Training on Energy Economy and Demand Side Management: Security of Energy Supply, Zagreb October 2013 Energy statistics and data acquisition for MODVESS Branko Vuk Energy institute Hrvoje Požar Zagreb Energy statistics and data acquisition for MODVESS 1
Training on Energy Economy and Demand Side Management: Security of Energy Supply, Zagreb October 2013 Data for MODVESS Data for MODVESS are grouped into five categories: - Natural gas - Crude oil - Oil Derivatives - Electricity - Energy and the Economy In each group are collected the following data: Natural gas (for the period ) Natural Gas Import Exported Natural Gas Total Domestic Natural Gas Consumption Natural Gas Import per Supplier Country Exported Natural Gas per Supplier Country Capacity of Import Pipelines Capacity of Receiving Terminals Maximum Demand of Natural Gas Products for the same period Total Natural Gas Supply Natural Gas Supply per Supplier Number of Natural Gas Suppliers Natural Gas Supply per Country No. of Natural Gas Importing Countries Domestic Offshore Production of Natural Gas Total Domestic Natural Gas Production (Onshore plus Offshore) Maximum Withdrawal Rate from UGS and LNG storage Maximum Daily Gas Demand for Protected Customers during extreme temperatures in 7 days Volume of Working Gas 1st of December Volume of Working Gas 1st of January Volume of Working Gas 1st of February Volume of Working Gas 1st of March Consumption of Protected Customers Consumption December Consumption January Consumption February Consumption March Interruptible Natural Gas Average supply of gas divided under: Gas supply from offshore fields Gas supply from onshore fields Gas supply cross border Slovenia Gas supply cross border Hungary Gas supply storage Monthly Gas Demand of Protected Consumers - Households Monthly Gas Demand of Protected Consumers - Public Heating Plants Capacity of Input Pipeline at Pula Natural gas (for the period ) Natural Gas Import Exported Natural Gas Total Domestic Natural Gas Consumption Natural Gas Import per Supplier Country Exported Natural Gas per Supplier Country Capacity of Import Pipelines Capacity of Receiving Terminals Maximum Demand of Natural Gas Products for the same period Total Natural Gas Supply Natural Gas Supply per Supplier Number of Natural Gas Suppliers Natural Gas Supply per Country No. of Natural Gas Importing Countries Domestic Offshore Production of Natural Gas Total Domestic Natural Gas Production (Onshore plus Offshore) Maximum Withdrawal Rate from UGS and LNG storage Maximum Daily Gas Demand for Protected Customers during extreme temperatures in 7 days Volume of Working Gas 1st of December Volume of Working Gas 1st of January Volume of Working Gas 1st of February Volume of Working Gas 1st of March Consumption of Protected Customers Consumption December Consumption January Consumption February Consumption March Interruptible Natural Gas Average supply of gas divided under: Gas supply from offshore fields Gas supply from onshore fields Gas supply cross border Slovenia Gas supply cross border Hungary Gas supply storage Monthly Gas Demand of Protected Consumers - Households Monthly Gas Demand of Protected Consumers - Public Heating Plants Capacity of Input Pipeline at Pula Crude Oil (for the period ) Crude Oil Import Crude Oil Export Total Domestic Crude Oil Consumption Crude Oil Import per Supplier Country Exported Crude Oil per Supplier Country ICRG Risk Rating Index for the Suppliers Country Average Level of Crude Oil Storage Maximum Refinery Intake for the same period Capacity of Import Pipelines Capacity of Receiving Terminals Maximum Demand of Crude Oil for the same period Total Crude Oil Supply Crude Oil Supply per Supplier No. of Crude Oil Suppliers Crude Oil Supply per Country No. of Crude Oil Supplying Countries Domestic Offshore Production Total Domestic Crude Oil Production (Onshore plus Offshore) Maximum daily Crude Oil Refinery Intake Proven Reserves Nelson Complexity Index before upgrade Nelson Complexity Index after upgrade Crude Oil (for the period ) Crude Oil Import Crude Oil Export Total Domestic Crude Oil Consumption Crude Oil Import per Supplier Country Exported Crude Oil per Supplier Country ICRG Risk Rating Index for the Suppliers Country Average Level of Crude Oil Storage Maximum Refinery Intake for the same period Capacity of Import Pipelines Capacity of Receiving Terminals Maximum Demand of Crude Oil for the same period Total Crude Oil Supply Crude Oil Supply per Supplier No. of Crude Oil Suppliers Crude Oil Supply per Country No. of Crude Oil Supplying Countries Domestic Offshore Production Total Domestic Crude Oil Production (Onshore plus Offshore) Maximum daily Crude Oil Refinery Intake Proven Reserves Nelson Complexity Index before upgrade Nelson Complexity Index after upgrade Petroleum Products (for the period ) Petroleum Products Import - Export Total Domestic Petroleum Products Consumption Total Petroleum Products Supply Petroleum Products per Supplier No. of Oil Products Suppliers Capacity of Import Pipelines Capacity of Receiving Terminals Maximum Demand of Petroleum Products Ability to Process Inferior Quality Crude or Heavy Sour Crudes Ability to have a Superior Refinery Product Output comprising of High Percentage of Light Destilates Ability to make High Quality Refinery Products Average Level of Crude Oil Equivalent Storage Capacity Average Supply of Petroleum Products for the same period Average Demand of Petroleum Products