Inter-Service Postal Training Activity Process Domestic Mail Requiring Special Services February 2018
TLO – Process Domestic Mail Requiring Special Services LESSON OUTCOME: Students will process domestic mail requiring special services IAW USPS and DOD directives/guidance. TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Action: Process Domestic Mail Requiring Special Services Condition: In a classroom environment; given access to the following material below and awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. : 1. RSS CPU, Keyboard, Wand, Receipt Printer, Clerk Display Monitor, Postage Validation Imprinter (PVI) 2. Student Handout 3. PS Label 11-B (Priority Mail Express Post Office to Addressee Service) 4. PS Label 11-B, Express Mail Post Office to Addressee Service PS Label 200 (Registered Mail Sticker) PS Form 2976 (Customs Declaration) PS Form 2976-A (Customs Declaration/Dispatch Note) PS Form 3800 (Receipt for Certified Mail) PS Form 3811 (Domestic Return Receipt) PS Form 3813 (Domestic Insured Mail Receipt, $500 and under) PS Form 3813-P (Domestic Insured Mail Receipt, Over $500) PS Form 3817 (Certificate of Mailing) TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE CONT’D: Standard: Process domestic mail requiring special services by using the correct forms and endorsements, access the correct amount of postage and fees, determine if mail is mailable, determine if special services are available, and verify the customer is authorized to use the Military Post Office (MPO) in order to achieve a minimum of 80% on performance-based test. The Army Learning Areas (ALA) are the baseline focal points Soldiers and Army Civilians must possess to prevail in the ambiguous environments that challenge the Army today. The four ALAs are: Army Profession and Leadership; Mission Command; Human Dimension; and Professional Competence. The Army Learning Area taxonomy provides a framework to assist in grouping the General Learning Outcomes. The four Army Learning Areas serve as the framework to catalogue the 14 General Learning Outcomes. The General Learning Outcomes (GLOs) are essential outcomes resulting from training, education, and experience along a career continuum of learning. There are three primary purposes for the Army General Learning Outcomes. First, they provide trainers and educators a lens into how effective they are in conveying their support material. Second, it assists in improving instructional design and/or training support packages. Finally it places responsibility on training and education proponents to be nested with ALAs. ALA: Professional Competence GLOs GLO 14: Soldiers and Army Civilians are technically and tactically competent.
Operational Variables (OE)
Familiarization of RSS System
Accepting Stamp Stock from COPE Login to RSS Clerk Start of Day Memo View Stock Levels Transfers Exist Stock Transfers Transfer After PS 17 prints, sign copies
Accepting MO from COPE Stock transfers – MOCLERK09 – select Starting SN XXXXXXXXXXX – Count 100 – Accept Money Order – Please confirm the contents of the money order transfer – Add Scan/Enter starting MO SN – green check Quantity – 100 – green check Accept – Please Wait... After PS 17’s prints, staple to page
Selling Money Order Select Sell MO Enter amount of MO – ENTER Select Take Payment Select Cash Key in cash amount – ENTER Change – Ok Insert money order into printer Verify printing – Yes
Cashing Money Order Money Order/Services - More Select Cashing USPS MO Enter Money Order amount – Green Check Check ID – Ok Reading Money Order – Insert upside down so the printer can read the SN and remove when done. Take Payment – Cash Enter Cash amount – Green Check Insert MO to endorse Verify endorsement - Yes
Void Money Order Money Order/Services – More Void Money Order – Insert MO upside down into printer as if endorsing Action – Void/Refund No witness available Stamp as Void – Please stamp “Spoiled” on the Money Order to be replaced Pay Customer Cash – Type in amount – Green Check
PE X Situation 1
Process Eagle Cash Card Transactions Clerk compares name printed on the back of the EC card against ID card Clerk inserts Customers EC card into EC POS Terminal Clerk enters amount of sale total into the EC POS Terminal Clerk verifies the amount entered Clerk rotates EC POS and asks customer to confirm sale amount on the EC POS terminal by entering their 4 digit PIN number POS: Clerk selects “End of Visit” on POS screen, keys in the amount debited from ECC, and then selects “Military Payment Card”
