Action Learning Pilot Programme Project Khaedu Social Welfare Pietermaritzburg Project Khaedu Social Welfare Pietermaritzburg 14 October 2005
Agenda Executive summary Situation Complications Some suggestions
Executive summary and key message Social security can significantly improve its grant application process, but needs to decentralise. Social Welfare Services is critically short of key resources and could consider devolving some of the functions in order to cope. PMB District Office is assisting a substantial number of citizens on a weekly basis under very difficult conditions with excellent team spirit at a section level
Situation Social security can significantly improve its grant application process, but needs to decentralise. Social Welfare Services is critically short of key resources and could consider devolving some of the functions in order to cope. Application process is very long and time consuming Citizens very unhappy with the overall process and service levels Substantial increase in grant applications Staff are not multi-skilled Lack of delegation of responsibility to District Offices Insufficient managerial staff Vacancies and secondments restrict service delivery Insufficient and out-dated equipment Unpleasant working conditions (e.g. no air conditioners for front line staff) Situation
The PMB district office processes over 3,000 applications per month Age limit for child support grant increased from 11 to 14 years HIV & AIDS causing increasing numbers of Disability grants Grants processed per month
…which has impacted service delivery I have been told to come back 3 times now and still my application is not ready… I have been waiting the whole day here…
Very good Good OK Poor V. poor Our citizens are unhappy with the service we are offering, mainly due to long wait times and repeated visits for the same thing
Key resources are critically short… HUMAN RESOURCES 12% Overall Staff vacancy rate in the Social Security Section Head of Social Security post vacant for 6 months 16% of production level staff are seconded to Regional Office 40% vacancy rate in Social Workers Social Workers carrying a case load of 400 cases, whilst norm is 100 Social Development has only one incumbent seconded from Social Work and 3 vacancies HUMAN RESOURCES 12% Overall Staff vacancy rate in the Social Security Section Head of Social Security post vacant for 6 months 16% of production level staff are seconded to Regional Office 40% vacancy rate in Social Workers Social Workers carrying a case load of 400 cases, whilst norm is 100 Social Development has only one incumbent seconded from Social Work and 3 vacancies PHYSICAL RESOURCES Additional computers are required and existing ones need to be upgraded Frontline staff have no air conditioners Furniture is old and dilapidated Shortage of outside shelter for clients Office layout not conducive to a production line PHYSICAL RESOURCES Additional computers are required and existing ones need to be upgraded Frontline staff have no air conditioners Furniture is old and dilapidated Shortage of outside shelter for clients Office layout not conducive to a production line
Staff morale appears low… Very good Good OK Poor V. poor The department does so much that we dont know what to focus on Management has no trust in the staff The system is over-regulated
…but Batho Pele revitalisation is seen to be successful Question: Is this not as a result of staff not wanting to be seen in a bad light?
Complications Application process is very long and time consuming Citizens very unhappy with the overall process and service levels Substantial increase in grant applications Staff are not multi-skilled Lack of delegation of responsibility to District Offices Insufficient managerial staff Vacancies and secondments restrict service delivery Insufficient and out-dated equipment Unpleasant working conditions (e.g. no air conditioners for front line staff) Process is fragmented, complicated and duplicative Organisation management complicates service delivery improvement The physical environment impedes workflow SituationComplications Social security can significantly improve its grant application process, but needs to decentralise. Social Welfare Services is critically short of key resources and could consider devolving some of the functions in order to cope.
Complications Process is severely fragmented resulting in limited management of the overall process Poor production monitoring (gathering of workflow information / statistics) Poor workflow management resulting in severe bottlenecks and backlogs -Scanning -Registry Unrealistic and un-informed norms Fraud and corruption an ongoing threat Confiscation of files by audit team complicated process significantly Litigation increased significantly due to backlogs in the process HIV&AIDS increasing volumes Outdated and unreliable technology with little pro-active maintenance impedes process flow ProcessOrganisation management Physical environment Minimal obvious change management at a national & provincial level with regard to the future and SASSA -Staff unsure about their future role -Major improvements in limbo Minimal obvious service delivery improvement at the regional level Appears to be a lack of communication between management and staff (affects morale) Decision-making appears highly centralised, with frequent interference from outside the office, especially -Training -Recruiting Lack of stable leadership (many changes, many acting positions) leading to inexperience at senior levels Inappropriate control measures slow the process, but do little to prevent fraud Existing process will not allow department to reach MECs turnaround target Lack of cooperation between Social Welfare and Home Affairs Internal general management controls appear to be neglected Impedes workflow Affects employee morale Unsuitable customer facilities
Batching and movement of files causes severe backlogs
The current grant application process is long, complicated, fragmented and duplicative Applican t arrives and sits in queue Prescreen: check docs & status on SOCPEN 1 st attesting officer interviews and fills application form (manually) 2 nd attesting officer checks application Data capture Registry batches and sends weekly to Regional Office (RO) RO Registry accepts files and signs Data processing and approval File batched Files moved to electronic registration File prepared for scanning File scanned Yes No? 2 nd attesting officer completes register Applicant told to return in 3 months Files re- checked and sorted into type and category Files batched at Registry Load approval onto SOCPEN Yes Query or non- approval Beneficiary has bank acc? No? Yes Payment initiated File to Registry Print letter No? Go and get document s Files moved to registry (RO) Files batched and moved DO DO Registry File to enrol- ment officer Applicant returns to enquire if approval granted Applicant queues for enro- lment officer Enrol- ment officer logs approval Applicant to CPS officer for payment card Beneficiar y leaves to collect payment Currently 3-6 months