for the same year Petroleum Products Supply per Country Number of Supplying Countries Petroleum Products Export per Country Petroleum Products (for the period ) Petroleum Products Import - Export Total Domestic Petroleum Products Consumption Total Petroleum Products Supply Petroleum Products per Supplier No. of Oil Products Suppliers Capacity of Import Pipelines Capacity of Receiving Terminals Maximum Demand of Petroleum Products Ability to Process Inferior Quality Crude or Heavy Sour Crudes Ability to have a Superior Refinery Product Output comprising of High Percentage of Light Destilates Ability to make High Quality Refinery Products Average Level of Crude Oil Equivalent Storage Capacity Average Supply of Petroleum Products for the same period Average Demand of Petroleum Products for the same year Petroleum Products Supply per Country Number of Supplying Countries Petroleum Products Export per Country 2 Electricity (for the period ) Peak Load and Capacity at Peak Maximum Daily Electricity Consumption Annual Power Production Total Primary Energy Supply Annual Hydro Power Production Total Domestic Electricity Production Average Monthly RES Supply Maximum Monthly RES Supply for the same period Average Hourly Load Maximum Hourly Load during the same period Minimum Hourly Load during the same period Difference in Electricity Import and Export Total Domestic Electricity Demand Capacity of Cross Border Transmission Total Power Supply Power Supply per Supplier and Fuel Number of Power Suppliers Power Supply per Country Number of Importing Countries Available Power Capacity of all Dual Fuel Power Plants Power Capacity from all Generating Plants Available Power Capacity from Hard Coal Capacity of Domestic Wind Turbines Onshore and Offshore Total Domestic Power Capacity Capacity of Transmission Substations Peak Power Demand in the same Transmission Area Capacity of Distribution Substations (110/MV, 35/MV, MV/LV) Peak Power Demand in the same distribution area Failure rate for distribution of electricity to customers (unplanned SAIFI) Number of customers within the distribution area (number of connections) Available Power Supply under Disruption of Single Largest Power Infrastructure Demand in the same period under Extreme Cold period Average Supply of Power divided under: Import Electricity Plants CHP Plants Import Hydro Wind Combustible Fuels Main Activity Plants Autoproducer Plants Domestic Supply Hydro Power Plants Domestic Supply Thermal Power Plants Domestic Supply Plomin Plants Nuclear Power Plant Krsko (in Slovenia) Demand under Extreme Cold temperatures Electricity (for the period ) Peak Load and Capacity at Peak Maximum Daily Electricity Consumption Annual Power Production Total Primary Energy Supply Annual Hydro Power Production Total Domestic Electricity Production Average Monthly RES Supply Maximum Monthly RES Supply for the same period Average Hourly Load Maximum Hourly Load during the same period Minimum Hourly Load during the same period Difference in Electricity Import and Export Total Domestic Electricity Demand Capacity of Cross Border Transmission Total Power Supply Power Supply per Supplier and Fuel Number of Power Suppliers Power Supply per Country Number of Importing Countries Available Power Capacity of all Dual Fuel Power Plants Power Capacity from all Generating Plants Available Power Capacity from Hard Coal Capacity of Domestic Wind Turbines Onshore and Offshore Total Domestic Power Capacity Capacity of Transmission Substations Peak Power Demand in the same Transmission Area Capacity of Distribution Substations (110/MV, 35/MV, MV/LV) Peak Power Demand in the same distribution area Failure rate for distribution of electricity to customers (unplanned SAIFI) Number of customers within the distribution area (number of connections) Available Power Supply under Disruption of Single Largest Power Infrastructure Demand in the same period under Extreme Cold period Average Supply of Power divided under: Import Electricity Plants CHP Plants Import Hydro Wind Combustible Fuels Main Activity Plants Autoproducer Plants Domestic Supply Hydro Power Plants Domestic Supply Thermal Power Plants Domestic Supply Plomin Plants Nuclear Power Plant Krsko (in Slovenia) Demand under Extreme Cold temperatures Energy and Economy (for the period ) National GDP Total Primary Energy Demand Number of Inhabitants LGP Consumption in Households and Services outside urban areas Total Heat Supply in the same areas (outside urban) Number of Fuel Poverty Households Total Number of Households Average selling price for Heating Oil Average selling price for Heating Oil in EU Member Countries Average selling price for Natural Gas Average selling price for Natural Gas in EU Member Countries Average selling price for Electricity to Households Average selling price for Electricity to Households in EU Member Countries Number of Households connected to Natural Gas Supply Total Number of households with Heat Supply (district heat supply) Number of Households connected to District Heating Supply Number of Households with LPG Equipment Total Number of Households in Rural Areas Electricity Consumption in Households for Space Heating Energy and Economy (for the period ) National GDP Total Primary Energy Demand Number of Inhabitants LGP Consumption in Households and Services outside urban areas Total Heat Supply in the same areas (outside urban) Number of Fuel Poverty Households Total Number of Households Average selling price for Heating Oil Average selling price for Heating Oil in EU Member Countries Average selling price for Natural Gas Average selling price for Natural Gas in EU Member Countries Average selling price for Electricity to Households Average selling price for Electricity to Households in EU Member Countries Number of Households connected to Natural Gas Supply Total Number of households with Heat Supply (district heat supply) Number of Households connected to District Heating Supply Number of Households with LPG Equipment Total Number of Households in Rural Areas Electricity Consumption in Households for Space Heating
