GIS Web APPLICATION (Uttar Pradesh )
GIS Benefits in Electrical Distribution System Network representation/visualization Preparing Designs/schemes . Improvement in revenue management . Strategically Planning . GIS based customer indexing and asset information management system . Door to Door survey of customers and collection of data brings accuracy in the system . Efficiency gains in operational & non-operational areas of business such as customer care, proper energy auditing and so on Enable tools and processes to manage, maintain and update the GIS database of Electrical Network and consumers captured through GIS Survey . GIS ensures that the asset information and consumer information is available in an accurate and timely manner.
Uttar Pradesh Discoms PVVNL MVVNL DVVNL PuVNL
DT(Distribution Transformer) Hierarchy Substation Feeder DT(Distribution Transformer) LT Consumer Discom Zone Circle Division Subdivision HT CONSUMER HT line LT Line
Features: (Menu Bar) GIS used to digitally represent and analyze the geographic features present on the Earth’s surface and the events (non-spatial attributes linked to the geography under study) that taking place on it. Menu Bar :- Search Tools Query Tracing Graphics Buffer Report Manage Document
Navigation Bar : DTR Load Calculator Dropdown to select Target Layer Previous/Next Extent Dropdown to select Target Layer Clear Graphics. Pan (used to drag the map). Selection tool (To Highlight the selected target Layer) Identity (Gives all the info. related to the selected asset) Draw rectangle to Zoom out. Zoom out to Full Extent Draw Rectangle to Zoom in. Consumer(s) arrear on basis of selected DTR
User can extract the result and save it in an excel file. Features:- 1.Search: User can extract the result and save it in an excel file. 1.1 Zoom To Substation Zoom in directly to the particular Substation based upon the option selected (either by Division or by Town).
1.2 Manage Bookmark We can save any location as a Bookmark for future reference to navigate directly to the saved location.
2. TOOLS : Features of Tools :- Templates Measure Tool Coordinates (locate,copy coordinate,X-Y WGS projection)
2.1. Templates: With the help of Templates user can take out the print out of any particular area in the map .
2.2 Measure Tool Measures the area/length/radius in the map in any of three forms (Polygon,Polyline,Radius). E.g. Highlighting the area for any survey purpose or to represent the area .
WGS : World Geodetic System. 2.3.Projection: Projection is mainly used to get the geographical location on map (x,y coordinates). WGS : World Geodetic System.
Query Builder: Query builder mainly used to fetch and highlight the information based on layer,attributes,filter and logical filter from DB. Gives the instant information based upon requirement. Also we can export the result in excel format. Very Helpful and frequently used feature .
TRACING: Why Trace?? Trace the shortest path between source and sink. To find out looping. Assets used across the traced network. To generate Asset report. To Check the connection(Consumer connected/Disconnected). DOWNSTREAM UPSTREAM Some Reasons: Tracing functionality is mainly used to trace the electrical network and associated assets used in the electrical path.
4.GRAPHICS To locate/draw/write over the map w.t.h. of :- POLYGON POLYLINE POINT TEXT WHY GRAPHICS?? Mainly used to highlight the area , line or point with the help of Graphics.(e.g. fault occurred within the Region/DT Fault)
5. BUFFER : Buffer is used to highlight/fetched the result within the circular range(radius is the buffer unit (in meter)) based upon the layer selection (DT,CTPT ,HT Transformer etc.). We can also export the result in Excel file.
6. Reports: Reports It can generate :- Substation internal Report. Substation External Report. Customer Report. Reports
6.1. Feeder Length Calculator. This functionality is used to calculate the LT/HT and Total Length of feeder (in meters) based upon Division/Town.
7.Manage Document. This Functionality is used to manage the Document associated with target layer within the GIS Map. User can Upload/Search the document by selecting single asset of associated targeted layer.
Tag Customer: The tag consumer interface will allow the user to enter the new customer details.
After entering the details such as Pole GISID, Customer name, Sanction Load, Supply Phase, Supply type new customer can be tagged to pole or DTR by clicking save option. The same can be used to update the existing customer details by changing their existing values. In-order to reset the interface use the reset button.
Search Account Number interface Use the search interface to locate the customer on the map based on their Account number by entering respective account number.