WMO GMAS Global Multi-Hazard Alert System Framework for Meteorological and Hydrological Early Warnings and Hazard Mapping Services Ivan Čačić President RA VI Member of WMO EC WG DRR / EG GMAS RA VI RECO, 5-6 February 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
Developent of Global DRR Services Platform Key Drivers WHY Background - World Meteorological Organization Convention: All WMO Members need to work together to coordinate, standardize, improve and encourage efficiencies in the exchange of meteorological, climatological and hydrological and related information between them, in the aid of human activities Meteorology is best coordinated at the international level The need for close cooperation with other international organizations Increasing impacts related to weather, water and climate hazards at the national, regional and global levels Significant advancements in the accuracy and timeliness of monitoring, forecasting and warnings capacities The development of global indicators to measure success of warnings (i.e. Sendai Framework Agreement) which will require coordinated responses from Members 2 /16 RA VI RECO, 5-6 February 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
Developent of Global DRR Services Platform Some roots of the WMO GMAS Initiative WHY Moscow meeting 14th October 2016, Moscow, Russian Federation Connecting EUMETNET, and Roshydromet under the RA VI umbrella Preliminary discussions on establishment of cooperation between the WMO/RA VI-Roshydromet-EUMETNET --- closer co-operation of Meteo-Alert and MeteoAlarm --- Moscow meeting has given initial momentum for launching WMO GMAS initiative, and acts as the first GMAS milestone 3 /16 RA VI RECO, 5-6 February 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
Developent of Global DRR Services Platform WMO GMAS Initiative WHY Excellent way to strengthen the authoritative source of information visibility of NMHS at the national, regional and global scales visibility of the WMO at the UN level Fits the need for an aggregated platform to inform on hazard-related events worldwide to support UN Humanitarian activities, including the new UN Operation and Crisis Center (UNOCC) known also as the “nerve centre of the United Nations” First Meeting of the Advisory Group and Technical Team on WMO GMAS Geneva, 13-15 March 2017 UNOCC is known as the “nerve centre of the United Nations”. The UNOCC provides support to senior leaders across the UN system, enabling informed, timely and coordinated decision-making and strategic engagement on UN field operations and crisis-related issues. UNOCC was established at UN Headquarter in a joint effort by 10 stakeholders, which represent the three UN pillars of peace and security, human rights and development. The UNOCC has three basic functions: situational awareness, crisis response support, and executive communication. 4 /16 RA VI RECO, 5-6 February 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
Developent of Global DRR Services Platform WMO GMAS Benefits WHY Provision of authoritative information and advice to agencies operating at global and regional levels (including UN and humanitarian agencies) Increased recognition of the NMHS products and services Increased standardization of hydrometeorological warning information among WMO Members (through utilization of Common Alerting Protocol) Increased sharing and harmonization of hydrometeorological warning and hazard products / information (when appropriate) among WMO Members Increased focus on NMHS capacity development to provide reliable, actionable and timely warnings for hydrometeorological hazards Better informed United Nations system, particularly decision makers in humanitarian agencies general public tourism sectors other sectors vulnerable to hydro-meteorological hazards through quick access to national warning information 5 /16 RA VI RECO, 5-6 February 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
RA VI RECO, 5-6 February 2018, Geneva, Switzerland GMAS Vision WHAT To be recognized globally by decision makers as a resource of authoritative warnings and information related to high-impact weather, water, ocean and climate events 6 /16 RA VI RECO, 5-6 February 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
WWIS/SWIC Existing DRR Services Platform Meteoalarm (EUMETNET)/ Meteo-Alert (Roshydromet) WWIS/SWIC 7 /16 RA VI RECO, 5-6 February 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
GMAS and the Filtered Alert Hub Existing DRR Services Platform Filtered Alert Hub (SWIC GMAS Demo) 13 March 2017 HOW Here is a screen shot, taken on March 4, showing then-recent alerts. 8 /16 RA VI RECO, 5-6 February 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
RA VI RECO, 5-6 February 2018, Geneva, Switzerland HOW ..................................... WIS 9 /16 RA VI RECO, 5-6 February 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
CBS/OPAG-PWS ICT/PWS, Beijing, China, 3– 4 November 2017 HOW 10 /16 CBS/OPAG-PWS ICT/PWS, Beijing, China, 3– 4 November 2017
