Rock Lake Middle School SpringBoard Book Parent Information Standard Math
Rock Lake Middle School 1. Type: You will go the main login address: To Access SpringBoard’s On-Line Book:
SpringBoard Login Page Students access the book is located on the left-hand side of the screen!
SpringBoard Login Page Username: The student’s numeric student identification number. Password: The student’s birthday in YYYYYMMDD format. For example: 12/6/99 would be 19991206 All months and days MUST include leading zeros! School Code: 240246 This is Rock Lake Middle School’s unique School Code.
SpringBoard Student Page Find Materials: The student’s text book is found under this tab. STUDENT NAME STUDENT NAME
SpringBoard Student Page STUDENT NAME Choose appropriate grade level: 6th – Middle School Math 1 7th – Middle School Math 2 8th – Middle School Math 3
SpringBoard Student Page Choose the unit.
SpringBoard Student Page Choose the section within the unit.
SpringBoard Student Page The section can be printed, saved or scrolled through on-line.
SpringBoard Student Page Students can log out when they are finished or they can print an entire unit.
Rock Lake Middle School’s SpringBoard Summary To Access SpringBoard’s On-Line Book: Go to: Username: The student’s numeric student identification number. Password: The student’s birthday in YYYYYMMDD format. For example: 12/6/99 would be 19991206 School Code: 240246 This is Rock Lake Middle School’s unique School Code.
Rock Lake Middle School Thank you for coming! Have a wonderful and safe evening.