BUILDING ENERGY CODES 2 Section 1 - Purpose To provide minimum requirements for the energy-efficient design of buildings except low-rise residential buildings
BUILDING ENERGY CODES 3 Purpose (Section 1) Scope (Section 2) Definitions, Abbreviations & Acronyms (Section 3) Administration & Enforcement (Section 4) Scope & Application
BUILDING ENERGY CODES 4 It replaces ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard It is the reference standard for the commercial chapter of the 2012 IECC It is the professional standard of care set by ASHRAE consensus Why is Standard Important?
BUILDING ENERGY CODES 5 Section 2 - Scope New buildings and their systems
BUILDING ENERGY CODES 6 Section 2 - Scope (contd) New portions of buildings and their systems (additions) addition: an extension or increase in floor area or height of a building outside of the existing building envelope.
BUILDING ENERGY CODES 7 Section 2 - Scope (contd) New systems and equipment in existing buildings (alterations) alteration: a replacement or addition to a building or its systems and equipment; routine maintenance, repair, and service or a change in the buildings use classification or category shall not constitute an alteration.
BUILDING ENERGY CODES 8 Section 2 - Scope (contd) New equipment or building systems part of industrial or manufacturing processes
BUILDING ENERGY CODES 9 Envelope must comply if heated by a heating system with an output capacity 3.4 Btu/h-ft 2 or cooled by a cooling system with a sensible output capacity 5 Btu/h-ft 2 Virtually all mechanical, power, and lighting systems are covered Examples include –heating, ventilating and air conditioning –service water heating –electric power distribution –metering provisions Section 2 - Scope (contd)
BUILDING ENERGY CODES 10 What does not apply Too little heating or cooling Single-family, multifamily of three stories or less, manufactured or modular homes Buildings that dont use electricity or fossil fuel Section 2 – Scope Exception
BUILDING ENERGY CODES 11 Certain terms, abbreviations, and acronyms are defined in this section for the purposes of this standard 15 pages of definitions 1 page of abbreviations and acronyms –Example: COP: coefficient of performance Defined terms are italicized in text of standard –Example: boiler: a self-contained low-pressure appliance for supplying steam or hot water. Section 3 Definitions, Abbreviations, and Acronyms
BUILDING ENERGY CODES 12 Overall statement of what must comply New Buildings Additions to Existing Buildings Alterations of Existing Buildings Replacements of Portions of Existing Buildings Changes in Space Conditioning Administrative Requirements Permits Enforcement Local Section 4 Administration and Enforcement
BUILDING ENERGY CODES 13 Compliance New buildings Additions to existing buildings –Exceptions Trade-offs will be allowed Alterations to existing buildings –Exceptions Designated historically significant Annual energy consumption Section 4 Administration and Enforcement
BUILDING ENERGY CODES 14 Buildings that are specifically designated as historic by the adopting authority or on the National Register of Historic Places or eligible for listing by the U.S. Secretary of Interior If the buildings annual energy consumption is the same as a building that meets the requirements of Sections 5-10 verified by a design professional using methods acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction Section 4 Exceptions for Alterations
BUILDING ENERGY CODES 15 Compliance Replacement of portions of existing buildings Changes in space conditioning Compliance Documentation Construction Details Supplemental Information Manuals Labeling of Materials and Equipment –Fenestration, doors, insulation, mechanical equipment, and packaged terminal air conditioners Section 4 Administration and Enforcement
BUILDING ENERGY CODES 16 Inspection Items Wall insulation after the insulation and vapor retarder are in place but before concealment Roof/ceiling insulation after roof/insulation is in place but before concealment Slab/foundation wall after slab/foundation insulation is in place but before concealment Fenestration after all glazing materials are in place Continuous air barrier after installation but before concealment Mechanical systems and equipment and insulation after installation but before concealment Electrical equipment and systems after installation but before concealment Section 4 Administration and Enforcement - Inspections
BUILDING ENERGY CODES 17 Section 1 - Purpose Section 2 - Scope Section 3 - Definitions, Abbreviations, and Acronyms Section 4 - Administration and Enforcement Section 5 - Building Envelope Section 6 - Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Section 7 - Service Water Heating Section 8 - Power Section 9 - Lighting Section 10 - Other Equipment Section 11 - Energy Cost Budget Method Section 12 - Normative References Structure of
BUILDING ENERGY CODES 18 A.Rated R-Value of Insulation and Assembly U-Factor, C-Factor, and F-Factor Determinations B.Building Envelope Climate Criteria C.Methodology for Building Envelope Trade-Off Option in Subsection 5.6 D.Climatic Data E.Informative References F.Addenda Description Information (Informative) G.Performance Rating Method (Informative) Standard Appendices and Addenda