Sleep Disorders-NREM NREM is 75% of all sleep time (>=slower) Stage 1-5% of the night Stage 2-48% of the night Stage 3 (delta)-7% of the night Stage 4-15% of the night Muscles mover during NREM, metabolic functions slow down & 20% of dreams*
Sleep Disorders-REM During REM, you have muscle paralysis, erections and much more vivid dreams Newborns dream 80% of time By age 2, REM sleep is 33% of total sleep time, approaching adolescent levels
Sleep Disorders Insomnias (> 30’ to fall or return to sleep, 3+/wk) Insomnia (middle and late in elderly) Dysomnias (or less than satisfying sleep) Psysiological causes Sleep Apnea (obstructive or central) Narcolepsy (“REM on a rampage”) Periodic limb movement/restless leg syndrome
Assessment Measures Epworth Sleepiness Scale Pittsburgh Quality Index Duration, at least 1 month, but usually 6 Assess routine (including a 2 week sleep diary* )and meds. Ex. Recent study found that people who sleep with TV or noise have poorer QOS….even “white noise” Ex. Acetimiophen has caffiene where Iboprfen does not
How to Become an Insomniac Keep unrealistic sleep goal Catastrophize about not meeting this goal Nap in daytime/spend more time in bed Spend all of the desperate hours fighting to get to sleep in bed (stimulus for upset) Make bed center for activity Start taking sleep medications (REM reb.)
Sleep Hygiene-Avoid Excessive noise “Stress” (activities of worries @ bedtime) Uncomfortable bed Caffeine (< 2 hours of bedtime) Cigarettes (< 2 hours of bedtime) Alcohol Napping (longer awake, faster/deeper sleep) Extra wink in morning Variable bedtimes or morning wake-up times
Sleep Hygiene-Maintain 60-65 degrees Fahrenheit in bedroom Early afternoon or evening exercise Satisfying (safe) sex Light snacks (hunger aggravates sleep) Warm milk or Ovaltine Awake same time/go to bed only when sleepy Imagine a tranquil place and calming sounds If repeatedly awake 20 minutes after retiring, relax in another room and return to bed only when tired
Treatment Most treatments are initially behavioral conditioning-stimulus control Cognitive Arousal/Refocusing Exs. Paradoxical or focus on the sensation in body part Physiological PMR Imaging Biofeedback