Training on Energy Economy and Demand Side Management: Security of Energy Supply, Zagreb October 2013 The main source of data for MODVESS The main source of data for MODVESS was the energy balance of the Republic of Croatia What is energy balance? - Energy statistic of special shape... Time interval is calendar year Multi-year series - trends and changes Basically it is a table Columns are energy forms Rows are the positions in energy flows 3
Training on Energy Economy and Demand Side Management: Security of Energy Supply, Zagreb October 2013 Energy forms in the energy balance Primary energy forms: Anthracite, Hard coal, Brown coal, Lignite, Crude oil, Natural gas, Hydro energy, Fuel wood, Wind energy, Solar energy, Geothermal energy, Biofuels, Biogas, Other solid biomass (Wood pellets, Wood briquettes, Wood cheeps, Wood wastes), Non renewable wastes Primary energy forms: Anthracite, Hard coal, Brown coal, Lignite, Crude oil, Natural gas, Hydro energy, Fuel wood, Wind energy, Solar energy, Geothermal energy, Biofuels, Biogas, Other solid biomass (Wood pellets, Wood briquettes, Wood cheeps, Wood wastes), Non renewable wastes 4 Transformed energy forms: Charcoal, Coke, Liquefied petroleum gas, Gasoline, Kerosene, Jet fuel, Diesel fuel, Extralight fuel oil, Low sulphur fuel oil, Standard fuel oil, Naphtha, White spirit, Bitumen, Oils and greases, Paraffin and waxes, Petroleum coke, Ethan, Other non-energy derivatives, Refinery gas, Refinery feedstocks, Refinery Additives, City gas, Electricity, District heat Transformed energy forms: Charcoal, Coke, Liquefied petroleum gas, Gasoline, Kerosene, Jet fuel, Diesel fuel, Extralight fuel oil, Low sulphur fuel oil, Standard fuel oil, Naphtha, White spirit, Bitumen, Oils and greases, Paraffin and waxes, Petroleum coke, Ethan, Other non-energy derivatives, Refinery gas, Refinery feedstocks, Refinery Additives, City gas, Electricity, District heat
Training on Energy Economy and Demand Side Management: Security of Energy Supply, Zagreb October 2013 Positions of the energy flows in energy balance PRIMARY ENERGY BALANCE Production Import Export Stock change Marine bunkers TOTAL CONSUMPTION (TPES, GIC) 5 ENERGY TRANSFORMATIONS (production - consumption) Hydropower plants, Thermal power plants, MA CHP plants, MA heating plants, Autoproducer CHP plants, Autoproducer heating plants, Oil refineries, NGL plant, Coke oven plant, Gas works, Wind power plants, Solar power plants ENERGY TRANSFORMATIONS (production - consumption) Hydropower plants, Thermal power plants, MA CHP plants, MA heating plants, Autoproducer CHP plants, Autoproducer heating plants, Oil refineries, NGL plant, Coke oven plant, Gas works, Wind power plants, Solar power plants ENERGY SECTOR OWN USE Oil and gas production, Bio gas production plants, Coal mines, Hydropower plants, Thermal power plants, MA CHP plants, Autoproducer CHP plants, Autoproducer heating plants, Oil refineries, NGL plants, Coke oven plants, Gasworks ENERGY SECTOR OWN USE Oil and gas production, Bio gas production plants, Coal mines, Hydropower plants, Thermal power plants, MA CHP plants, Autoproducer CHP plants, Autoproducer heating plants, Oil refineries, NGL plants, Coke oven plants, Gasworks TRANSPORT AND DISTRIBUTION LOSSES FINAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION NON ENERGY CONSUMPTION (Energy Sector, Petrochemical Industry, Other Industry, Transportation, Agriculture, Construction, Other sectors) ENERGY CONSUMPTION TRANSPORT AND DISTRIBUTION LOSSES FINAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION NON ENERGY CONSUMPTION (Energy Sector, Petrochemical Industry, Other Industry, Transportation, Agriculture, Construction, Other sectors) ENERGY CONSUMPTION FINAL (energy) CONSUMPTION INDUSTRY Iron and steel industry, Chemical industry, Non- ferrous metals industry, Non-metallic minerals industry, Industry of transport equipment, Machinery, Mining and quarrying, Food, beverages and tobacco industry, Paper, pulp and printing industry, Wood Industry, Construction, Textile and Leather Industry, Other Industry FINAL (energy) CONSUMPTION INDUSTRY Iron and steel industry, Chemical industry, Non- ferrous metals industry, Non-metallic minerals industry, Industry of transport equipment, Machinery, Mining and quarrying, Food, beverages and tobacco industry, Paper, pulp and printing industry, Wood Industry, Construction, Textile and Leather Industry, Other Industry TRANSPORT International air transport, Domestic air transport, Road transport, Rail transport, Domestic sea and river transport, Pipeline transport TRANSPORT International air transport, Domestic air transport, Road transport, Rail transport, Domestic sea and river transport, Pipeline transport OTHER SECTORS Commercial and Public Services, Residential, Agriculture/Forestry, Fishing, Non-specified OTHER SECTORS Commercial and Public Services, Residential, Agriculture/Forestry, Fishing, Non-specified
