Unit 3 – Lesson 2 Periodic Table
Transition Metals (d subshells) Most common metals, found in nature often Can have multiple ion charges (Cu +1 or Cu +2, etc) Relatively non-reactive These have high densities, high melting points, and are relatively stable. CHROMIUM (CHROME) Found in Russia, Phillippians, and South Africa Very corrosion resistant (used in stainless steel) Comes in a variety of colors. (green, red, yellow) IRON Smelting of iron lead to the iron age Alloyed for strength, durability, and corrosion resistance (carbon is added to make steel) Most common element on the earth, although most is found in the core. COPPER Found free in nature Turn green when it corrodes (patina) Brass and bronze are made from it. SILVER Soft, ductile, very conductive, tanishes around sulfur Used in: photography, coinage, and jewelery. GOLD Very ductile, soft (24 carat can be scratched with your fingernail) Alloyed for use in jewelry (with silver for yellow gold, with nickel for white gold) Iron Cereal Demo See attached
Inner Transition Metals (f subshells) Rare-Earth Elements Lanthanide Series Actinide Series Many are radioactive LANTHANIDE SERIES Very radioactive, thus, can’t be used for building materials. Properties are very similar so they are difficult to separate from each other Used in steel alloys and color TV ACTINIDE SERIES All radioactive Only U & Th are found in any quantity in nature Uranium is used to fuel nuclear power plants
Post Transition Metals P- block metals Ga, In, Sn, Tl, Pb, Bi, Po
Label the Table Alkali Metals Alkaline earth Metals Transition Metals No # 4 Inner Transition Metals Oxygen Family Halogens Noble Gases Hydrogen