Rising Freshmen Information Session April 2018 A.C. Flora High School School Overview: Who, What, When, Where, and How Rising Freshmen Information Session April 2018
A.C. Flora: The “Who,” “What,” “When,” “Where,” “How” Before we get started… Please hold your question(s) for the end of the presentation. All information we cover tonight will be available online. It’s not all about the schedule. Remember the big picture. Middle school was the step to high school and high school is the step to what? Career? Military? College? What do I need to do in order to get there (career, military, college)? How can I become involved? What experience can I get? What classes do I need? What are my academic goals? What are my strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes? Do I want to take every art class? What about engineering-related classes? What are my personal goals? Do I want to run for Student Government? Play a sport? Be in a play?
Who: Who is my Administrator and/or Counselor? Administration Susan Childs, Principal Tori Simmons, AP for 9th Grade Ricky Moye, AP for 10th Grade Tiffany Ligon, AP for 11th Grade Lillian Herrington, AP for 12th Grade Brent Davis, AP for Special Education Program Counselors Jessica Tomlin, Director, 11th-12th, IB Program Vierean Bartley, 9th-12th, Last Names A-B James Major, 9th-12th, Last Names C-I Julia Pauciello, 9th-12th, Last Names J-P Sam Murphy, 9th-12th, Last Names Q-Z
Who: Who is enrolled at AC Flora? Total Enrollment: approximately 1400 students Freshman Class: 390 Sophomore Class: 360 Junior Class: 350 Senior Class: 300
What: What do classes look like? A.C. Flora follows an A/B Clock Schedule, alternating A-Day and B-Day classes. Register for 8 classes, 4 on “A Day” and 4 on “B Day,” 90-minutes The average class size has 27 students. The South Carolina Uniform Grading Policy is used to calculate GPAs and Class Rank.
When: When does school start and end? School opens at 7:45am and classes begin at 8:00am. All grades (9-12) have lunch during the same time. Period Class Begins Class Ends 1st 8:00 9:41 2nd 9:47 11:20 Lunch 11:55 3rd 12:01 1:35 4th 1:41 3:15 Students have 6 minutes in between each block to get to their next class. School ends at 3:15. Tutoring is held from 3:30-4:30 Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
Where: Where are freshmen classes? Block A-Day B-Day 1 Biology Elective (Ex: Art) 2 (Ex: PE) English 3 Social Studies (World History) Language (Ex: French C/C) 4 (Ex: Journalism) Math (Ex: Algebra 1) Block A-Day B-Day 1 Language (Ex: Spanish 1) Elective (Ex: PE) 2 Math (Ex: Geometry) (Ex: Digital Tech) 3 (Ex: Chorus) English 4 Biology Social Studies (Ex: AP Human Geo) 100 Building – Languages 200 Building - Science 300 Building – English, Math, Social Studies, Language, Electives 400 Building – English, Math, Social Studies, Science 500 Building – Social Studies, E2020 800 Building – Visual and Performing Arts, Computer (CATE) JROTC or GYM
Where: Where are OTHER classes? Heyward Career and Technology Center Some CATE classes are offered at Flora through our CATE Cluster: Business and Management. However, the majority are offered at Heyward Career and Technology Center through other CATE Programs such as Sports Medicine, Design Technology, Welding, Cosmetology, Networking, etc. Rising freshmen will have the opportunity to learn more about these classes during their freshman year at “Heyward Day” and/or “Heyward Tours.” They also hold parent information sessions throughout the year. Virtual SC A free state-sponsored online program offering online courses aligned to state standards that are developed and taught by SC licensed teachers. Students in grades 7-12 can take VirtualSC courses. To see what courses are being offered, and during what time frame (year- long, fall/spring semester, or summer session), visit their website at www.virtualsc.org Remember: Big Picture! Keep your goals in mind. VirtualSC should be used as a SUPPORT program (ex: elective courses, not necessarily core courses). Talk about VirtualSC with your Counselor. If you sign up for a course, you need a Counselor’s approval.
How: How can I get involved? 24 Varsity Sports Programs 51 Competitive Sports Teams 57 Student Clubs Student Government Performing Arts Ensembles Various Honor Societies