Training on Energy Economy and Demand Side Management: Security of Energy Supply, Zagreb October 2013 Data for the primary energy balance Production (Crude oil (INA), Natural gas (INA), Hydro energy (HEP), Fuel wood (CBS +estimation), Wind energy (HEP+Croatian Energy Market Operator (HROTE)), Solar energy (HROTE), Geothermal energy (INA + survey), Biofuels, Biogas, Wood pellets, Wood briquettes, Wood cheeps, Wood wastes (Specially pilot survey –CBS), Non renewable wastes (Survey – cement industry) Import and Export (same as production + Custom office) Import and Export (same as production + Custom office) Stock change (same as production + HANDA - the Croatian Compulsory Oil Stocks Agency) Stock change (same as production + HANDA - the Croatian Compulsory Oil Stocks Agency) Marine bunkers (INA) Marine bunkers (INA) TOTAL CONSUMPTION TOTAL CONSUMPTION Production (Crude oil (INA), Natural gas (INA), Hydro energy (HEP), Fuel wood (CBS +estimation), Wind energy (HEP+Croatian Energy Market Operator (HROTE)), Solar energy (HROTE), Geothermal energy (INA + survey), Biofuels, Biogas, Wood pellets, Wood briquettes, Wood cheeps, Wood wastes (Specially pilot survey –CBS), Non renewable wastes (Survey – cement industry) Import and Export (same as production + Custom office) Import and Export (same as production + Custom office) Stock change (same as production + HANDA - the Croatian Compulsory Oil Stocks Agency) Stock change (same as production + HANDA - the Croatian Compulsory Oil Stocks Agency) Marine bunkers (INA) Marine bunkers (INA) TOTAL CONSUMPTION TOTAL CONSUMPTION 6
Training on Energy Economy and Demand Side Management: Security of Energy Supply, Zagreb October 2013 Data for the energy transformation sector ENERGY TRANSFORMATIONS (production - consumption) Hydropower plants (HEP), Thermal power plants (HEP), MA CHP plants (HEP + Specially pilot survey –CBS), MA heating plants (Survey of all heating plants + survey of all natural gas supplier companies), Autoproducer CHP plants and Autoproducer heating plants (CBS survey IND-21/PRODCOM/G and IND-21/REPRO/G), Oil refineries (INA), NGL plant (INA), Coke oven plants, Gas works (direct communication), Wind power plants (HEP + Croatian Energy Market Operator HROTE), Solar power plants (HROTE), ENERGY TRANSFORMATIONS (production - consumption) Hydropower plants (HEP), Thermal power plants (HEP), MA CHP plants (HEP + Specially pilot survey –CBS), MA heating plants (Survey of all heating plants + survey of all natural gas supplier companies), Autoproducer CHP plants and Autoproducer heating plants (CBS survey IND-21/PRODCOM/G and IND-21/REPRO/G), Oil refineries (INA), NGL plant (INA), Coke oven plants, Gas works (direct communication), Wind power plants (HEP + Croatian Energy Market Operator HROTE), Solar power plants (HROTE), 7
Training on Energy Economy and Demand Side Management: Security of Energy Supply, Zagreb October 2013 Data for the energy sector own use This is consumption of energy in production of primary and transformed energy forms. Sources of data are: Oil and gas production (INA + CBS survey IND-21/PRODCOM/G and IND-21/REPRO/G), Bio gas production plants (Specially pilot survey –CBS), Hydropower plants and thermal power plants (HEP), MA CHP plants (HEP+ Specially pilot survey –CBS), Autoproducer CHP plants (CBS survey IND-21/PRODCOM/G and IND-21/REPRO/G), Oil refineries (INA), NGL plant (INA) This is consumption of energy in production of primary and transformed energy forms. Sources of data are: Oil and gas production (INA + CBS survey IND-21/PRODCOM/G and IND-21/REPRO/G), Bio gas production plants (Specially pilot survey –CBS), Hydropower plants and thermal power plants (HEP), MA CHP plants (HEP+ Specially pilot survey –CBS), Autoproducer CHP plants (CBS survey IND-21/PRODCOM/G and IND-21/REPRO/G), Oil refineries (INA), NGL plant (INA) 8
Losses – in transportation (or transmission) for network energy forms: electricity (HEP) natural gas (INA, survey of 40 natural gas supplier companies) district heat (HEP, survey about 20 district heat supplier companies) Final non energy consumption (INA, CBS survey IND-21/PRODCOM/G and IND- 21/REPRO/G, estimates) Final energy consumption (for every sector from different sources) for final consumption there is a lack of data there are certain difficulties in the preparation of balance of final energy consumption there is a need for improvement of data sources in the future The first step for final energy balance is calculation of final energy consumption (for every energy form): Final energy consumption = Total consumption - Total consumption in transformation sector - Energy sector own use - Losses in transport and distribution All this values we have from previous calculations (from upper part of energy balance) Losses – in transportation (or transmission) for network energy forms: electricity (HEP) natural gas (INA, survey of 40 natural gas supplier companies) district heat (HEP, survey about 20 district heat supplier companies) Final non energy consumption (INA, CBS survey IND-21/PRODCOM/G and IND- 21/REPRO/G, estimates) Final energy consumption (for every sector from different sources) for final consumption there is a lack of data there are certain difficulties in the preparation of balance of final energy consumption there is a need for improvement of data sources in the future The first step for final energy balance is calculation of final energy consumption (for every energy form): Final energy consumption = Total consumption - Total consumption in transformation sector - Energy sector own use - Losses in transport and distribution All this values we have from previous calculations (from upper part of energy balance) Training on Energy Economy and Demand Side Management: Security of Energy Supply, Zagreb October 2013 Losses, final energy consumption, final non energy consumption, final (energy) consumption 9