Insured Mail Available for all classes of mail Provides up to $5,000 indemnity coverage No record of insured mail kept at office of mailing
Categories of Insured Mail Insured Mail $500 and under For articles valued $500 or less (Insurance without a signature) Insured Mail Over $500 For articles valued $500.01 up to $5,000.00 (Insurance with a signature)
This portion is attached to the article. Completing PS Form 3813 This portion is attached to the article. This portion is given to the customer. 18.25 2 3.05 3 4 21.30 150.00 1
Placement of $500.00 and Under Insured Label MSG Terry North 117 Finance CO CMR 430, Box 15 APO AE 09096 PVI 8.55 PRIORITY MAIL Marie Boyd 1315 Davis Avenue Tallahassee, FL 34501
This portion is attached to the article. Completing PS Form 3813-P This portion is attached to the article. This portion is given to the customer. 2 3 5 6 7 550.00 1 4 18.25 5.10 2.55 30.65 4.75 9 8
Placement of Over $500 Insured Label MSG Terry North 117 Finance CO CMR 430, Box 15 APO AE 09096 PVI 10.25 PRIORITY MAIL Marie Boyd 1315 Davis Avenue Tallahassee, FL 34501
On Learning How much indemnity coverage does insured mail provide for lost, rifled, or damaged articles? What form is used to process articles being insured for $500 and under?
PE X Situation 2-3
Certified Mail Available only for Domestic mail sent at First-Class or Priority rate Does not offer insurance coverage Can be combined with other special services Fee is collected in addition to postage
Completing PS Form 3800 This portion is attached to the article. This portion is given to the customer. 7.75 3.10 10.85 2 3 4 1
Placement of Certified Mail Endorsement MSG Terry North 117 Finance CO CMR 430, Box 15 APO AE 09096 PVI 10.85 PRIORITY MAIL Kathy Lyons 18 Madison Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19153
On Learning What does Certified mail provide for customers? What postal form must a clerk prepare when certified mail is presented at the post office? Certified mail is available to be sent only for Domestic mail. At which class and rate can it be sent?
PS Form 3811 Return Receipt Gives notice of delivery back to the sender No record is maintained at office of mailing Available only in conjunction with: Registered Insured ($500 and over) Certified Express
Fees and Services Mailer pays Return Receipt fee in addition to postage and any other fees Can be requested at time of mailing and after the date of mailing Time service is requested affects amount of fee collected
Completing PS Form 3811 FRONT 4 BACK 1 3 2 SSG Mary Strong HQ, 40 ENGR GP Unit 23803, Box 55 APO AE 09034 FRONT 4 Ann Christian 123, 46th Street Indianapolis, IN 46226 1 BACK 3 2 X VB 044634713US
Placement of Return Receipt SSG Mary Strong HQ, 40 ENGR GP Unit 23803, Box 55 APO AE 09034 PVI 19.90 APDS not required for Insured mail PRIORITY MAIL Return Receipt Requested Tom Goodson 123, 46th Street Indianapolis, IN 46226 Ann Christian 123, 46th Street Indianapolis, IN 46226 Classroom purpose place on back of article X VH 345 280 255 US
Void Personal Check Turn To Page 15 In Student Handout Instructor Will Guide Through Procedure
On Learning Where must the clerk place the “Return Receipt Requested” endorsement on a package or letter? What does the Return Receipt service provide for the mailer?
PE X Situation 4
Certificate of Mailing Provides written evidence of mailing only Does not provide insurance coverage Must be completed by the mailer Fee is included as a separate transaction on PS Form 3817
Cancel only if stamps are used. Completing PS Form 3817 Certificate of Mailing This Certificate of Mailing provides evidence that mail has been presented to USPS for Mailing. This form may be used for domestic and international mail. - From: _________________________________________ __________________________________________ To: ___________________________________________ PS Form 3817, April 2007 PSN 7530-02-000-9065 To pay fee, affix stamps or meter postage here. SPC Paul Anderson 562 TC Unit 22471, Box 11 APO AE 09069 1 $1.30 3 Ms. Mary Johnson 2 126 E. Garci Street Madison, WI 53136 Cancel only if stamps are used.
On Learning What type of service does Certificate of Mailing provide? How are the transactions for the postage and fees calculated?
