Copyright 2009 Advanced Drivers of America, Inc.. An Overview of Driver Training and yasa interventions 15 November Amman-Jordan
Copyright 2009 Advanced Drivers of America, Inc. Photo: World Health Organisation
Road traffic Injuries… Copyright Copyright 2012 Dangerous Jobs In 2005, the Bureau of Labor Statistics Report on Workplace Fatalities (n = 5,702) showed: Most deaths – by occupation 1.Drivers & sales workers (993) 2.Farmers & ranchers (341) 3.Construction laborers (339) 4.Misc. agric. workers (176) 5.Pilots & flight engineers (81) 6.Logging workers (80) Death rate per 100,000 in occupation 1.Fishers & fishing workers Logging workers Pilots & flight engineers Struc. Iron & steel workers 55.6 …… 8.Drivers & sales workers 29.1
. The Myth of the Experienced Driver! Over 90 percent of crashes are due, at least in part, to driver error;
. The Myth of the Experienced Driver! Over 90 percent of crashes are due, at least in part, to driver error; Typically, over 90 percent of drivers rate themselves as being either above average, good, or excellent drivers;
. The Myth of the Experienced Driver! Over 90 percent of crashes are due, at least in part, to driver error; Typically, over 90 percent of drivers rate themselves as being either above average, good, or excellent drivers; Do the math! A supposedly experienced driver is commonly just a complacent driver.
. Basic Driver Training Training and testing for new drivers goes back at least to the 1930s Unfortunately, a lot of the outdated, inaccurate, inadequate and inappropriate ideas from that time still persist, including: One car-length following distance for each 10 m.p.h. Change down through manual gears if you are stopping Turn into a skid (there are three types of skid!) Brake going into a curve and accelerate out of it
Copyright A World Bank Comment Necessary Standards With road user error contributing to the vast majority of road crashes, the development of safe drivers, skilled in defensive driving techniques, should be the primary objective of any road safety program. Driving examiners in developing countries are rarely given special training and driving tests [are] an inadequate test of ability to drive safely in traffic on real roads. (World Bank – – 31 May, 2007)
A World Bank Comment Necessary Standards The World Bank statement is clearly good, but even it raises a crucial question, namely: What exactly are the defensive driving techniques to which it refers? Driving for Safety is a Complex Task! Compare Driving with Flying! Which is more technical? Which requires more mandatory training? In which are the instructors more highly qualified?
. Driving for Safety is a Complex Task! So, what exactly are Defensive Driving and Advanced Driving
. What is Defensive Driving? There is an overlap between Defensive Driving and Advanced Driving. When done properly, in line with global best practice, they may be thought of simply as different levels of the same discipline, but Advanced Driving – when done properly – is much more comprehensive.
Copyright What is Defensive Driving? There is an overlap between Defensive Driving and Advanced Driving. When done properly, in line with global best practice, they may be thought of simply as different levels of the same discipline, but Advanced Driving – when done properly – is much more comprehensive. Defensive Driving could perhaps be defined as the study and application of basic but proven best-practice techniques in safe driving on public roads.
Driving for Safety is a Complex Task! Research, plus decades of collective experience, have shown that truly good driving unquestionably depends on the following factors (in this exact sequence): 1.? 2.? 3.? 4.? The Keys to Excellent Driving!
. Driving for Safety is a Complex Task! Research, plus decades of collective experience, have shown that truly good driving unquestionably depends on the following factors (in this exact sequence): 1.ATTITUDE 2.? 3.? 4.? The Keys to Excellent Driving!
. Driving for Safety is a Complex Task! Research, plus decades of collective experience, have shown that truly good driving unquestionably depends on the following factors (in this exact sequence): 1.ATTITUDE 2.CONCENTRATION 3.? 4? The Keys to Excellent Driving!
. Driving for Safety is a Complex Task! Research, plus decades of collective experience, have shown that truly good driving unquestionably depends on the following factors (in this exact sequence): 1.ATTITUDE 2.CONCENTRATION 3.EFFECTIVE OBSERVATIONS 4? The Keys to Excellent Driving!
Copyright Driving for Safety is a Complex Task! Research, plus decades of collective experience, have shown that truly good driving unquestionably depends on the following factors (in this exact sequence): 1.ATTITUDE 2.CONCENTRATION 3.EFFECTIVE OBSERVATIONS 4DRIVING SKILLS i.e. IN LAST PLACE! And the use of Global Best Practice is clearly important The Keys to Excellent Driving!
Drinking… Copyright
Our choices if we drink and drive Copyright
Drinking and driving… Copyright
Do not drink and Drive Copyright
Celebrate safely…
Public transportation is a must when drunk Copyright
In arabic… Copyright
Make your choice…
Think ahead…
Seat belts in all seats… Copyright
It is your decision… Copyright
Pedestrians… Copyright
Speed can kill… Copyright
Keep walking…
Why speeding?... Copyright
Do not text and drive… Copyright,
Learn from a dummy… Copyright
Reflective jackets… Copyright
Lines are very important...
Using pedestrian bridges….
ATV Safety…
Loosing quickly… our youth
Good Helmets… highly needed Copyright
The Memory of our victims…
Our final message
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