement on 8 December 2017. In terms of the Agreements, SAPO will provide the following services to SASSA for a period of 5 years: Electronic banking services, through a corporate holding account and special disbursement accounts for beneficiaries On-boarding of new beneficiaries through instant account opening and card issuance at SASSA local offices Biometric authentication of beneficiaries Development of software, in conjunction with other state entities 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
SAPO READINESS Opening of Holding/Control & Cash Disbursement Accounts The application to National Treasury (26/01/18) as stipulated in the PFMA for SAPO to open the SASSA holding account & Cash Disbursement account was unsuccessful (05/03/18), Due to the status of Postbank: not a bank registered in South Africa and also not approved in writing by National Treasury. Consequences the NT decision changes the SASSA payment model (special disbursement accounts were going to be linked to the holding accounts) the costing model by SAPO has to change since it was based on the current Service Agreement and pricing, is based on a fully pre-funded model the Cash Disbursement Account will be opened with another bank (bank of the cash payment contractor) 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
SAPO READINESS Opening of Holding/Control & Cash Disbursement Accounts (continued) Consequences SAPO, in its current financial state, may not be in a position to ‘buy’ such volumes of cash and will not, be able to proceed with the current contract without the pre-funding of cash payments expected to be made at SAPO branches Recommendation by SAPO as a result of the NT decision: National Treasury agrees to pre-fund the expected value of cash payments to be made at SAPO branches to SAPO at least 36 hours before the payment date That SASSA and National Treasury assist SAPO/Postbank with the development of the necessary cash payment prediction solution to be able to forecast the demand for cash at each SAPO branch That National Treasury, SASSA and SAPO agree and develop the reconciliation process to reconcile the pre-funding The costing model by SAPO has to change since it was based on the specifications provided by SASSA The Cash Disbursement Account will be opened with another bank (bank of the cash payment contractor 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
SAPO READINESS Special Disbursement Account The special Disbursement Account product created and individual accounts ready to be opened (however, these will not be linked to a holding account) The bulk account opening with a sample of a 1 000 existing beneficiary data was successfully tested on the 26/02/18. Integrated Grant Payment System (IGPS) Due to the procurement process that started late and the integration and testing that still has to happen, system not ready for use on 1 April 2018 but; Contingency Special Disbursement Accounts to be hosted in the Postbank’s core banking platform (FCUBS), All data and transaction history of SDA opened on FCUBS will be transferred seamlessly to the new IGPS at no cost to either SASSA or beneficiaries. 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
SAPO READINESS Card Body Production Contingency SAPO will receive its first batch off Cards on 16/03/18 Upon receipt the card has to undergo testing (PASA & VISA) certification expected 19 and 30 March respectively before card roll-out from 03 April 2018. Contingency In the event the cards are not certified the existing Postbank Mzansi accounts & cards will be issued On-boarding of new beneficiaries On 22/03/18 ‘Dry Run’ using 300 untested cards at four identified SASSA offices will take place, From 03 April 2018 either the New SASSA / SAPO card or the Mzansi card will be issued to new beneficiaries at SASSA offices 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
SAPO READINESS 1 month delay Card Swap 1 month delay Mobile ‘packaged suitcase’ card issuance equipment not yet available Equipment already in use at SAPO will be availed at SAPO branches and ‘depots’ for card issuance and on boarding of beneficiaries Due to uncertainty of the ‘readiness’ of the SASSA/SAPO card, card swap for beneficiaries will be delayed to commence 16 April 2018 at SAPO branches only card swap at identified community halls and other identified venues will only take place from 30 April 2018 once the ‘packaged suitcases’ have been obtained Biometric Engine Due to the procurement process that started late and the integration and testing that still has to happen, the system will not be ready for use on 1 April 2018 but; Contingency The SASSA Identity Access Management (IAM) software will be used by SAPO Alternatively the FBCUBS system will be used 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
Phase out of CPS The SASSA/Grindrod Card that was due to expire on 31 December 2017 was extended until 31 December 2018 and so far it has been honoured by Banks and Merchants since the January 2018 payment cycle A framework of the phase-in phase-out was drafted by the Tri (SASSA/SAPO/CPS) working team outlining each organisation’s responsibilities as follows among others: SASSA effecting payment into 3rd party bank accounts, SASSA paying directly into accounts held at Grindrod Bank & CPS to support. CPS to assist with cash payment (subject to approval from court) provide individual beneficiary data payment analysis to SASSA to be used for pay points configuration and Provide support for the Direct Transfer to the SASSA/Grindrod accounts 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
Phase out of CPS In order to ensure that both SASSA & SAPO are ready for 1 April 2018, the technology and human resource will be tested and then ‘going live’ in the month of March 2018 Four offices have been identified for ‘going live’ on 22 March 2018 and for Launching the New SASSA/SAPO CARD Only 300 beneficiaries who choose to be paid through the National Payment system(ATMs & merchants) will be issued the SASSA/SAPO card as part of the ‘Testing’ The following offices are nominated: Manguze – KwaZulu Natal, Mount Fletcher – Eastern Cape Tonga – Mpumalanga Worcester – Western Cape The Portfolio Committee members are requested to grace these offices to launch the Government EMV Card 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
Contingency Plan SASSA developed a contingency plan covering the full spectrum of grant payments in 2017. Aspects of this plan which have already been implemented: Reactivation of the PMG account with SARB Direct transfers into 3rd party bank accounts Management of Regulation 26A direct deductions Test of direct transfers into SASSA/Grindrod cards Analysis of pay points to projectise the progressive reduction Cash payments to follow open tender proces 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
Contingency Plan Following delays with cash tender, it was decided to strengthen the contingency for cash payments The contingency for cash payments is premised on the following: Direct deposits into the current SASSA card for all Identification of post offices which can provide over the counter payments (within 5 kilometres of pay points) Identification of banking infrastructure which can be used by cash beneficiaries Request banks to provide mobile infrastructure in under- or un-serviced areas Provision of transport to bus residual numbers of beneficiaries to the nearest infrastructure to access cash 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
Regional Breakdown *9 917 pay points but some used on multiple days Cash Beneficiaries Cash pay points Eastern Cape 402,005 2 629 Free State 195,129 203 Gauteng 295,410 146 Kwazulu-Natal 781,343 1 707 Limpopo 549,056 2 012 Mpumalanga 255,065 398 North West 230,906 664 Northern Cape 69,022 395 Western Cape 116,104 279 Total 2,894,040 8 433*
Regional Statistics Province Post Offices within 2 km Ready Post Offices Biometric ATMs Biometric POS devices Eastern Cape 362 152 130 314 Free State 88 76 54 40 Gauteng 110 65 151 122 KwaZulu-Natal 719 141 344 465 Limpopo 265 120 109 242 Mpumlanga 125 80 78 Northern Cape 96 56 18 118 North West 115 79 89 Western Cape 93 97 102 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
Risks related to contingency Costs to beneficiaries who are forced to transact in NPS Costs and logistics for transport Resistance by community to summary closure of pay points Inconvenience to beneficiaries Disruption of payments as a result of changes – especially given short time frame Need for additional resources – support PIN set and reset for those who have not used PIN before 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
Conclusion It is recommended that the Portfolio Committee : Note progress registered thus far for taking over payment services as from 01 April 2018 Be aware of all the systems and processes that are not yet ready but due to be concluded in the phase-in phase- out period Deliberate and prevail on all matters that poses a risk to the project 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL
Thank you 2018/10/14 CONFIDENTIAL