PE X Situation 5-8
Registered Mail Most secure service available. Registered mail with or without value Used for mailing classified up to SECRET material Clerk must have a Secret Security Clearance to handle Official Registered Mail Not available with Express mail service
Acceptance Requirements Must be mailed at the First-Class or Priority mail rate ONLY Must be completely sealed on all sides of the article
Self-Sealing Envelope with Paper Tape
APDS is placed along all APDS on Box Articles APDS is placed along all edges of the tape on the parcel.
Placement of APDS Using Registered Mail Service Tom Goodson 123, 46th Street Indianapolis, IN 46226 X RB 044 634 713 US
PS Form 3806 Receipt for Registered Mail Customer completes customer portion. Clerk verifies customer information then completes required portion. Original goes to the customer. Duplicate kept for office records.
Completing PS Form 3806 4 5 1 6 2 3 Student’s Signature RB 812 754 230 US 4 .87 5 13.95 X 14.82 1 6 Student’s Signature 398.00 LT Alan Duggins 176 PSC Unit 22438, Box 15 APO AE 09069 2 Ms. Sally Thomas 126 W. Lane Drive Jersey City, NJ 04079 3
Placement of Label 200 FIRST CLASS $5.00 LT Alan Duggins 176 PSC Unit 22438, Box 15 APO AE 09069 Ms. Sally Thomas 126 W. Lane Drive Jersey City, NJ 04079 $.37 $5.00 $2.00 FIRST CLASS Place Label 200 above delivery address and to the right of the return address.
Postmarking and Canceling Cancel postage stamps with APDS Apply APDS on address side of article wrapper Apply APDS at all intersecting seams DO NOT USE a cancelling bar on Registered Mail
ON LEARNING What is the most secure means of mailing an item? What is the stipulation for self-sealing envelopes with registered mail? How is the fee to register an article determined?
Restricted Delivery Permits mailer to direct delivery only to the addressee or addressee’s authorized agent. Addressee’s agent must be authorized in writing to receive mail. CANNOT be addressed to: Company Corporation Firm
Restricted Delivery Can only be obtained with: Registered Certified If insured for more than $200 Fee is paid in addition to postage and any other fees. Service does not require a form.
Placement of Restricted Delivery Endorsement MSG Terry North 117 Finance CO CMR 430, Box 15 APO AE 09096 PVI 9.37 RESTRICTED DELIVERY FIRST CLASS Randy Thomas 4557-C Parker Lane Columbia, SC 29206
On Learning What is Restricted Delivery? What are the ONLY services that can be requested with Restricted Delivery? Where is the Restricted Delivery endorsement placed on mail?
PE X Situation 9 - 11
Customs Declaration Two forms – PS Form 2976, Customs Declaration CN 22 and PS Form 2976-A, Customs Declaration and Dispatch Note CP 72 For all mail containing merchandise addressed for delivery within the Customs Territory of the United States (CTUS). Not required for official mail. Lists and describes the entire contents of the article.
Procedures When Concealing Items To conceal the nature of the contents or when value exceeds $400: Enclose completed 2976-A inside package. Affix upper portion of 2976 to article. Discard lower portion. MPO retains post office copy for their files. Mailer is solely responsible for complying with laws and regulations.
Completing PS Form 2976-A (Upper Portion) White John B. White John B 2 72nd SIG BN Unit 31121, Box 10 APO AE 09164 32 50 72nd SIG BN Unit 31121, Box 10 Wright LaTonya APO AE 09164 1 168 Howe Street Wright LaTonya 48915 Lansing MI 168 Howe Street 48915 Lansing MI
Completing Customs Declaration (Lower Portion) 1 2 3 4 1 $80 00 10 $50 00 1 $25 00 Sony radio – made in USA Cassette tapes Pair of headphones 20 21 6 8 9 5 X X 7 14 8 $155 00 11-12 10 14 13 John B. White 11 10 2010
Completing PS Form 2976 1 2 5 3 4 John B. White 14NOV10 This portion is kept at the Post Office. This portion is attached to the article. SPC John B. White 1 72 SIG BN X Unit 31121, Box 10 Leather Boots 1 3 7 $145 APO AE 09164 Men’s Silk Tie 3 8 $150 5 2 3 Ms. Mary R. Wright 4 3 15 295 168 Howe Street Lansing, MI 48915 John B. White 14NOV10
Placement of PS Form 2976 PRIORITY SPC John B. White 72nd SIG BN Unit 31121, Box 10 APO AE 09264 PVI 7.60 PRIORITY x shirt 1 shoes 1pr 1 2 25 Johnny Smith 21 Dec 11 Ms. Mary R. Wright 168 Howe Street Lansing, MI 48915
Bona Fide Gifts Duty-free, unsolicited gift. Gift does not exceed $100 (U.S.) and $200 (Guam, American Samoa & Virgin Islands) in value. Each article or parcel has a customs declaration form attached. “Unsolicited Gifts” is clearly marked on each parcel.