GMAS Initiative Realization Process Expert Group on WMO GMAS HOW EG on WMO GMAS started to respond to the EC-69 request what should be worked out for the EC-70 GMAS Scope User requirements Stakeholder roles User / stakeholder benefits Policy aspects Project plan and roadmap also taking into account results of pilot and demonstration projects EG on WMO GMAS consists of the two TTs TT Policy TT Technical 1st meeting of EG on WMO GMAS Geneva 19-20 October 2017 11 /16 RA VI RECO, 5-6 February 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
GMAS Implementation Roadmap HOW Development Phase (2017 to 2020) GMAS Concept (mid 2017 - mid 2018) GMAS Concept to be submitted for approval by EC-70 GMAS Implementation Strategy (mid 2018– mid 2019) Subject to EC-70 approval GMAS Implementation Strategy will be developed and submitted for approval by Cg-18 GMAS Implementation Plan (mid 2019– mid 2020) GMAS Implementation Plan will be developed and submitted for approval by Cg-18 Implementation Phase (mid 2020–mid 2024) Implementation stage 1 (mid 2020 – mid 2022) major (priority) users, such as UN agencies that have operational activities Implementation stage 2 (mid 2022 – mid 2024) all users, all warnings Testing Phase (mid 2024–end 2024) System will run in a pre-operational mode to test all components and to identify and fix the problems Operational Phase (2025 onwards) GMAS will continue to evolve to improve its performance responding optimally to the needs of users and evolving technological opportunities 12 /16 RA VI RECO, 5-6 February 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
RA VI RECO, 5-6 February 2018, Geneva, Switzerland PRA Recommendations Presidents of Regional Associations were pleased with the development of the GMAS concept so far, and agreed that GMAS is a WMO global platform that will provide WMO Members, relevant UN agencies and humanitarian organizations, governments and other relevant stakeholders with an aggregated and standardized authoritative multi-hazard alerts and warnings issued by National Alerting Authorities (NAA)/NMHSs as the only authoritative source of alert and warning information through the aggregation of their common alerting protocols (CAPs) GMAS will also make available relevant information, tools, knowledge and training to all WMO Members including initiatives - pilot and demonstration projects - such as Meteoalarm, MeteoAlert, South East European Multi-Hazard Early Warning Advisory System (SEE-MHEWS-A) and GMAS-Asia Geneva, 21 January 2018 13 /16 RA VI RECO, 5-6 February 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
RA VI RECO, 5-6 February 2018, Geneva, Switzerland PRA Recommendations Presidents of Regional Associations were pleased with the development of the GMAS concept so far, and agreed that The objectives of GMAS To enhance the authoritative voice of Members’ NAA/ NMHSs in issuing official early warnings To enhance the visibility of WMO and its Members in contributing to the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals to the UN To address WMO Members’ needs for development impact-based forecasting and warning To provide a central repository for CAP messages of authoritative multi- hazard alerts and warnings GMAS Principles GMAS is neither replacing nor duplicating existing mechanisms developed under the auspices of the WMO technical commissions, regional associations and their respective programmes and projects 14 /16 RA VI RECO, 5-6 February 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
RA VI RECO, 5-6 February 2018, Geneva, Switzerland PRA Recommendations Presidents of Regional Associations were pleased with the development of the GMAS concept so far, and agreed that GMAS Principles GMAS is to facilitate and promote usage of existing national capabilities and national investment for further NMHS development cross boarder collaboration wherever / whenever is possible Important building block of the GMAS is the GDPFS with a role to support the NAA/NMHSs in tuning their perspective in the process of tailoring of national alerts and warnings / CAPs. Thus GDPFS with its centers of excellence act as an advisory entity and a vital source of information, in particular for developing and least developed Members that are primarily most vulnerable as global driving force for the national development and maintenance of its observation network and derivation of local NWP products primarily produced by the NMHSs 15 /16 RA VI RECO, 5-6 February 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
RA VI RECO, 5-6 February 2018, Geneva, Switzerland PRA Recommendations Presidents of Regional Associations were pleased with the development of the GMAS concept so far, and agreed that GMAS Principles GMAS development and implementation process will include: clear protocols, standards, code of behaviors - standard operative procedures - need to be elaborated Demonstration and pilot projects - to test Risk assessment - should be the vital part 16 /16 RA VI RECO, 5-6 February 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
Potential UNOCC support
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