Social class and status Regional Identity Representation: The way individuals and groups are presented (or not presented) in the media and popular culture, often through stereotypical images that affect our view of gender, race/ethnicity, sexuality, social class, regional identity, status, age and ability. Gender Age Ethnicity Sexuality Social class and status Regional Identity Do you understand this media concept of representation?
Success criteria (7-minutes) Write and speak in full sentences. Each table has a advertisement. What does controversial mean? How is this advertisement controversial? How is a particular group of people (e.g., men, women, ethnic groups, etc.) portrayed/shown in your media text? Leader Note Maker Manager Support Speaker Success criteria (7-minutes) Write and speak in full sentences. Listen to each person and everyone in the group must contribute to the discussion. Try to use keywords that we have learned so far in your discussions; try to use exam language. Make at least 1 point
How are women and men represented in action films? To know the concept of representation. To understand how gender representation is used in action films. To be able to analyze different action film characters and scenes to discuss the representation of different genders. Representation; Vladmir Propp; Gender; Stereotype; Genre
Who do you think the target audience of action films tend to be? To know the concept of representation. To understand how gender representation is used in action films. In your groups, I want you to discuss the conventions of a action film. Who do you think the target audience of action films tend to be? Are action films easy to understand? Why? How do action films attract the target audience’s attention? Representation; Vladmir Propp; Gender; Stereotype; Genre
Representation; Vladmir Propp; Gender; Stereotype; Genre To know the concept of representation. To understand how gender representation is used in action films. Here we ask which common conventions action films share and find those within our own action films. However here, we also can say which conventions our action films subvert. Focus on Hero Villain (you’ll talk about them in more detail in next paragraph) Love inerest Chases Explosions and pyrotechnics Weapons Fight scenes Slide C Representation; Vladmir Propp; Gender; Stereotype; Genre
To know the concept of representation To know the concept of representation. To understand how gender representation is used in action films. Vladimir Propp was a literary critic and a scholar who founded the idea that a certain type of character was to be used in every narrative structure. His theory has influenced many filmmakers to writing and producing successful narratives. Propp also suggested that all fairy tales follow a specific narrative structure. Representation; Vladmir Propp; Gender; Stereotype; Genre
Propp suggested that every narrative has eight different character types, these character types are: The villain — fights the hero in some way. The dispatcher — character who makes the villain’s evil known and sends the hero off. The (magical) helper — helps the hero in the quest. The princess or prize — the hero deserves her throughout the story but is unable to marry her because of an unfair evil, usually because of the villain. The hero's journey is often ended when he marries the princess, thereby beating the villain and resulting in a “happily ever after” moment. The donor — prepares the hero or gives the hero some magical object. The hero or victim/seeker hero — reacts to the donor, weds the princess.
Representation; Vladmir Propp; Gender; Stereotype; Genre To know the concept of representation. To understand how gender representation is used in action films. VILLAIN/ANTAGONIST This is the character who struggles against the hero. Typically, with some sort of scarring. The villain will usually wear dark and mysterious colours, and not very attractive. This is to juxtapose between the hero and the villain; to highlight their differences. The villain in the picture is of “The Joker” who provides an evil presence in the movie: “The Dark Knight” Representation; Vladmir Propp; Gender; Stereotype; Genre
The character who invites the hero to eliminate the evil. To know the concept of representation. To understand how gender representation is used in action films. The Dispatcher The character who invites the hero to eliminate the evil. The “dispatcher” in the picture is of the character “Nick Fury” in “Avengers Assemble”. He collects the hero(s) in order to send them off to fight the evil presence. Representation; Vladmir Propp; Gender; Stereotype; Genre
The character who helps the hero fight against evil. To know the concept of representation. To understand how gender representation is used in action films. The Helper The character who helps the hero fight against evil. The Helper in the picture is “Robin” in “Batman and Robin”, he helps the hero by providing a physical presence in order to destroy the villain. Representation; Vladmir Propp; Gender; Stereotype; Genre
The character who needs to be rescued from the evil villain. To know the concept of representation. To understand how gender representation is used in action films. The Princess The character who needs to be rescued from the evil villain. The Princess in the picture is of “Gwen Stacey” in “The Amazing Spiderman”. She is taken by the villain and must be rescued by the hero. Representation; Vladmir Propp; Gender; Stereotype; Genre
Representation; Vladmir Propp; Gender; Stereotype; Genre To know the concept of representation. To understand how gender representation is used in action films. The Donor The character who offers some sort of help to the hero by providing an object(s) that will help the hero in his/her quest. The “donor” in the picture is of the character “Lucius Fox” in “Batman Begins”. He helps the hero (Batman) by providing him with weapons and armoury. Representation; Vladmir Propp; Gender; Stereotype; Genre
The most common character type To know the concept of representation. To understand how gender representation is used in action films. The Hero The most common character type The character who eliminates the villain and weds the princess. The example I have used is of “Spiderman” in which he eventually defeats the evil and weds the princess (Mary-Jane Watson) Representation; Vladmir Propp; Gender; Stereotype; Genre
In groups, you will watch an action film trailer. To be able to analyze different action film characters and scenes to discuss the representation of different genders. In groups, you will watch an action film trailer. You will identify the Propp characters, and how men and women are portrayed in the film. Representation; Vladmir Propp; Gender; Stereotype; Genre
http://www. youtube. com/results
To know the concept of representation. To understand how gender representation is used in action films. To be able to analyze different action film characters and scenes to discuss the representation of different genders. Make a prediction of what the movie is about. You will be writing a paragraph of how women and men are portrayed in the movie The Island. You will also gather examples from the movie of how genders are represented in the movie. Representation; Vladmir Propp; Gender; Stereotype; Genre