Bona Fide Gifts (Cont.) Parcels valued more than $100 are entitled to free entry and must be endorsed correctly. Contains individually wrapped and addressed gifts. Endorsement Example: “Three Bona Fide Gifts Each Not Exceeding $100 in Value”. A parcel that contains more than one package for a single person. Endorsement Example: “No One Individual Receiving Gifts Exceeding $100 in Value”.
Exemptions From Customs Duty Personal and Household Effects Personnel under government orders Place orders inside envelope (PS Form 2976-E) or inside the parcel. Endorse “Returned Personal Effects-Orders Enclosed, Unsolicited Gift, and American Goods Returned.” Complete and attach customs declaration form.
Exemptions From Customs Duty (Cont.) U.S. Merchandise Articles grown, produced, or manufactured in the U.S. with no increase in value or improvement in condition. Complete and attach customs declaration form Endorse customs declaration: “American Goods Returned.”
On Learning What are the two customs declaration forms? What should be endorsed on a parcel containing individually wrapped and addressed gifts valued at more than $100? When can personal household effects or personnel stationed outside the CTUS be exempt from customs duty?
Clerks Close-Out Procedures For The Day Refer to student handout page 17, Closeout Procedures
PE X Situation 12
TLO – Process Domestic Mail Requiring Special Services LESSON OUTCOME: Students will process domestic mail requiring special services IAW USPS and DOD directives/guidance. TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Action: Process Domestic Mail Requiring Special Services Condition: In a classroom environment; given access to the following material below and awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. : 1. RSS CPU, Keyboard, Wand, Receipt Printer, Clerk Display Monitor, Postage Validation Imprinter (PVI) 2. Student Handout 3. PS Label 11-B (Priority Mail Express Post Office to Addressee Service) 4. PS Label 11-B, Express Mail Post Office to Addressee Service PS Label 200 (Registered Mail Sticker) PS Form 2976 (Customs Declaration) PS Form 2976-A (Customs Declaration/Dispatch Note) PS Form 3800 (Receipt for Certified Mail) PS Form 3811 (Domestic Return Receipt) PS Form 3813 (Domestic Insured Mail Receipt, $500 and under) PS Form 3813-P (Domestic Insured Mail Receipt, Over $500) PS Form 3817 (Certificate of Mailing) TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE CONT’D: Standard: Process domestic mail requiring special services by using the correct forms and endorsements, access the correct amount of postage and fees, determine if mail is mailable, determine if special services are available, and verify the customer is authorized to use the Military Post Office (MPO) in order to achieve a minimum of 80% on performance-based test. The Army Learning Areas (ALA) are the baseline focal points Soldiers and Army Civilians must possess to prevail in the ambiguous environments that challenge the Army today. The four ALAs are: Army Profession and Leadership; Mission Command; Human Dimension; and Professional Competence. The Army Learning Area taxonomy provides a framework to assist in grouping the General Learning Outcomes. The four Army Learning Areas serve as the framework to catalogue the 14 General Learning Outcomes. The General Learning Outcomes (GLOs) are essential outcomes resulting from training, education, and experience along a career continuum of learning. There are three primary purposes for the Army General Learning Outcomes. First, they provide trainers and educators a lens into how effective they are in conveying their support material. Second, it assists in improving instructional design and/or training support packages. Finally it places responsibility on training and education proponents to be nested with ALAs. ALA: Professional Competence GLOs GLO 14: Soldiers and Army Civilians are technically and tactically competent.