Retention of our remaining social workers is a challenge under existing conditions Salary progression at the District level a significant source of discontent and poor morale Absence of Performance Management and Assessment fuelling poor morale Feel left out – lack of overall cohesion in the office Poor communication with management Retention strategy not successful at district level Social Workers carrying a case load of 400 cases, whilst norm is 100
Complications Application process is very long and time consuming Citizens very unhappy with the overall process and service levels Substantial increase in grant applications Staff are not multi-skilled Lack of delegation of responsibility to District Offices Insufficient managerial staff Vacancies and secondments restrict service delivery Insufficient and out-dated equipment Unpleasant working conditions (e.g. no air conditioners for front line staff) Process is fragmented, complicated and duplicative Organisation management complicates service delivery improvement The physical environment impedes workflow SituationComplications Social security can significantly improve its grant application process, but needs to decentralise. Social Welfare Services is critically short of key resources and could consider devolving some of the functions in order to cope. Immediate: lift the 3-month lapse period on grant applications Short-medium term: eliminate duplicative and non-value- adding process steps; bring data capturers forward to client; eliminate scanning. Turanaround time (TAT) = 2w Long-term: all application and approval functions done at District office. TAT= 2-4hrs Ongoing:improve organisational & people management Suggestion
Non-value-adding and duplicative steps can be removed… Applican t arrives and sits in queue Prescreen: check docs & status on SOCPEN 1 st attesting officer interviews and fills application form (manually) 2 nd attesting officer checks application Data capture Registry batches and sends weekly to Regional Office (RO) RO Registry accepts files and signs Data processing and approval File batched Files moved to electronic registration File prepared for scanning File scanned Yes No? 2 nd attesting officer completes register Applicant told to return in 3 months Files re- checked and sorted into type and category Files batched at Registry Load approval onto SOCPEN Yes Query or non- approval Beneficiary has bank acc? No? Yes Payment initiated File to Registry Print letter No? Go and get document s Files moved to registry (RO) Files batched and moved DO DO Registry sends SMS to applicant File to enrol- ment officer Applicant returns to enrol Applicant queues for enro- lment officer Enrol- ment officer logs approval Applicant to CPS officer for payment card Beneficiar y leaves to collect payment Currently 3-6 months
…simplifying and shortening the process Applican t arrives and sits in queue Prescreen: check docs & status on SOCPEN 1 st attesting officer interviews and... Captures data on system Registry batches file and sends daily to Regional Office (RO) RO Registry accepts files and signs Data processing and approval Yes No? Load approval onto SOCPEN Yes Query or non- approval Beneficiary has bank acc? No? Yes Payment initiated File to Registry Print letter No? Go and get document s Files batched and moved DO DO Registry sends SMS to applicant File to enrol- ment officer Applicant returns to to enrol Enrol- ment officer logs approval Applicant to CPS officer for payment card Beneficiar y leaves to collect payment 2 weeks Check sample
Minimal physical changes will enable the process change at the District Office Signage Numbering system for queue management Signage Help desk 1 queue Pre-screen – check if got docs (but no system check) 1-2 checkers File to registry Regional office
Majority of customers have cell phone access Many grant applications cannot be linked to a postal address Not knowing when applications have been approved is a major frustration, which could be partially solved using a simple SMS message Why cant they tell me when my grant is ready? I have come 4 times now and it costs me lots of money to come here Customer survey 11 Oct 05
Scanning is a major bottleneck and appears to add little value Preparation Scanning Regional Office Registry Data processing & approval District office CurrentProposed Regional Office Registry Data processing & approval District office Scanning currently appears to add minimal value: District cannot access (login does not work) Rarely use it when they can login Image not linked to SOCPEN system Severely impeding process
Long-term change Signage Numbering system for queue management Signage Help desk 1 queue Pre-screen – check if got docs (but no system check) 1-2 checkers CPS for card Data capture, check system, approve, print letter Audit unit Registry Entire process = 2-4 hrs
The regional and district office functions will merge, while other functions will be handled by Head Office Audit unit Monitoring and evaluation Litigation Policy and research Head Office Regional Office District Office Combine functions Application and enrolment Appeals
The organisation would function more smoothly if key functions are decentralised –Decentralisation Recommendation of appointments –District/Regional office to recommend Level 1 to Level 12 –Provincial Head office to recommend Level 13 & above Approval of appointments –District/Regional office to approve Level 1 to Level 10 –Provincial Head office to approve Level 11 & above –Managers and Supervisors to be involved in the recruitment & selection process.
–Communication Between district & region Between district & clients Within offices (district and regional) –Organisational structure Review existing organisational structure Fill critical vacant posts Consider relocating the Social Development function to Economic Development –Training & Development Involve managers and supervisors in staff development Multi-skill and re-skill staff Consider reducing load on qualified social workers by developing auxiliary social workers and lay probation officers –Implementation of effective Performance Management Development System Develop norms, job descriptions KPAs & Core Management Criteria M&E the KPA & Core Management Criteria Feedback to staff Organisational management changes could improve employee morale…
Physical Environment & Resources –Ensure adequate and suitable office space –Office furniture and staff comfort area –Office equipment Reliable networks Upgrade computers & printers –Office maintenance and cleaning –Adequate shelter for customers …as well as the physical working environment
Client Questionnaire: Social Welfare
The process can be shortened significantly Signage – rules & requirements Information / Help Desk / Enquiries Investigate use of SMS technology to communicate with beneficiaries Consider multi-skilling and bankers queue Lengthen opening hours & Flexi-time Remove function of 2 nd attesting officer but implement sample checking