Red Male Organ? Avoid These Triggers for Hives


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Presentation transcript:

Red Male Organ? Avoid These Triggers for Hives

Every guy is used to the occasional itch on their member, and usually thinks nothing of it. But when that itch becomes really annoying, they may excuse themselves to the nearest men’s room to drop trousers and see just what the heck is going on. Hopefully it’s nothing more than a persistent little itch, but sometimes they may be greeted with the sight of a splotchy and very red male organ. Definitely a male organ health issue of some sort, and one common cause of that particular itchy, splotchy red male organ is a case of hives.

A nuisance Hives are not usually considered a serious medical condition – more of a nuisance, really. But they can be unpleasant for the person suffering from them and their appearance can be off-putting and unsettling. When they make for an unattractive red male organ, they can discourage a potential partner from wishing to get to know the manhood any better. Also called urticaria (from a Latin word meaning “nettles”), hives are a skin rash and typically present as red, roundish, raised welts. There is an enormous variability in how big they can, with some a few centimeters and others six or more inches in diameter. Usually, these welts appear in groups, and the individual welts may overlap, so that several welts appear like one big one.

Although this article is concerned with hives on the manhood, they can in fact appear on any part of the body. An individual hive often lasts only a day or so – sometimes even less – before going away. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for new ones to appear as old ones fade. Sometimes, a case of hives will clear up in a few days, but it’s also not unusual for a bout of hives to stay around for as long as six weeks. (If a man is unlucky enough to have hives that stay around longer than six weeks, they are classified as an acute case of hives.) Hives occur in some 20% of the population, and they affect both men and women.

Causes But what causes hives? In many cases, the cause is unknown, but the most common cause is an allergic reaction., This can be a reaction to: Something in the diet, such as nuts, dairy, citrus fruits or shellfish; Something one comes into physical contact with, such as pollen or the skin or hair of certain animals. Often an insect bite or sting can bring about the allergic reaction, and sometimes a person may be reacting to a medication. An allergy to latex, which is often a major component of barrier protection.

There can be other causes of hives as well, including an infection, stress, exposure to heat or cold, or contact with abrasive chemicals. Determining what triggers a case of hives is crucial, as that information enables a person to avoid those triggers in the future (such as limiting consumption of tree nuts or using non-latex protection in the future.) Treatment typically involves discontinuation of any involvement with triggers (including changing medication if needed and using antihistamines to decrease itching. Sometimes corticosteroids may be prescribed. In some cases, antibiotics or other anti-inflammatory medications may be used, as well.

Hives all over a red male organ can damage member skin, so regular use of a first class male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is urged by many. To help strengthen manhood skin, select a crème that includes a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid. This helps to fight free radicals and thereby limit the oxidative stress that can cause harm to the delicate skin. The skin will also need to be kept well moisturized, so select a crème that includes a combination of hydrators, such as vitamin E and shea butter.