Introduction to the JISC EDRM System Implementation Toolkit Presented by Tony Hendley, Cimtech Limited
Background JISC issued an ITT for institutions to create an EDRM Implementation Toolkit for the UK Further and Higher Education sectors Cimtech won bid December 2003 Cimtech visited selected institutions and researched toolkit and delivered Word version of toolkit July 2004
Why the toolkit? “Many FE/HE institutions are beginning to consider the relative merits of acquiring and implementing such systems and tools to manage their electronic records. …Vendors are beginning to look at the education sector as a new potential market. There is therefore a very real need within the community at this time for sources of independent advice on all issues relating to the implementation and use of EDRM systems and tools within the sector. “
Why the toolkit? The objective of this toolkit will be to provide a step by step guide to all stages in the implmentation of an EDRMS solution within a college or university, from building a business case through system selection to planning and ultimately implementing the project
Where can I get the toolkit? Word version on JISC web site Full applied infokit including graphics being designed and loaded onto JISC infonet website
Structure of toolkit Comprises an overview and ten stages organised to represent ten stages of a PRINCE2 managed project Currently held as 11 Word documents available from JISC web site. Plus a template of a Statement Of Requirements for an EDRM system
Overview Positioning EDRM – where does it fit? Project management Information gathering and analysis Feasibility study and options review Making the business case
Overview Defining the EDRM statement of requirements Procuring the solution Managing the implementation Measuring the results Project closure and solution support
Positioning EDRM – where does it fit? What is an EDRM system? Where does EDRM fit? Best practice for information/ records management
Project management Developing an EDRM project plan Agreeing the procurement approach Communications and change management
Information gathering and analysis Preliminary investigation Analysis of business activity Identification of record keeping requirements Assessment of existing systems
Feasibility study and options review Agreeing a strategy for record keeping Agreeing a preferred EDRM solution
Making the business case Reviewing the tactical benefits Reviewing the strategic benefits Reviewing the costs Cost benefit analysis
Defining the EDRM Statement of Requirements The invitation to tender Background to the requirements The functional requirements The technical requirements The service requirements The price schedule
Procuring the solution Review of suppliers Issuing the notice and prequalification Issue ITT and shortlist Select preferred supplier
Managing the implementation Project initiation Phases one and two (Specification/Model Office) Phase three – Pilot/s Phases four and five (Initial and second roll out) Phase six – corporate business processes Phase seven – project closure and support
Measuring the results Why measure the results? Measuring the tactical benefits Measuring the strategic benefits Feeding back the results into the project
Project closure and solution support Project closure checklist Solution support
It is starting to happen University of Hertfordshire – 3 year project to implement corporate EDRM starting with information gathering and analysis – project managed by Cimtech University of Birmingham – helping with their Modern Records Management project UCL – assistance with EDRM procurement
Moving forward Open Text on CHEST – first of many? Develop workshop based on toolkit? Jisc funded for free Cimtech funded with course fee Other support – case studies?
Contact me Tony Hendley, Managing Director Cimtech Ltd Innovation Centre University of Hertfordshire College Lane Hertfordshire AL10 9AB Tel 01707 281061 Email