Petra Rubber Powder Industries Ltd. The greener way to move forward.
What We Do: Petra is trying to solve the environmental issue of end- of-life tires, while bringing lower cost benefits to our end users. We look to help our customers by providing them with micronized rubber powder that is versatile, durable, technically advanced and made in an environmentally friendly way. Petras rubber powder delivers performance, lowers costs, are clean, environmentally safe, and increase the sustainability factor for our customers products.
What is micronized rubber powder? Rubber Chips: typically 1 chips and larger. It is used in tire derived fuel & civil engineering projects: embankments, retaining walls, municipal solid waste landfills, and below roads. Crumb Rubber (ground tire rubber): usually less than 1 chips and mostly 40 mesh and larger. Fiber and steel are mostly removed. Used in asphalt, playgrounds, and athletic surfaces. Micronized Rubber Powder: 80 mesh and smaller-virtually metal & fiber free. It is more technically advanced allowing more sustainable rubber to be available to more industries in higher value applications. Higher value applications include: high performance tires, plastics, coatings and roofing systems.
The process Raw tires Rubber chips Rubber powder
Environmentally sound and economical Every pound of Petras rubber powder saves: Nearly a gallon of oil 10kWH of energy vs. traditional alternatives Nearly half the CO2 of traditional alternatives Tires and post-industrial rubber from landfills. Due to its small size and high quality, micronized rubber powder is easier to incorporate into new or existing formulations, is compatible with multiple polymers, and provides a smooth surface appearance on finished products.
Is Tire Rubber Safe? Ground tire rubber has gone through extensive testing in both the US and Europe by independent labs and government agencies regarding its health and safety and was found to be safe. The Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA) have concluded that the use of rubber crumb and powder have no adverse human health or ecological effects are likely to result from these beneficial reuses of tire materials.
Rubber production flowchart
Why use Micronized Rubber Powder? Improves Performance. Micronized rubber powder are technically advanced, durable, tough and versatile. Customers can take advantage of the inherent benefits of rubber, using them to modify the performance of their products. Performance benefits of using Petras rubber powder are: water resistance, energy savings, flexibility, sound dampening, vibration deadening, wet traction, anti- fatigue, durability, thermal insulation, oil resistance, and many more – including improving aesthetics. Lowers Costs. Because micronized rubber powder replace or extend virgin materials, rubber powder can save companies money – sometimes by 50% or more. Furthermore, by using the product companies can better manage their costs because our material is not tied to volatile input costs, such as oil.
Why use Micronized Rubber Powder? Clean & Environmentally Safe. Petras powders are metal and fiber free, making them easy to incorporate into new or existing products. As for safety, ground tire rubber has gone through extensive testing in the US and Europe by independent laboratories and government agencies, including the EPA, regarding its health and safety. Green. By incorporating Petras micronized rubber powder into your products you are making a positive environmental contribution, eliminating waste that would otherwise go into landfills, helping reduce the need for oil (oil used to manufacture the product we replace), saving energy, and reducing greenhouse gases.
The Way Forward Rubber Powder used in road construction is cost effective. A 2 thick rubber/asphalt cover may save an approximate $50, for each mile compared to a 4 normal asphalt overlay. Incorporation of rubber powder into new and existing products is not going away as companies continue to see increasing costs for oil derived synthetics materials, invigorate their societal commitment to resource optimization and re-use, focus their efforts in environmental leadership, and have an increased understanding of the marketing value of greening up their products for customers and consumers. The world is now designing and producing with recycling in mind – dont be left behind.
Thank you Petra is committed to providing economical and environmental solutions in dealing with waste tires and providing better solutions for road and infrastructure construction. Better performance and lower maintenance costs are achieved when using Petra rubber powder.