Iron and steel industry, Chemical industry, Non-ferrous metals industry, Non-metallic minerals industry, Industry of transport equipment, Machinery, Mining and quarrying, Food, beverages and tobacco industry, Paper, pulp and printing industry, Wood Industry, Construction, Textile and Leather Industry, Other Industry (CBS survey IND- 21/PRODCOM/G and IND-21/REPRO/G, estimations) Data are in form of 3 tables: Production Consumption of raw materials Energy consumption It is relatively complicated to analyze industrial CHP plants, industrial heating plants and energy consumption in all industrial branches My suggestion is to redesign and improve the way of energy data collection for the industry in CBS Iron and steel industry, Chemical industry, Non-ferrous metals industry, Non-metallic minerals industry, Industry of transport equipment, Machinery, Mining and quarrying, Food, beverages and tobacco industry, Paper, pulp and printing industry, Wood Industry, Construction, Textile and Leather Industry, Other Industry (CBS survey IND- 21/PRODCOM/G and IND-21/REPRO/G, estimations) Data are in form of 3 tables: Production Consumption of raw materials Energy consumption It is relatively complicated to analyze industrial CHP plants, industrial heating plants and energy consumption in all industrial branches My suggestion is to redesign and improve the way of energy data collection for the industry in CBS Very important step in determining the final energy consumption in all other sectors is analysis of energy consumption in industry. From the table production I use the production of electricity and heat energy in industrial cogeneration plants and production of heat energy in industrial heating plants Consumption of raw materials table contains data on energy consumption (energy inputs) in industrial cogeneration plants and industrial heating plants. Table of energy consumption provides information on the consumption of all individual energy sources. It is necessary to connect the data from all three tables, carry out an analysis of each industrial cogeneration and each industrial heating plant so that the relations are correct This analysis is complicated because often the data are missing or energy efficiency of plants is incorrect When I carry out all this analysis and adjustment, energy products consumption (from the third table) is added to consumption in the industrial heating plants and to consumption in industrial cogeneration plants - part of the production of steam and hot water Subtracting the energy of steam and hot water produced in industrial heating plants and cogeneration plants in accordance with the IEA / Eurostat method Then it is determined the total and the actual energy consumption in the industry divided into industry sectors according to the IEA / Eurostat method For other sectors of final consumption I spend analyses that are different for each energy source or characteristic group of energy sources Very important step in determining the final energy consumption in all other sectors is analysis of energy consumption in industry. From the table production I use the production of electricity and heat energy in industrial cogeneration plants and production of heat energy in industrial heating plants Consumption of raw materials table contains data on energy consumption (energy inputs) in industrial cogeneration plants and industrial heating plants. Table of energy consumption provides information on the consumption of all individual energy sources. It is necessary to connect the data from all three tables, carry out an analysis of each industrial cogeneration and each industrial heating plant so that the relations are correct This analysis is complicated because often the data are missing or energy efficiency of plants is incorrect When I carry out all this analysis and adjustment, energy products consumption (from the third table) is added to consumption in the industrial heating plants and to consumption in industrial cogeneration plants - part of the production of steam and hot water Subtracting the energy of steam and hot water produced in industrial heating plants and cogeneration plants in accordance with the IEA / Eurostat method Then it is determined the total and the actual energy consumption in the industry divided into industry sectors according to the IEA / Eurostat method For other sectors of final consumption I spend analyses that are different for each energy source or characteristic group of energy sources Training on Energy Economy and Demand Side Management: Security of Energy Supply, Zagreb October 2013 Final energy consumption industry 10
