4 main phyllum Bryophytes Tracheophytes Gymnosperms Angiosperms Kingdom Plantae 4 main phyllum Bryophytes Tracheophytes Gymnosperms Angiosperms
Plant Characteristics Xylem: cells that transport water Phloem: cells that transport minerals/nutrients Vascular tissue: groups of cells that function for transport within an organism. (xylem/phloem) Seed: a structure that protects/houses a developing embryo. Cones and Flowers : reproductive structures in seed-producing plants
Non-Seed Plants Bryophytes: no vascular tissue Ex. mosses
Non-Seed Plants 2. Tracheophytes: have vascular tissue Ex. ferns
Seed Plants 3. Gymnosperms: plants that produce seeds and use cones for reproduction. Ex. pine, redwood
Seed Plants 4. Angiosperms: plants that produce seeds and use flowers for reproduction. Ex. anything with flowers/fruits
Life Spans of Angiosperms Annuals: complete their life cycle in one growing season. Biennials: complete their life cycle in two years. Grow roots, stems, and leaves Grow flowers and reproduce Perennials: live for more than two years. Leaves and flowers can die each winter and grow new ones each spring.