Genius Hour: Introduction SS Literacy
What is Genius Hour? Genius Hour Introduction Video
What is a Genius? A genius is a very smart or talented person : a person who has a level of talent or intelligence that is very rare or remarkable A person who is very good at doing something A person that possesses a great natural ability : remarkable talent or intelligence
Who is a genius?
Brainstorming… Free Write: Write down your ideas, hobbies, interests, questions, what is important to you, etc. Do not worry about formatting, spelling, or punctuation! Just write about what is on your mind…
Proposals… Before beginning your research, you will write a proposal. You will explain your topic, questions to be answered, and why this is worth your time and effort. Proposals will be turned in for approval by the teacher.
Daily Journals You will keep a journal during the Genius Hour project. This is for you to write about your daily progress, thoughts, ideas, etc. The journal will help you stay on track! The last 5-7 minutes of class will be used for writing in your journals. You are encouraged to write in your journal as often as you would like!
Checkpoints After your proposal is accepted, you will conference with me We will discuss how your project is going, during a student/teacher conference! Your journal will be needed during all conferences and checkpoints. Checkpoint Dates: Checkpoint #1 – October 26 – October 29 Checkpoint #2 – November 17 – November 20 Final Presentations – TBA?