For every energy form used for final consumption I use different methods and different sources Electricity For electricity the total final consumption and final consumption in industry is determined The rest of the electricity is consumed in transport, households, service sector and agriculture Electricity consumption in households I take from the HEP (National Electricity Company) Transport - electricity is consumed in rail transport in public city transport (for trams) and in pipeline transport - CBS The rest of consumption is in agriculture and services sector - there is no data for these sectors Agriculture - in the past (more than 15 years ago) CBS collected the data for legal entities - based on that I estimate consumption today The rest of consumption I put in the service sector It is necessary to spend surveys of households and to determine the consumption for heating, cooking, water heating, cooling, electrical equipment and for agricultural purposes in rural areas (survey of households is in progress - IPA project) It is necessary to spend surveys of service sector to determine consumption in certain sub sectors, and consumption for heating, cooking, water heating, cooling, electrical appliances (survey of services is in progress - IPA project) Construction (CBS) – improve and clarify data Electricity For electricity the total final consumption and final consumption in industry is determined The rest of the electricity is consumed in transport, households, service sector and agriculture Electricity consumption in households I take from the HEP (National Electricity Company) Transport - electricity is consumed in rail transport in public city transport (for trams) and in pipeline transport - CBS The rest of consumption is in agriculture and services sector - there is no data for these sectors Agriculture - in the past (more than 15 years ago) CBS collected the data for legal entities - based on that I estimate consumption today The rest of consumption I put in the service sector It is necessary to spend surveys of households and to determine the consumption for heating, cooking, water heating, cooling, electrical equipment and for agricultural purposes in rural areas (survey of households is in progress - IPA project) It is necessary to spend surveys of service sector to determine consumption in certain sub sectors, and consumption for heating, cooking, water heating, cooling, electrical appliances (survey of services is in progress - IPA project) Construction (CBS) – improve and clarify data Natural gas At the beginning of the year I conduct a survey of all distribution companies for natural gas (about 40 companies) Data from questionnaire: total quantity of natural gas taken from transport network, total delivered quantity, losses in distribution network, quantities delivered to households, industry, service sector, agriculture, transport and heating plants There is a direct supply of industry from the transportation network (INA) – it should be adjust data for direct consumption, data from my survey and data from the CBS for industry In the survey are collected also additional data - the number of consumers, data for heating plants (the number of households and services, the heated area of households and services, heat power of heating plants), gas prices, net calorific value, the length of the pipelines (distribution network) Analysing of all these data determine consumption in all sectors of final consumption, losses in distribution network and consumption in heating plants - other data I use for additional different analysis Natural gas At the beginning of the year I conduct a survey of all distribution companies for natural gas (about 40 companies) Data from questionnaire: total quantity of natural gas taken from transport network, total delivered quantity, losses in distribution network, quantities delivered to households, industry, service sector, agriculture, transport and heating plants There is a direct supply of industry from the transportation network (INA) – it should be adjust data for direct consumption, data from my survey and data from the CBS for industry In the survey are collected also additional data - the number of consumers, data for heating plants (the number of households and services, the heated area of households and services, heat power of heating plants), gas prices, net calorific value, the length of the pipelines (distribution network) Analysing of all these data determine consumption in all sectors of final consumption, losses in distribution network and consumption in heating plants - other data I use for additional different analysis District heat Starting values are the total final consumption and final consumption of district heat in industry At the beginning of the year I conduct a survey of all public heating plants in all bigger towns and a survey of district heat distribution systems in towns Zagreb and Osijek Based on these surveys I define final consumption of district heat in households and in service sector It is necessary to adjust district heat consumption in the industry – CBS data and the data from these surveys District heat Starting values are the total final consumption and final consumption of district heat in industry At the beginning of the year I conduct a survey of all public heating plants in all bigger towns and a survey of district heat distribution systems in towns Zagreb and Osijek Based on these surveys I define final consumption of district heat in households and in service sector It is necessary to adjust district heat consumption in the industry – CBS data and the data from these surveys Brown coal, lignite, coke Starting point is the total final consumption