Remember : It's Quality Over Quantity Write higher quality, unique content. Speak your opinion. Create usefull and user centric content. Include Relevant images.
Mobile Friendly Website Around 52.99% of website traffic comes from mobile devices. Your Website should be mobile friendly, design fits the screen, features should be visible.
E- Mail Addresses is essential to driving and maintaining engagement. Forms is much better than the annoying pop ups.
Website Design Should be easy to use and accessible. Content should be easy to find and understand. Keep it Simple.
Generally 40% of people leave the site if it takes more than 3 sseconds to load. To increase website speed : Reduce the number of plugins, Compressing image size, Enabling browser caching.
Chat Box At The Homepage Chat Box makes easy to connect the visitors with you. Make it real by adding name and photo.
Do's Create Quiz Analyze Data Link to related Post Keep it Simple and User Friendly Dont's Don't reply one one method of communication Make Sure evry page should be crawled. Avoid broken links Do not make it complex to understand.
Presented By eNest Services These tips is effective in almost all types of websites. But it might be different depending on type of websites. To know more about Increase User Engagement On Website Increase User Engagement On Website Tel: Mob: Web: eNest Services eNest ServiceseNest Services