Documenting Incidents Ricky Boggs (Area Coordinator for Hill-Myers) Antuan Brown (Residence Hall Director for McWhorter & Vandiver) Miles Johnson ( Residence Hall Director for Myers) Ricky
Take a moment to document what you just observed. What Just Happened? Take a moment to document what you just observed. Miles
Why is it Important to Document Well? The Mission The Conduct Process Keeping others informed (who might see your report?) Better work on the front end = less work in the long run. Miles The Mission: Security - documenting well keeps our residents safer and helps us give them the best experience possible The Conduct Process: More accurate information helps us have better development conversations with students, and prevents students from being unnecessarily involved. Keeping others informed: All pro-staff might see a report and allow them to better do their jobs to respond to issues, high ranking officials & lawyers also may be able to see what you write. Better work: When information is inaccurate or missing detail, we often have to follow up with you to follow up with students or re-explain the incident, which is more work for everyone.
Would you document? Resident Ricky comes to you complaining that his roommate, Antuan, won’t keep the blinds closed during the day and the sunlight hurts his eyes. You speak with Antuan who says he didn’t know Ricky had a problem with it, and would keep the blinds closed in the future. Miles
Would you document? Resident Hannah lets you know that she hasn’t been feeling well and has missed the last couple of days of class. She thinks she got food poisoning from the dining hall, and will be better in a day or so. Antuan
Would you document? Resident Steven informs you that their roommate has about 10 people over in their room and they are playing music and being noisy. When you go to speak to the roommate, all the students comply respectfully and leave the room. Ricky
If you have to ask, you probably should document. When should I document? If you have to ask, you probably should document. Policy violations Non-emergency resident concerns (FYI) Roommate disagreements Accidents/illness Miles
INF (Incident Notes Forms) Use notes app or a notebook: Take Notes! INF (Incident Notes Forms) Use notes app or a notebook: Student names & ID (delete ID after documenting) Name and birthday of non students Time of incident Location (Room #, Hall, common space, etc.) Details – who, what, where, why, when, how What else do I need to remember? Antuan
Incident Report Writing Always write in 1st person Document the situation in full detail being very specific Enter into Advocate immediately after incident For example: How much alcohol was left in the container How far away could you hear the noise How many people were in the room Times/date/location of the incidents Do not put personal feelings or assumptions in the report, facts only! Antuan
Incident Report Writing What NOT to say after an incident That you know what will happen That nothing will happen That you know what violations they will be charged for That you will not document the incident and just give them a warning That you won’t share any personal info to your supervisor Antuan
Incident Report Writing What TO say after an incident Check UGA email Read Community Guide/Code of Conduct Talk to the RHD/AC/OSC Antuan
Entering “The Happening” into Advocate Ricky
Things to remember about Advocate: ALWAYS CA/RA Incident Report ALWAYS put a location (the building nearest or involved) Witnesses vs. Students Involved Ricky
Questions? Ricky