and final consumption of industry Rest of consumption is in households and in service sector - consumption in households and service sector has a very small share in total final consumption in these sectors At the beginning of the year I conduct a survey of coal traders (about 30 surveys) The answer is about 60% Based on the survey I estimate total consumption of brown coal and lignite in households and services sector Consumption of coke is only in industry and is known from industry analysis Survey of households and services which are in progress (IPA project) will improve estimates Brown coal, lignite, coke Starting point is the total final consumption and final consumption of industry Rest of consumption is in households and in service sector - consumption in households and service sector has a very small share in total final consumption in these sectors At the beginning of the year I conduct a survey of coal traders (about 30 surveys) The answer is about 60% Based on the survey I estimate total consumption of brown coal and lignite in households and services sector Consumption of coke is only in industry and is known from industry analysis Survey of households and services which are in progress (IPA project) will improve estimates Fuel wood and renewable energy sources It is known only final consumption in industry (CBS) There are no additional data on the consumption of fuel wood Consumption is estimated on the basis of cuts of wood in forests - these data are from CBS I also make a climatic correction for each reference year It is a very rough assessment - on site surveys in some areas (counties) indicate that consumption determined on that way is too low Other renewable sources have very small share Consumption of solar energy determined on the basis of installed collectors Consumption of geothermal energy determined on the basis of deliveries from several geothermal plants Consumption of wood briquettes, wood pellets and charcoal is determined on the basis of the sspecial pilot survey –CBS and estimations Consumption of wood waste in industry is known from industry data (CBS data) Surveys of households and services which are in progress (IPA project) will enable the development of a model for determination and calculation the actual consumption of listed renewable energy sources Fuel wood and renewable energy sources It is known only final consumption in industry (CBS) There are no additional data on the consumption of fuel wood Consumption is estimated on the basis of cuts of wood in forests - these data are from CBS I also make a climatic correction for each reference year It is a very rough assessment - on site surveys in some areas (counties) indicate that consumption determined on that way is too low Other renewable sources have very small share Consumption of solar energy determined on the basis of installed collectors Consumption of geothermal energy determined on the basis of deliveries from several geothermal plants Consumption of wood briquettes, wood pellets and charcoal is determined on the basis of the sspecial pilot survey –CBS and estimations Consumption of wood waste in industry is known from industry data (CBS data) Surveys of households and services which are in progress (IPA project) will enable the development of a model for determination and calculation the actual consumption of listed renewable energy sources Petroleum products - motor fuels Motor fuels include - gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel and LPG (heavy fuel oil - very rare for the drive ships) Primary side of energy balance determined the total final consumption of each motor fuel Consumption of LPG is only in road transport - I conduct a survey of all LPG traders Jet fuel is consumed in air traffic - the only supplier is INA - big problem is division on domestic consumption and on international air bunker Gasoline and diesel are consumed for transport, construction and agriculture There are some data for construction (CBS), but it is not quite clear what the data include Consumption in agriculture is assessed (based on blue diesel consumption and level of activity in agriculture) - the rest is consumed in transportation Data from the CBS - known consumption in rail, inland sea and river transport and urban public transport - difference to the total consumption for transport is the consumption in road transport Consumption of road transport include - consumption of Croatian vehicles, vehicles in transit through Croatia, Croatian tourist vehicles and cross-border so called fuel tourism Due to lack of knowledge of these factors it is urgently necessary to conduct on site surveys for transport, agriculture and construction, and to develop corresponding models to determine all these values (survey for transport should be started next year – IPA project, beneficiary is CBS) Petroleum products - motor fuels Motor fuels include - gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel and LPG (heavy fuel oil - very rare for the drive ships) Primary side of energy balance determined the total final consumption of each motor fuel Consumption of LPG is only in road transport - I conduct a survey of all LPG traders Jet fuel is consumed in air traffic - the only supplier is INA - big problem is division on domestic consumption and on international air bunker Gasoline and diesel are consumed for transport, construction and agriculture There are some data for