EETD Environmental Health and Safety Monthly Metrics March, 2014
EETD Accidents- 3/14 TypeDateDept.DescriptionSeverityStatus Knee Contusion 3/10/14Div Employee slipped in puddle of water on lobby floor while on international travel RecordableAccident investigation completed.
EETD Accidents- By Type
EETD Accidents- Severity
Emergency Incidents- 3/14 DateIncidentAreaStatus No incidents reported in March
Ergonomic Assessments- By Month
Open EETD Ergonomic Assessments Date Requested Dept.TypeStatus 3/31/14EAEIDiscomfortAssigned 3/21/14EAEIDiscomfortAssigned 3/6/14DIVOffice MoveActions Pending 3/5/14DIVDiscomfortActions Pending 3/5/14EAEIDiscomfortActions Pending 3/5/14EAEIDiscomfortActions Pending 3/5/14EAEIDiscomfortActions Pending 3/3/14BTUSDiscomfortActions Pending 2/10/14DIVPreventativeActions Pending 2/6/14EAEIDiscomfortActions Pending 1/27/14EAEIDiscomfortActions Pending
EETD Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)- Pending New Hire vs. Expired Metric Started Sep 13
Job Hazard Analysis- % Completion
EETD Incomplete Training Assignments * Does not include SEC0203 External Monitoring Notice
Training % Completion Status
Incomplete Training by Course Type (Total Incomplete Assignments = 78)
Incomplete Training Assignments (Total = 78) Open Assignments by Dept.Open Assignments by Hire Date
EETD Incomplete Training Assignments
Safety Concerns Submittals- EETD
EETD Safety Concerns Status #DateConcernTypeStatus 9249/12/13B90 lobby steps do not have code compliant hand rails and step tread surface slippery FireOpen- Non-slip wax being evaluated 10081/29/14Rusted bathroom stall in B90 restroom. Cut hazard. Buiilding/Mai nt Open-Institutional 10122/26/14Need a guardrail or other control to prevent people from walking through planter in front of B90 to new shuttle stop. Trip/Slip/Fall hazard Building/Mai nt Open 10143/11/14Utility cover on sidewalk near 56A a trip hazard. Needs to be level with walking surface. Traffic- PedOpen 10163/12/14Sandbags from CERT construction projecting into Chu road. Hazard for bicycles. Traffic-BikeClosed 10173/12/14Main breaker in Bevetron panel may be obstructed from tripping due to LOTO device obstruction. ElectricalClosed
Corrective Action Reports (CATS)- 3/14 CAT #DateDescriptionLeadStatus /27/13Non-NRTL equipment in Building 90 R. ScholtzCompleted /18/14Ensure flame retardant lab coats are in use when handling reactive metals R. ScholtzOpen. Self assessment finding /18/14Ensure proper types of chemical gloves are in use based on compatibility R. ScholtzOpen. Self assessment finding 96133/18/14Ensure that proper PPE is being worn while working in lab areas (glasses, lab coat) PIsOpen. Self assessment finding.
Activity Hazard Documents (AHD)- 3/14 AHDDescriptionStatusLocationPI 3444Alkali Earth Metal and Reactive Hydrides Draft- Add new lab areas G. Liu 3542Solvent Purification System Signatures62-348N. Balsara 185Combustion Lab- Laser EHS 3-year review70-173R. Cheng 3678Chemical- BromineEHS 3-year review70-299V. Srinivasan
Audits and Inspection Status- 3/14 TypeDateLeadStatus EETD Management Safety Walkthrough April 17, 2014A. GadgilScheduled. Announcement sent out to PIs SAA quarterly inspection April 28, 2014R. ScholtzScheduled.
Significant Safety Achievements- 3/14 Completed the Personal Protective Equipment self- assessment report. Action items are being implemented. Completed the annual review and update of the EETD Integrated Safety Management (ISM) Plan. A number of EETD Safety Alerts were issued: –Lab Coat Safety –Lab Area Sink Drains –Chemical Glove Safety Participated in an EETD beta test of the new Activity Manager Work Planning and Control database. Participated in a LBNL-wide compressed gas cylinder self- assessment. Continued activity in disposal of unwanted gas cylinders and chemicals in EETD work areas.
Short Term Safety Outlook- 4/14 Assist with the final safety planning for the FLEXLAB start-up. –Subcontractor/Construction approval processes –Electrical safety issues and authorizations Participate in the annual management safety walkthrough of EETD work areas. Conduct quarterly Satellite Accumulation Area hazardous waste inspections. The next EETD Safety Committee meeting is 4/3/14. Continue participation in the inter-divisional off-site safety self-assessment project. Assist with the installation of the B60 air conditioning test chambers. Ensure electrical issues are addressed proactively. Attend the UC Lab Safety Conference in Irvine, CA