Functional English
Making groups and rules of FE class Divide yourself into the group of four and give your group a name! Divide yourself into the group of four and give your group a name! Write 2 rules of maintaining discipline in FE Class! Write 2 rules of maintaining discipline in FE Class! 5 mints!
List of typical ground rules of FE class: Come to the class on time (If you are late more than ten minutes, attendance will not be given) Come to the class on time (If you are late more than ten minutes, attendance will not be given) One speaker at a time One speaker at a time Everyone participates Everyone participates Keep an open mind Keep an open mind Focus on "what" and not "who" Focus on "what" and not "who" No put downs No put downs No one dominates discussions No one dominates discussions Be an active listener Be an active listener Create a safe zone Create a safe zone Stay on track/topic Stay on track/topic Agree only if it makes sense to do so Agree only if it makes sense to do so
Teaching Plan-TA Check Document! Check Document!
What do you see?
What do you know? Look at the following words, explain what they are, and give an example. Look at the following words, explain what they are, and give an example. You have 5 minutes! You have 5 minutes!
WordDefinition and example Noun Naming word. cheese table happiness Verb Action, doing or being word I was late. He believes me. They danced all night. Proper Noun A specific naming word. Always starts with a capital letter. January, Thames, Samira Suffix Something you add to the end of a word take + ing = taking spot + ed = spotted jelly + s = jellies Prefix A group of letters you add to the start of a word to change the meaning dis + like = dislike il + legal = illegal Exclamation mark Used to show emotion. Help! Wow!
Quick fire round What are the characteristics of good text? What are the characteristics of good text? What must you include in a formal letter? What must you include in a formal letter? When should you use capital letters? Give three examples. When should you use capital letters? Give three examples.
Quick fire round What are the characteristics of good text? What are the characteristics of good text? Repetition, appealing adjectives, exclamation marks, rhetorical questions, snappy slogans, bold eye catching titles. What must you include, when writing a formal letter? What must you include, when writing a formal letter? Your address, their address, the date, correct salutations (To whom it may concern or Dear Sir or Madam), introduction, conclusion, correct sign off (Yours faithfully, Yours sincerely) When should you use capital letters? Give three examples. When should you use capital letters? Give three examples. At the start of a sentence. When using a proper noun. For the personal pronoun I.
Functional skills are core elements of English that provides an individual with essential knowledge, skills and understanding that will enable them to operate confidently, effectively and independently in life and work. Functional skills are core elements of English that provides an individual with essential knowledge, skills and understanding that will enable them to operate confidently, effectively and independently in life and work. What are Functional English Skills?
Speaking and listening Speaking and listening Reading Reading Writing Writing Functional English Skills
Functional skills are the skills in English which enable people to: Functional skills are the skills in English which enable people to: Apply understanding to everyday life Apply understanding to everyday life Engage competently and confidently with others Engage competently and confidently with others Solve problems in familiar and unfamiliar situations Solve problems in familiar and unfamiliar situations Develop personally and professionally as positive citizens Develop personally and professionally as positive citizens It is a compulsory component of the course and Foundation of Learning. It is a compulsory component of the course and Foundation of Learning. It is going to be a key indicator for achievement in the future It is going to be a key indicator for achievement in the future Functional Skills: The aims
Present information Present information Summarize information Summarize information Respond to texts Respond to texts Select appropriate texts Select appropriate texts Implicit meaning and bias/Comprehension Implicit meaning and bias/Comprehension Write/Speak well Write/Speak well Write and follow instructions Write and follow instructions Take notes Take notes Spell accurately familiar and technical words to create paragraphs Spell accurately familiar and technical words to create paragraphs Ensure correct use of tenses Ensure correct use of tenses Functional English-Elements
Basic things to consider while Speaking 1. Fluency2. Coherence 3. Lexical Resource 4. Pronunciation Speaking
What is Fluency? Fluency (automaticity) is reading words with no noticeable mental effort. Fundamental skills are so "automatic" that they do not require conscious attention. Fluency (automaticity) is reading words with no noticeable mental effort. Fundamental skills are so "automatic" that they do not require conscious attention. Examples of automaticity? Examples of automaticity?
Examples of automacity playing a musical instrument playing a musical instrument playing a sport (serving a tennis ball) playing a sport (serving a tennis ball)
What is Coherence? Coherence is one of the qualities that gives a written or spoken text unity and purpose. Coherence refers to the general sense that a text makes sense through the organization of its content. In writing, it is provided by a clear and understood structuring of paragraphs and sentences in writing. Coherence is one of the qualities that gives a written or spoken text unity and purpose. Coherence refers to the general sense that a text makes sense through the organization of its content. In writing, it is provided by a clear and understood structuring of paragraphs and sentences in writing. Example Example A learner's argument essay is coherent because it has a structure that gives unity and follows an accepted form. It begins with a statement of belief, gives the opposing arguments, refutes these, and summarises in a final paragraph. A learner's argument essay is coherent because it has a structure that gives unity and follows an accepted form. It begins with a statement of belief, gives the opposing arguments, refutes these, and summarises in a final paragraph.
What is Lexical Resource ‘Lexical resource’ refers to the range of vocabulary that you use in your speaking. ‘Lexical resource’ refers to the range of vocabulary that you use in your speaking. Formal? Formal? Informal? Informal? Technical terms used in your field? Technical terms used in your field?
What is Pronunciation It is the act or manner of speaking a word. It is the act or manner of speaking a word. For a variety of reasons, many words in English are not pronounced the way they are spelled, and some sounds can be created by more than one combination of letters. For a variety of reasons, many words in English are not pronounced the way they are spelled, and some sounds can be created by more than one combination of letters. Accent Accent Accept Accept Knife Knife
How to acquire fluency in a foreign language Formal Education Formal Education Watching movies Watching movies Participation Participation Help from friends Help from friends Formal and informal communication Formal and informal communication
Narrating a film? Drama? Story! Volunteer? Or else we’ll need to call someone to be our victim… Volunteer? Or else we’ll need to call someone to be our victim…
Reading The key thing is for students to: The key thing is for students to: read as much as they can in as many different formats as they can.
Varieties of texts
Reading Task Your topic is “ my favorite game”. Your topic is “ my favorite game”. Bring this article tomorrow Bring this article tomorrow Your task is to read the article and retain the information Your task is to read the article and retain the information
Writing There are several reasons why students struggle with writing. These include: They were taught too early at primary school (writing is painful). They were taught too early at primary school (writing is painful). They don’t have enough opportunity to talk about what they write before writing. They don’t have enough opportunity to talk about what they write before writing. They have become dependent on writing frames. They have become dependent on writing frames. They need a purpose or audience for the writing. They need a purpose or audience for the writing. Huge amounts of writing goes unmarked. Huge amounts of writing goes unmarked. Ashamed of handwriting /spelling or typing skills. Ashamed of handwriting /spelling or typing skills. Seen as something females do. Seen as something females do.
The 4 Purposes of Writing
Essay Writing Describe the best gift/present you have received. Describe the best gift/present you have received words words.