construction (CBS), but it is not quite clear what the data include Consumption in agriculture is assessed (based on blue diesel consumption and level of activity in agriculture) - the rest is consumed in transportation Data from the CBS - known consumption in rail, inland sea and river transport and urban public transport - difference to the total consumption for transport is the consumption in road transport Consumption of road transport include - consumption of Croatian vehicles, vehicles in transit through Croatia, Croatian tourist vehicles and cross-border so called fuel tourism Due to lack of knowledge of these factors it is urgently necessary to conduct on site surveys for transport, agriculture and construction, and to develop corresponding models to determine all these values (survey for transport should be started next year – IPA project, beneficiary is CBS) Other petroleum products Other petroleum products are LPG, extra light fuel oil, heavy fuel oil and a very small amount of petroleum Majority of consumption is realized in households and services, and only partly in agriculture There are no sources of data for consumption in these sectors Consumption in these sectors are assessed on the basis of relations that are valid for natural gas and other energy forms The estimates of consumption will be improved after the implementation of the survey of energy consumption in households and services, and in the future probably for agriculture Non-energy petroleum products The CBS data for the industry does not have adequate data for non-energy petroleum products consumption (ethane, naphtha, bitumen, white spirit, oil and lubricants, paraffin, waxes...). These products must be included in the energy balance It is necessary to redesign and improve the way of energy data collection for the industry in CBS. It is necessary to define list of energy products which correspond to list of energy products in the energy balance Data collection should be organized on that way all data will be in one place (in one table) - production, raw material consumption and energy consumption for transport and technological purposes Non-energy petroleum products The CBS data for the industry does not have adequate data for non-energy petroleum products consumption (ethane, naphtha, bitumen, white spirit, oil and lubricants, paraffin, waxes...). These products must be included in the energy balance It is necessary to redesign and improve the way of energy data collection for the industry in CBS. It is necessary to define list of energy products which correspond to list of energy products in the energy balance Data collection should be organized on that way all data will be in one place (in one table) - production, raw material consumption and energy consumption for transport and technological purposes Conclusion Existing system of data collection for final energy consumption should improve and expand Redesign and improve the way of energy data collection for the industry in CBS Conduct on site surveys for households and service sector for the determination of total consumption, purposes of energy consumption and energy consumption in the service sub sectors (survey of households and services are in progress - IPA project) Conduct on site surveys and develop a model for the consumption determination of motor fuels for the different purposes in transport sector (transport survey should start next year - IPA project) Conduct surveys for agriculture to determine the energy consumption in this sector Conduct surveys for determine domestic jet fuel consumption and international air bunker Conduct additional research and possibly surveying the construction sector for a more precise determination of energy consumption Develop model for connecting consumption of motor fuels in transport, construction and agriculture. Surveys for final energy consumption should be conducted and repeated every five years in order to gain insight in the dynamics of change Conclusion Existing system of data collection for final energy consumption should improve and expand Redesign and improve the way of energy data collection for the industry in CBS Conduct on site surveys for households and service sector for the determination of total consumption, purposes of energy consumption and energy consumption in the service sub sectors (survey of households and services are in progress - IPA project) Conduct on site surveys and develop a model for the consumption determination of motor fuels for the different purposes in transport sector (transport survey should start next year - IPA project) Conduct surveys for agriculture to determine the energy consumption in this sector Conduct surveys for determine domestic jet fuel consumption and international air bunker Conduct additional research and possibly surveying the construction sector for a more precise determination of energy consumption Develop model for connecting consumption of motor fuels in transport, construction and agriculture. Surveys for final energy consumption should be conducted and repeated every five years in order to gain insight in the dynamics of change Training on Energy Economy and Demand Side Management: Security of Energy Supply, Zagreb October 2013 Final energy consumption in all other sectors 11
Training on Energy Economy and Demand Side Management: Security of Energy Supply, Zagreb October 2013 Thank you for your attention 12 Thank you for your attention!