CANDIDATES 15 secondary schools submitted candidates for CSEC. 779 school candidates. 90 students less than last year when 869 students sat the examination. 197 private candidates compared to 397 in 2017 976 total wrote the CSEC examinations in 33 subject areas.
OVERALL PERCENTAGE PASS There was a 3.6% increase in the overall percentage pass of students receiving grades 1, 2 and 3 in the 2018 CSEC exams compared to 2017.
OVERALL…….. 4 schools showed marked improvement in their performances. Dominica Community High School (13%), St. Martin Secondary (12%), Dominica Grammar School (9%) and the Arthur Waldron Seventh Day Adventist Academy (8%). 364 or 47% of the candidates passed 5 or more subjects including Mathematics and English. This shows an increase from last year when it was 42%. 522 or 67% of the candidates passed 5 or more subjects with either grades 1, 2 or 3. 38 students from 11 of the secondary schools obtained 6 or more grade ones in the CSEC exams
SUBJECT PERFORMANCE 27 6 % Pass 100% 90% - 99% 80% - 89% Subject 2018 Agri Science – DA Industrial Tech - Electrical Music Religious Education Textiles, Clothing and Fashion Theatre Arts Agricultural Science – SA Economics EDPM Family & Resource Man Food , Nutrition & Health Information Technology Office Administration Principles of Business Physical Education & Sport Additional Maths Biology Caribbean History English A English B Geography Human and Social Biology Principles of Accounts Physics Social Studies Spanish Technical Drawing 70% to 79% 60% - 69% Below 60% Subject 2018 Chemistry Industrial Tech - Building French Integrated Science Mathematics (55.4%) Visual Arts (25%) 27 6
CSEC ENGLISH A 2013-2018
2018 CSEC English A performance by school Eng. A entry Success % of entry CHS 82 100 DCHS 6 SJA 14 AWSDAA 36 35 97.2 SMA 49 47 95.9 SMSS 18 17 94.4 ITSS 57 53 93 DGS 90 CBSS 80 70 87.5 WHS 23 19 82.6 PSS 77 61 79.2 NEC 84 64 76.2 PCSS 59 38 GSS 32 16 50 OAINC 2 1 TOTAL 719 613 85.3
2018 CSEC Maths performance by school Maths entry Success % of entry CHS 83 73 88.0 SJA 14 12 85.7 SMSS 18 13 72.2 SMA 50 35 70.0 AWSDAA 33 23 69.7 CBSS 84 53 63.1 NEC 81 51 63.0 ITSS 52 29 55.8 DGS 99 48 48.5 PSS 80 37 46.3 DCHS 6 2 33.3 WHS 26.1 GSS 7 20.0 PCSS 60 10 16.7 OAINC 0.0 TOTAL 720 399 55.4
STANDING IN THE REGION Subject Dominica Region OVERALL 82.0 70.3 English A 85.3 71.7 Math 55.4 48.7 Chemistry 75.4 60.3 P.O.A 68.8 HSB 85.6 64.3 Info Tech 95.3 90.7 Agri Sci. (SA) 93.1 85.4 History 83.6 69.7 English B 85.1 78.3 Geography 87.8 Spanish 81.1 69.8 Inte Sci. 61.2 39 P.O.B 98.4 85.8
Science related results (2018) Subject Entry No. Success % Agri Sc.(DA) 12 100.0 Agri Sc. (SA) 159 148 93.1 Biology 180 157 87.2 Chemistry 114 86 75.4 HSB 277 237 85.6 Int. Science 294 61.2 Physics 98 81 82.7
Humanities related subjects Entry No. success % C. History 159 133 83.6 English B 87 74 85.1 French 162 112 69.1 Geography 98 86 87.8 Soc. Studies 485 413 85.2 Spanish 53 43 81.1
TVET related subjects Subject Entry No. Success % T, C & F 11 100 F, N & H 156 150 96.2 Fam & Resource Mgt 32 31 96.9 Tech. Draw 85 74 87.1 Ind. Tech Building 40 28 70.0 Ind. Tech Electrical 22
Business Subjects Subject Entry No. % Office Admin 141 138 97.9 P. Of Accounts 156 133 85.3 P. Of Business 372 366 98.4 EDPM 134 132 98.5 Economics 17 16 94.1
Other Subjects Info Tech. 107 102 95.3 Physical Educ. 187 186 99.5 Entry No. Success % Info Tech. 107 102 95.3 Physical Educ. 187 186 99.5 Theatre Arts 21 100 Visual Arts 8 2 25.0 Additional Math 18 15 83.3 Music 5 Religious Education
Performance summary There was a 3.6% percentage point increase in the overall performance in 2018. We continue to see a positive upward trend in performance. 67% of the students left Form 5 with good CSEC grades in at least 5 subjects. For 47% of the students, English and Math were included among the 5 subjects. Overall pass rate in English (85.3%) and Mathematics (55.4%) showed increases from last year 2017. 11 out of the 15 schools showed increases in their overall pass rate. There were marked increases in the pass rate for Dominica Community High School (13%), St. Martin Secondary (12%), Dominica Grammar School (9%) and the Arthur Waldron Seventh Day Adventist Academy (8%).
Performance summary Convent High School and St. John’s Academy continue to excel. 38 students from 11 schools received 6 ones and above. Dominica’s overall performance is some 12 points above regional average. Dominican students performed above the regional average in all except three subject areas (French, Industrial Tech Building and Visual Arts)