The Industrial Revolution 1700’s – 1900’s
What was the Industrial Revolution? The period during which the way people produced goods shifted from hand tools to complex machines and from human and animal power to steam power. Begins around 1750 The Industrial Revolution will go on for nearly 200 years and will be a factor in global politics and events during that time.
The Agricultural Revolution The Industrial Revolution began as a result for the growing demand for goods In the early 1700’s, advances in farming led to more food being produced, thus making populations and demands for goods grow Known as the Agricultural Revolution (AKA the Agrarian Revolution) The Seed Drill invented by Jethro Tull The enclosure movement led to more productive farming
The Agricultural Revolution Better farming More food Higher Population More Demands for goods =Need to come up with better and faster ways to produce goods Results in… INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION!
Industrialization Begins in Britain Several reasons it begins in Britain: Natural Resources Coal, rivers, harbors Population growth Due to Agricultural Revolution Good Economy Money to invest Education led to skilled workers and inventors
Textile Industry Industrializes Rising populations causes a demand for more cotton In 1793, Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin makes cotton production easier Need more slaves to pick cotton in U.S. New machines are invented to spin and weave cotton more quickly At first they are powered by hand Next by water Finally they use steam (from coal)
Textile Industry Industrializes The new machines quickly became too large to keep at home Moved to long sheds on rivers (for power) These sheds become the first FACTORIES Workers go there daily to work rather than do it at home
New Technology Rapidly Develops Invention of the Steam Engine (1712) allows factories to be built anywhere Stay near water though Factories are able to mass produce goods at a cheaper price
New Technology Rapidly Develops People begin moving near factories (to be close to work) and new cities emerge around industrial areas Better iron is developed – used for machines, bridges, and eventually railroads
New Technology Rapidly Develops Spinning Jenny – James Hargreaves (1763)
New Technology Rapidly Develops Cotton Gin – Eli Whitney (1793)
New Technology Rapidly Develops Newcomen Steam Engine – Thomas Newcomen (1712)
New Technology Rapidly Develops Watt Steam Engine – James Watt (1764)
Transportation Revolution People build man made rivers to transport all the goods being produced Known as Canals Rail Roads develop as Steam Engines are placed on carts and put on rails Canals no longer needed as rails can be laid anywhere Rail Road lines in the U.K.
How a Locomotive Works
Factories Create New Cities People leave farms to work in factories Massive movement of people Urbanization Urbanization Populations soar in industrial locations
New Classes of the Industrial Age Industrial owners become the new upper class VERY WEALTHY Managers and office workers become new Middle Class Workers become the new poor live in harsh environments working poor Tenement Housing during the industrial age
New Urban Areas
Are Tenements a thing of the past?
Child Labor During the Industrial Revolution
Child Labor During the Industrial Revolution
New Ways of Thinking Capitalism Laissez-Faire Economics No government interference Free Markets Adam Smith Profits Produce more goods lower prices affordable by more people high standard of living Rewards innovation Creates extreme income inequalities between rich and poor
New Ways of Thinking Reaction to the capitalist thought Socialism Reaction to the capitalist thought Condemns the “evils” of industrialism and income inequality Focus is on general good of society People as a whole (government) own the means of production Factories, farms, railways, etc.
New Ways of Thinking Karl Marx, a German philosopher formulated a new theory, “scientific socialism,” Called for Communism form of socialism Income inequality was reason for conflict Class struggle would lead to classless society Poor out number the rich means of production would be owned by the community
Big Business Corporations are formed Stocks are sold to generate capital $$ Monopolies are created one company dominates an industry Labor Unions form to protect workers Labor laws are created to protect the safety and living standard of workers
Survival of The Fittest! Charles Darwin natural theory of evolution (survival of the fittest – best adapted to environment thrive, the rest die off) Theory gets applied to both the business world (monopolies are ok) and social sciences (Social Darwinism = justifies why some people/races are thriving and others are not) Social Darwinism is later used to rationalize European Imperialism (conquest) in Africa and Asia
The Industrial Age moves beyond Britain and Europe Other countries will begin to catch up with Great Britain as Industrialization spreads Belgium Germany France United States Many others Creates international competition for resources Age of Imperialism!
What was Created? Steam Engine railroads, steam ships, automobiles Steel sky scrapers, rails, bridges Chemical Items soaps, perfumes, DYNAMITE! Electrical Innovations lights, motors Assembly Line Airplanes first flight in 1903 Communication telegraphy, telephone, radio