Film Genres To differentiate between genres, sub-genres and hybrid genres To understand and apply Propp’s Character Theory
What genre does this film belong to? What do the visuals connote? Plane crash Ship on fire Globe Desert and camels Beach Silhouetted man in a trench coat Dog
Film Genres Genre is defined as a style or category. Genres could include:
Action adventure Animation Comedy Horror Musical Rom-Com A film that revolves around stories primarily set in the late 19th century in the American Old West. A film that is unsettling and designed to frighten and panic and invoke our hidden worst fears. A film where the hero is thrust into a series of challenges that typically include physical feats, extended fight scenes, violence and frantic chases A film in which songs sung by characters are interwoven into the narrative, sometimes accompanied by dancing. A film intending to make an audience laugh through amusement and most often work by exaggerating characteristics for humorous effect) A film in which individual drawings, paintings or illustrations are photographed frame by frame to achieve continuous motion. A film based on speculative, fictional science-based depiction of phenomena that are not fully accepted by mainstream science e.g. extra- terrestrial life forma, alien worlds, time travel etc. A film that deals with love in a light, humorous way with true love’s ability to surmount most obstacles. Action adventure Animation Comedy Horror Musical Rom-Com Science Fiction Western
Sub-Genres Sub-genres are divisions of genres. For example, the comedy genre can be divided into 19 sub-genres: Musical comedy Alternative comedy (differs from traditional punchlines) Observational comedy (pokes fun at everyday life) Black comedy (deals with disturbing subjects) Physical comedy (slapstick) Blue comedy (typically is sexual in nature and uses profane language) Prop comedy Spoof (the recreating of a book, film or play) Character comedy (derives from a persona) Sitcom (situational comedy) Cringe comedy (a comedy of embarrassment) Sketch (a shorter version of a sitcom) Deadpan comedy (telling jokes without a change of face) Surreal comedy (based on absurd situations) Satire (humour based on important news events) Improvised comedy Wit/word play (intellectual forms off humour including puns) Insult comedy Mockumentary (a parody using the documentary style) Dumb and Dumber Trailer -
Hybrids Hybrid genres blend themes and elements from two or more different genres Ghostbusters Trailer - Which two genres are blended in the Ghostbusters poster?
Propp’s Character Theory Another way of understanding genres is by looking at the way the characters are portrayed. Vladimir Propp developed a character theory from 100 tales he analysed. He noticed there were 7 different broad character types: The Dispatcher The Donor The False Hero The Helper The Hero The Princess The Villain Struggles against the hero Prepares the hero or gives the hero a magical object Helps the hero in the quest Person the hero marries, often sought for during the narrative Perceived as a good character in the beginning but emerges as evil Character who sends the hero off on a mission The victim/seeker/winner
Propp’s Character Theory Villain - Struggles against the hero Donor - Prepares the hero or gives the hero a magical object Helper - Helps the hero in the quest Princess - Person the hero marries, often sought for during the narrative False Hero - Perceived as a good character in the beginning but emerges as evil The Dispatcher - Character who sends the hero off on a mission Hero - The victim/seeker/winner Answers: Villain Donor Helper Princess False hero The dispatcher The hero
Shrek & Propp’s Theory Villain Donor Helper Princess False Hero The Dispatcher Hero Fairy Godmother Prince Charming PiB & Donkey Shrek Farquad Fiona
The Hunger Games & Propp’s Theory Villain Donor Helper Princess False Hero The Dispatcher Hero Cinna Peeta Primrose Haymitch Katniss President Snow
The Dark Knight & Propp’s Theory Villain Donor Helper Princess False Hero The Dispatcher Hero Rachel Dawes The Joker Lucius Fox Alfred Jim Gordon Batman Harvey Dent
Analyse the synopsis for a film using Propp’s Character Theory: Home Learning Analyse the synopsis for a film using Propp’s Character Theory: What genre does it belong to? What is the sub-genre? Is it a hybrid? Who is the hero of the story? What is their goal? Who is the villain of the story? What is their goal? Do other characters serve other roles?