TRUTH: Sugar is just sugar! To your body, there is no difference between white/brown sugar, honey, agave/maple syrup, molasses, etc. Fruit is nutritious because of the vitamins, antioxidants, and fibre, not because the sugars are better. …So, when it comes to added sugars: less is always best!
TRUTH: Snacks are healthy! Having healthy snacks between meals gives you the energy you need to work and play. Healthy snacks keep hunger in check too!
TRUTH: Healthy eating has colour and taste A variety of foods from Canada’s Food Guide have vibrant colours and great taste. Experiment with foods and expose your taste buds to new flavours!
TRUTH: Sport Drinks are specially made with added sugars and electrolytes needed for activities lasting more than one hour! Water is the best choice for regular games and training sessions that last up to one hour! Milk, chocolate milk, 100% fruit juices or water are super for hydrating after your activity!
TRUTH: A fat-free diet is not healthy We need healthy fats in our diet! Canada’s Food Guide recommends healthy fats such as canola, olive and soybean. Some products remove fat but add extra sugar and salt. Read the label for the real deal! Alternate coloring for slide 8 (only print one of slides 8/9/10)
TRUTH: Eating breakfast helps with energy for the day Breakfast kick starts metabolism and provides energy for the activities of the day! Eating breakfast also helps you learn better.
For credible advice on food, healthy eating, and nutrition talk to a Registered Dietitian (R.D.), or visit: This printout can be printed on standard size paper and cut in half to display as shown on the template OR if there is additional information/logos/etc. that you would like to add to the display it can be done so in the white space of this printout.