Santa Rosa county WIA Youth Services Workforce Escarosa, Inc. & Santa Rosa County School District
PARTICIPANTS 141 YOUTH serviced by 4 staff members 69% In-school youth 31% out-of- school youth
SRC WIA Youth Younger youth goal attainment 140 of % YY goal attainment
WIA Youth Younger youth skill attainment 149 of % YY skill attainment contract requires 75%
WIA Youth Younger youth credential rate 29 of 39 74% YY credential rate contract requires 50%
WIA Youth Younger youth positive outcomes 33 of 39 85% YY positive outcomes contract requires 80%
WIA Youth Older youth credential rate 6 of 7 86% older youth credential rate contract requires 40%
WIA Youth Older youth positive outcomes 5 of 5 100% oY positive outcomes contract requires 80%
31 WORKSITES Aqua Bella beef obradys Guys & dolls hair salon Santa Rosa medical center: Bio-Med Tech, Radiology, Pharmacy, Patient Care Tech, human resources, housekeeping, shipping & receiving Southern management Eddie hobbs automotive Milton community center Ark animal hospital Woodbine animal clinic Ace hardware in gulf breeze Forrester construction llc
31 WORKSITES Santa rosa womens center Milton high school athletics Emerald sands inn Cicis pizza Gulf breeze aerobics & fitness Affordable care center Santa rosa community schools Paradise child care Oops alley Santa rosa county clerk of court Helping hands thrift store Mannings feed and seed store Pri-merica holt academy
Success stories Permanent employment for 39 youth WIA Worksites become permanent worksites for 16 Students Santa rosa medical center: Human Resources Pharmacy 4 th floor Patient Care Tech Cicis pizza (4 students) Forrester construction, llc Milton High School Athletic Department Woodbine animal clinic Beef obradys Subway (Tiger Point) Oops alley (2 students) Ark animal hospital(2 students)
Elizabeth Russell In-School Youth Senior at SRHS Full-time Patient Care Tech at Santa Rosa Medical Center As cliché as it sounds I would not be where I am in life or have the job I have without WIA and the people with WIA
William mcmillan Out-of-school youth Licensed through Locklin Techs Pharmacy program Full-time pharmacy technician at Santa Rosa Medical Center WIA has helped me so much this year! If I didnt have the support from the WIA program and Mrs. Lewis, I dont know if I could have gotten through this year. WIA put gas in my tank so that I could go to all of my internships and food in my belly. Thank you so much for all of the help.
Zachary douglas As of November 2011 Out-of-school youth Homeless High School Dropout Unemployed As of June 2013 High School Graduate College Student Full-time Employment HOME OWNER!